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1、Section C. Material analysis本课是第二单元第一话题的第三课时,主活动是1a和4。学生通过阅读1a,了解噪音污染是如何产生的,是怎样影响人们健康的。1b则训练学生通过语境,推断词义,选出与该词匹配的英文解释。1c先让学生找出主旨句,再通过找出细节来论证段落的中心思想,以及通过语境判断重点词汇和句子的意思。2继续谈论噪音污染,通过选词填空的方式辨析单词的用法。3让学生模仿1a 来讨论其它的污染。为了让学生顺利地完成讨论任务,还给出了可能涉及到的讨论内容,很有指导性。4是在2和3的基础之上进行的写作练习,让学生学习运用中心句来组织文章。通过了解噪音污染,让学生进一步了解各

2、种污染的现状。引导学生关注环境问题,关注各种污染,树立正确的环保意识。.Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步感知定语从句。了解与噪音污染有关的常识。区别不同词性的单词的用法。2.Skill aims: 能读懂有关环境污染的文章。能看懂和听懂简单的英文解释。能够理解段落中各个句子间的逻辑关系。能用合适的英语对环境污染问题进行口头和书面语表达。3.Emotional aims: (optional) 通过学习,加深对环境问题的认知,树立环保意识。4.Culture awareness: (optional) 了解各种不同种类的污染,关注全球的

3、环境现状。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: deaf, print, recently, sentence, meaning, hearing, loss, disturb, uncomfortable, unpleasant, sort, environmental, including, on to go deaf, do harm to/be harmful to, lose ones hearing/ have hearing loss, in noisy condition/

4、too much noise, no better than not onlybut also, cause sb. to do sth., all sorts of environmental problems, including noise problemsSentences: (1) noise is also a kind of pollution and is harmful to humans health. (2) People who work and live in noisy conditions go deaf easily. (3) many teenagers in

5、 America can hear no better than 65-year-old people do Grammar: Simple past, present perfect.2. Difficult points: 能根据所学内容,表达与污染相关的话题。能区别使用不同词性的单词。能大致理解含有定语从句的句子。能正确理解和使用“no better than”,“do harm to”等短语。. Learning strategies 能通过思维导图,对课文内容进行读前预测。能根据不同阅读材料,运用不同的阅读策略获取信息。 善于利用教材插图理解有关污染和环保的对话或文章。 能积极地加入

6、小组,合作探究,学会表达自己的观点。能根据写作要求,搜集、准备有关污染和环保的素材。. Teaching aids与污染相关的图片;单词卡片(如harm/ harmful; hear/ hearing; lose/ loss等);录音机;幻灯片;音频(rock music)等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning and revision(2 mins)Class

7、activityShow some pictures about pollution and let the Ss speak out the effects of different sorts of pollution. T: Hi, everyone. We have known some kinds of pollution. Can you list them?Ss:Yes. Water pollution, soil pollution, light pollution, air pollution, and noise pollution and so on. T:Now loo

8、k at these pictures carefully. What problems do they cause?S1:Water pollution can make people sick.S2:Soil pollution causes unhealthy food.S3:Light pollution hurts our eyes.S4:Air pollution causes breathing problems.T:Very good. In this lesson, lets talk about noise pollution.Speak out the effects o

9、f different sorts of pollution.Ss:Yes. Such as water pollution, soil pollution, light pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and so on. S1:Water pollution can make people sick.S2:Soil pollution causes unhealthy food.S3:Light pollution hurts our eyes.S4: Air pollution causes breathing problems.通过图

10、片复习不同种类的污染情况,为学习噪音污染进行热身,打开思维。2 Lead-in (2 mins)Class activity Play some loud rock music and let the Ss discuss their feelings.T: Now lets listen to some music. Then talk about your feelings.T: What do you think of the music?Ss: I dont like it. / I think its cool.T: If I play rock music very loud at

11、 midnight, will you enjoy it? Ss: No. / Terrible.T: Why?Ss: Because it makes lots of noise. We cant sleep at all.Listen to some loud music and discuss their feelings.Ss: I dont like it. / I think its cool.Ss: No. / Terrible.Ss: Because it makes lots of noise. We cant sleep at all.摇滚乐能够吸引学生的兴趣,有很多年轻人

12、喜欢,教师在使用摇滚乐引出噪音时,要注意提前预测学生的反应,如果有学生回答的结果不是你想要的,要继续引导如:T: What do you think of the music?Ss: I think its cool.T: If I play rock music loud at midnight, will you enjoy it? Ss: No. /Terrible.T: Why?Ss: Because it makes lots of noise.3Pre-reading (5mins)Group work Guide the Ss to discuss the things that

