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1、Section A. Material analysis本课是初中阶段的第一节课。主要活动是1a, 2a和3a。通过中国的康康(Kangkang)在机场迎接从国外来的Michael, Jane和Maria, 学习有关问候、介绍、辨认他人、欢迎及感谢等表达方式;同时还将学习有关国家和城市的名称,如:China, the USA, the UK, Hong Kong, Beijing等;另外,还将学习英文字母AaGg。 教师可采用师生互动、生生互动、游戏等教学方式;同时要关注学生的个性差异,发挥学生的积极性和主动性,为以后的英语学习创造一个好的开端。. Teaching aims1. Knowle

2、dge aims能够正确朗读并运用下列词汇:good, morning, I, am, welcome, China, thank, hello, are, yes, no 等; 能够熟练读写字母 AaGg,并认识到字母有印刷体和书写体、大写和小写之分; 能够用英语熟练表达问候和介绍: Hello! / Hi! Welcome to China! Thank you. / Thanks. I am / Im Are you?2. Skill aims 能听懂有关问候、介绍、辨认他人、欢迎及感谢等的表达方式; 能运用表示问候、介绍、辨认他人、欢迎及感谢等的表达方式进行简单的交流; 能正确地朗读对

3、话,并能注意语音语调; 能正确书写和使用大小写字母。3. Emotional aims 能够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践; 能够认真、规范书写英文字母和单词; 能够体会到英语学习的兴趣,养成良好的英语学习习惯。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points 正确使用表示问候、介绍、辨认他人、欢迎及感谢等的表达方法; 正确书写AaGg大小写字母。2. Difficult points Be动词am, are的应用; 大小写字母的转化。. Learning strategies使用抽认卡学习英文字母是一种既简单又有趣的学习方法。. T

4、eaching aids录音机、教学挂图、闪卡和黑板。. Teaching procedures Step Interaction patternsStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction (6minutes)1.The wholeclass work.2.The wholeclass work.3.Pair work.1.The students reply with “Good morning.”2.Four or five studentsresponse the teacher. 3.Practice the dialoguein pai

5、rs, and then two pairs show the dialogue.Before class, everyone gets an English name for himself/herself, and my English name is Denny.1.The teacher comes into classwith smile and says: “Good morning.” Repeat it for several times and write it down on the blackboard.2.Walk to one student and say“Good

6、 morning. I am Denny.”(早上好!我是丹妮) Repeat it.3.Choose two pairs to show thedialogue.Presentation(15minutes)1.Pair work. 2.The wholeclass work.3.The wholeclass work and pair work.4.The wholeclass work.1.Do1a. Two students make a dialogue to the whole class. 2.The students say,“Thank you.”3.The students

7、 follow the tape for two times.And greet withteacher.T: Are you ?S: Yes, I am. / No, Im not.(Shake hands witheach other.)T: Nice to meet you.S:Nice to meet you, too.4.Do 2a. Look at the picture and guess the main idea, and then listen to the tape and follow it for two times. 1.Show the picture of 1a

8、, and introduce the four characters to students. “Good morning. I am Kangkang.”Introduce other characters in the same way. (老师可模仿不同人物的声音)Write down the new words and sentences (I am Kangkang.=Im Kangkang) on the blackboard. 2.Walk to the students and say:“Welcome to China!”3.Play the tape. And use t

9、he name list to know the new students. Then walk to one of the students and greet with him / her.4.Show the pictures of 2a and let students guess the main idea of them, and then play the tape.Consolidation (8minutes)1.Individualwork.2.Pair work.1.Do 1b. Listen and number the following names.2.Do 1c.

10、 Practice the words of places in pairs using the sentences: A:Good morning. Im B: Good morning.A: Welcome to B: Thank you.1.Play the tape and check theanswer.2.Show the words of places and teach the words “the USA and the UK.”Then give students one minute to practice.Practice(10minutes)1.Group work.

11、2.Individualwork.3.Individualwork and the whole class work.1.Do 2b. Look at the key sentences to make up conversations in groups. Then two groups show the dialogues to the whole class.A:Hello!/Good morning! / Hi! Im Are you?B:2.Do 3a. Listen to the teacher carefully, observing the teachers mouth. An

12、d imitate the pronunciation. Then try to write down the letters with correct stroke order with book closed. Open the books and self-check their own spellings. After that, students follow the teacher to trace the letters in the air with their hands and read them.3.Do 3b. Listen and number the followi

13、ng letters, then circle the letters with the same sound as Bb. Then the whole class check the answers.1.Write down the key sentences on the blackboard and ask students to make new conversations.18急性胰腺炎病人可发生弥散性血管内凝血。( )2.Show the letters from Aa to Gg one by one and read them with rising and falling

14、tones. Ask students to write them down with correct stroke order. Walk around the classroom and check. Then write down the letters one by one with correct stroke order while reading them aloud. 3引起弥散性血管内凝血的最常见的疾病是一、填空题(每空1分,共计20分)答案 A3患者住院后的治疗是否正确?理论基础是什么?A出租办公楼应于204年计提折旧150万元3.Play the tape and hel

15、p students check the answer.(1)4月20日,宣告发放股票股利,以年初发行在外普通股股数为基础每10股送1股,除权日为5月1日。Production8() 一定量的羊水、转移的癌细胞、骨折时的脂肪颗粒或其他带负电的异物颗粒进入血液,均可通过表面接触形式激活凝血因子,从而启动内源性凝血系统。(6minutes)题解 激肽释放酶、纤溶酶和胰蛋白酶等可溶性蛋白水解酶,可水解凝血因子或凝血因子a,而生成三种分子量和活性各不相等的碎片,称为凝血因子f。这一过程称为凝血因子的酶性水解。凝血因子f可激活凝血因子,还可激活激肽释放酶原而激活激肽系统。1.Group work.1.D

16、o 3c. Three students come to the blackboard and have a competition, the one who does it correctly with less time is the winner.E附追索权转让应收账款收到现金作为投资活动现金流入1.Play a gameFind friends.Stick the big letters and the small letters on the blackboard disorderedly. Make a summary about the competition.2.Assign

17、homework:Review the key words and expressions in Section A; Make short dialogues orally; Copy the new words for five times; Preview Section B-1a.Teaching reflection:本节课通过利用教学挂图、班级活动、小组活动、结对活动等多种教学方式,充分调动学生的积极性和主动性,整个教学过程符合学生的认知规律,能够做到重点突出,难点突破。但是学生练的时间不够充分,在以后的教学中,应注重学生的活动。. Blackboard designWelcome to China!Section A 1.Good morning. 4. Are you ? China 2. Welcome to China! Yes, I am. / No, Im not the USAThank you. / Thanks. 5. I am= Im the UK 3. Nice to meet you. 6. Hello! = Hi!Nice to meet you, too.


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