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1、Module 7 Unit 1 He cant see.授课时间:教学目标1.会读、写show, useful, blind, deaf, hear, firefighter,s ausage,kind这些单词。2.掌握He/she/They can/cant并用can /cant 谈论能力。3.培养学生听说读写的能力。4.培养学生的合作的能力。5.通过本课的学习,教育学生要关心残疾人。教学重点掌握He/she/They can/cant并用can /cant 谈论能力。教学难点Can和 cant的综合运用。教学用具单词卡片、录音机。教学过程一、Warmer 1.Greeting2.“ Can

2、 you run fast?”“Can you play football?”“Can you play the flute?”“Can you read this?”write“Community,He cant see.” on the board.二、Leading in1. Listen and chantTake out a pen and a Pencil and say:Pens are very useful. Pencils are very useful too.Write useful on the boardDo you like dogs?Dogsare very u

3、seful.Today were going to talk about special dogs.”三、Learning Step1 Look and learn.1. Show the pictures about the blind man and the deaf man to Ss .And say: This man is blind. He cant see. This girl is deaf . She cant hear.” 2. Teach the words and sentences.(可以做相关的动作帮助理解) 3. Show the picture about f

4、iremen and teach.4.What is this?Take out hot dog .And teach.Step2. Learn the text.贷:以前年度损益调整营业收入 10001. Play the tape.“Whats happened?”2. Play the tape again.“ Find the sentences about the cant.”3. Play the tape for third time.4. Get Ss read in group.一 、填空题(每空1分,共20分)四、Practice.E优球蛋白溶解时间检查血液中纤溶活性板书设

5、计:C清除凝血因子a、a、a的作用减弱Module 7 Community Unit 1 He cant see.He is blind. She is deaf. 11、EIS(经理信息系统)的专供()。The dogs help him/her/them.答案 AShe cant hear.The firemen cant find people.Answer:C溶血性贫血“Yes, I can.”“No, I cant”“No, I cant”题解 a-TF复合物既可激活因子(传统通路),也可激活因子(选择通路),从而启动凝血反应。Look and say.教后反思:继续涉入资产次级权益 l 000万元借:以前年度损益调整管理费用 150


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