13、 can make noise and write them down.T: Excellent. It not only disturbs others but also does great harm to peoples hearing. Now discuss with your group members about the things that can make noise. Write them down in your books.T: What else can make noise?S1: The cars and buses.S2: The pets at home.S

14、3: The little kids.S4: MachinesDiscuss the things that can make noise and write them down. S1: The cars and buses.S2: The pets at home.S3: The little kids.S4: Machines教师要合理利用教材资源,在读前活动中,利用图表训练学生的发散思维,帮助学生拓展视野,进行交流。在日常教学中,教师也可以自己创设这样的图表。4While-reading (10 mins)Individual workIndividual workGroup work

15、Step 1: Let the Ss read 1a quickly, check what things can make noise in 1a.T: Excellent. Now read 1a quickly, check what things can make noise in 1a.S1: Printing machines. S2: The airplanes.S3: Loud pop musicStep 2: Lead the Ss to read 1a, find the words in 1b and guess the meanings of them accordin

16、g to the content. Then match the words with the meanings. Finish 1b.T: Now read 1a, find the words in 1b and guess the meaning of them according to the content. Then match the words with the right meanings. Finish 1b.T: What does “produce” mean?S1: It means “制造” in Chinese.T: Whats the English meani

17、ng of it? S2: It means “ grow or make something” in English.T: Whats the meaning of “deaf”?S3: It means “聋的” in Chinese.T: How to express it in English?S4: Deaf means “not be able to hear”.Step 3: Let the Ss read 1a carefully and finish the task in 1c.T: Please read the passage to find out the topic

18、 sentence of the passage.T: OK. Have you found the topic sentence of the passage?S: Yes, noise is a kind of pollution and is harmful to humans health.T: Right. Now read Para 2 and 3 to find out how noise harms peoples health and fill in the blanks.T: OK. Have you finished? How does noise harm people

19、s health?S2: People often go deaf.S3: People often feel uncomfortable and unpleasant. S4S5.T: Thats right. Which sentence has the same meaning as “is harmful to”? Can you find it?S6: “does harm to”.T: And which sentence shows that many young teenagers hearing in America is not good?S7: “Many teenage

20、rs in America can hear no better than 65-year-old people do”.T: Why is the hearing of many young Americans not good?S8: Because they always listen to loud pop music.T: Has noise caused you any problems?S9: Yes, I cant sleep well so that I feel sleepy in class.S10: Yes, I cant do my homework correctl

21、y.Read 1a quickly and check what things can make noise in 1a. S1: Printing machines.S2: The airplanes.S3: Loud pop musicRead 1a, find the words in 1b and guess the meanings of them according to the content. Then match the words with the right meanings. Finish 1b.S1: It means “制造” in Chinese.S2: It m

22、eans “grow or make something” in English.S3: It means “聋的” in Chinese.S4: Deaf means “not be able to hear”.Read 1a carefully and finish the tasks in 1c alone. Then work in groups to discuss their answers.S: Yes, noise is a kind of pollution and is harmful to humans health.S2: People often go deaf.S3

23、: People often feel uncomfortable and unpleasant. S4S5.S6: does harm toS7: “Many teenagers in America can hear no better than 65-year-old people do”.S8: Because they always listen to loud pop music.S9: Yes, I cant sleep well so that I feel sleepy in class.S10: Yes, I cant do my homework correctly.初读

24、第一遍时,让学生带着pre-reading 的问题浏览文章,整体感知文章大意,为完成while-reading中的任务做准备。1b中呈现的五个单词中,只有produce不是生词,因此,教师在安排活动时,应该先让学生通过语境,猜测词义,再完成match的活动。任务型阅读在中考中占有一定的分值,因此,在做阅读任务时,要注意以下几点:1. 教师应该合理利用课文中的任务,逐步实现学生对文章的理解,并突破难点。2. 教师把握每个任务的难度和层次,安排任务时,做到从易到难,各个突破。3. 根据实际情况,教师可以增设和删减与课文相关的任务,贴合中考要求。5Post-reading (10 mins)Indi

25、vidual workIndividual work Step 1: Let the Ss read 1a carefully, find out the difficult points. The teacher collects the Ss questions and list them out on the Bb. T: Read 1a again and find out the difficult points. Please collect them in groups and list them on your small Bb.T: OK. Now look at the p

26、oints of Group One on the Bb. If you have the same questions please delete.(Teacher uses gestures to explain “delete”.)Now look at this sentence “People who work and live in noisy conditions go deaf easily.”Its long, but you can understand it by dividing it into two sentences “People go deaf easily.

27、” and “People work and live in noisy conditions.”(Write down the two sentences on the Bb, and then ask them to deal with other long sentences like this.)T: OK, look at this sentence “Many teenagers in America can hear no better than 65-year-old people do”. It means “Many teenagers can hear as badly

28、as 65-year-old people do.” Can you understand it?Step 2: Guide the Ss to complete the passage with correct form of each word. Finish 2.T: Now please complete the passage with correct form of each word in 2.T: Now check the answers together.S1: pollutionS2: uncomfortableS3: unpleasantRead 1a carefull

29、y, find out the difficult points. (The Ss need to take notes while the teacher is giving some explanations.)Guide the Ss to complete the passage with correct form of each word. Finish 2.S1: pollutionS2: uncomfortableS3: unpleasant本环节具体操作说明:1. 学生在组内归纳好本组讨论出的问题,并写到小黑板上。2. 教师任意选择一组作为主讲,让其他组组长删除组内与其相同的问

30、题。3. 让学生再补充讲解其他组剩下的问题,相同的问题不作重复讲解。6Finishing Task 3 and 4(10 mins)A.DFD图B. 系统说明书C.流程图D.详细调查报告Group workLet the Ss discuss one kind of pollutions according to the information they collected before class. Then make a report like 4.T: OK, you have collected some information about various pollutions bef

31、ore class. Now choose one kind of pollution and discuss it in groups. Maybe the questions in 3 can help you to organize your report.答题要点 DIC的发生机制包括:组织严重破坏,使大量组织因子入血,启动外源性凝血系统,导致DIC的发生发展。血管内皮细胞广泛损伤,激活因子,启动内源性凝血系统;同时激活激肽释放酶,激活纤溶和补体系统,导致DIC。血细胞大量破坏,血小板被激活,导致DIC。胰蛋白酶、蛇毒等促凝物质进入血液,也可导致DIC。S1: What is air

32、pollution?8() 一定量的羊水、转移的癌细胞、骨折时的脂肪颗粒或其他带负电的异物颗粒进入血液,均可通过表面接触形式激活凝血因子,从而启动内源性凝血系统。S2:D资产组的减值损失应当首先抵减分摊至该资产组中商誉(如果有的话)的账面价值T: Now report to the whole class. Who can have a try?A.业务员信息系统B.主管信息系统S1: Water pollution is very serious and we can find it almost everywhere.S2: Light pollution havent caught pe

33、oples eye yet T: You did a good job! After class, write your report in your exercise book and hand it in in time.Discuss one kind of pollution in groups according to the information they collected before class. Then make a report like 4.发行权益性证券对所有者权益的影响=2.51000-50=2450(万元)。(8)因持有的债券到期收到现金l20万元,其中本金为

34、l00万元,利息为20万元;C因持有的债券到期收到现金作为投资活动现金流入D存货按照成本与可变现净值孰低计量S1: What is air pollution?S2:S1: Water pollution is very serious and we can find it almost everywhere.S2: Light pollution havent caught peoples eye yet 答题要点 许多病原微生物如细菌、病毒、真菌、螺旋体、立克次体以及内毒素等,在一定的条件下,均可损伤血管内皮细胞。内皮细胞损伤,一方面,使带负电荷的胶原暴露,与血液中因子接触,激活因子,启动

35、内源性凝血系统,还同时或相继激活纤溶、激肽和补体系统,进一步促进DIC发展。另一方面,内皮细胞损伤,暴露组织因子或表达组织因子,也同时启动外源性凝血系统,导致DIC。运用课前收集的信息做报告,可以检查学生课后作业的完成情况。7Summarizing and assigning homework (5 mins)Class activity Step 1: Let the Ss go through what they have learned today.T: Now, lets go over what you have learned today, including words, phr

36、ases and sentences. And each student has to present one.S1: go deafS2: hearing lossS3: do harm toStep 2: HMK: Assign 4 as the HMKGo over together what they have learned today and each student speaks out one word or phrase to check their achievement.S1: go deafS2: hearing lossS3: do harm toWrite a pa

37、ssage about one sort of pollution. Blackboard designPollution has caused too many problems.Section CKey phrases:go deafdo harm tobe harmful tolose ones hearinghave hearing lossin noisy conditiontoo much noiseno better thanas badly asSentences:(1) noise is also a kind of pollution and is harmful to h

38、umans health.(2)People who work and live in noisy conditions go deaf easily.= People go deaf easily. / People work and live in noisy conditions.(3) many teenagers in America can hear no better than 65-year-old people do, = many teenagers in America can hear as badly as 65-year-old people do, lose losspollute pollutionpleasant unpleasantharm harmfulnoise noisycomfortable uncomfortablehear hearinghealth healthy


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