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1、Section D. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第三话题的第四课时。主活动是1a和Project。1a通过介绍机器人的迅猛发展,提出一个引人深思的问题:将来机器人还会像人类的仆人一样为人类服务吗?这个看似滑稽的问题其实蕴含了一个科学价值观:科技发展使人类成为主宰地球的王者,然而这是否又是葬送人类的最终利器呢?因为一切都要等到将来才能知道答案,所以现在所谈论的都只是可能性。这样,本课的功能也就自然而然地呈现了:谈论可能性。中国学生习惯通过汉语学英语,1b则体现了课程标准所提倡的“用英语学英语”。1c 所设置的问题部分与1a有联系,又有一部分需要学生发表自己的观点,也就

2、是要学生有自己的科学观。Project 通过让学生“在做中学,在做中用”的方式,来整合本话题的相关知识。但是这个活动需要学生先收集资料、准备材料,只能在课后完成,故留作家庭作业。.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,归纳总结定语从句。2. Skill aims:能够总结定语从句的用法。能够谈论可能要发生的事情。能够通过1b, 学会“用英语学英语”。3. Emotional aims: (optional)培养辩证的科学价值观。4. Culture awareness: (optional). The key points and diffi

3、cult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: certain, for certain, on ones own, warn, might, housework, so far, be surprised at, no longerSentences: No one knows for certain, but most people think that robots will be part of our lives. In a few years, perhaps robots will think on their own, just as

4、people use their brains and act for themselves. One scientist warns that if robots start to think for themselves, they will no longer want to be our servants, but our masters.Grammar: summarize the attributive clause, talk about possibilities2. Difficult points: The scientist also warns that if we a

5、re lucky, they might treat us as we now treat our pets. Perhaps there will be a war between human beings and robots.In a few years, perhaps robots will think on their own, just as people use their brains and act for themselves.However, once robots can think for themselves, problems may appear. Learn

6、ing strategies在“语法和功能”部分,通过和老师同学一起总结定语从句的用法,来整理本话题的语法。通过讨论pre-reading 的问题,预测文章的内容。在1b , 尝试用英语释义来学习英语单词。通过Project , 在合作的过程中学习制作英语墙报。. Teaching aids各种机器人的图片/做墙报用的8开的纸/彩笔/一本英英词典/ppt等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Revision(8mins)Class

7、activityEncourage the Ss read out their HMK which was assigned in Section C. T: Hi, boys and girls, happy to see you again. Have you finished your homework?T: Who would like to share your passage? How about you, xxx? T: Wow! What wonderful imagination! Another one?Read out their HMK which was assign

8、ed in Section C. Ss: Yes.S1: All right. One Day Without ComputersIt was the most boring day I spent today. I woke up at eight in the morning. Then I was ready to have my breakfast. But the computer controlled cooker didnt work. I sent a message to my driverthe robot. But he didnt come. So I had to w

9、alk to the workplace. When I got there, there was a big crowd. The door couldnt open as usual. They told me that the computer which controlled the door was broken. Nobody could go into the room. Then I went to supermarket to buy some food. Its closed, too. The note said the computer didnt work. I de

10、cided to go home. I said “Open Sesame” to the door. Oh, my god! It didnt work. At last, I spent the whole day walking along the street! Until eight in the evening, everything came back to life. What a bad day I had!S2: S3: 这种幻想式的作文很有趣,可以让学生把他们的作品贴在教室的“英语园地”中。2Getting students ready for learning(3min

11、s)Class activityPresent all kinds of pictures of robots to give a brief introduction to robots.T: Hi, class. Look at this strange thing. What do you think it is?T: No. Its not a tank. Its a robot. Its the first robot in the world. It was invented by Engelberger. He was called “The father of robots”.

12、T: Look! There are many pictures of robots. T: You can see robots have changed a lot in shapes. Today, we will learn about robots.Learn something about robots.S1: 坦克。最好能够根据机器人的发展历程来展示各种机器人。3Pre-reading(5mins)Group workLet the Ss discuss in groups the questions in 1a to warm up.T: Before we begin the

13、 new lesson, Id like you to discuss the questions in 1a first. If you finish, raise your hand.T: What are your opinions, Group 4?T: What a lazy boy! To tell the truth, I also want a robot to do housework for me, haha! If I have a robot, it can do all the housework for me, like my servant. How about

14、you, Group 1?T: I agree with you. If you want to know more about robots, just read 1a.Discuss in groups the questions in 1a to warm up.S1: We all like robots. xxx says he would like a robot to do homework for him.S2: We like robots, too. They are too helpful in our daily life. S3: S4: 老师要适时讲解部分生词。如:

15、house+work= housework, serv(serve)+ant(的人)=servant。4While-reading (5mins)Individual workLet the Ss read 1a and do 1b.Check the answers .T: Next, you will read 1a. But before reading, please read 1b. You have to find the words in the passage according to the meanings and the first letter. When you fi

16、nish, put up your hand.T: Hi, boys and girls! Who can tell us what the first word is? How about you, xxx?T: It doesnt matter. Please spell it.T: Yes, you are right. Follow me, everyone. “warn”.T: We usually use it this way: “warn sb. not to do sth.” or “sb. warns that” The second one?T: Read 1a and

17、do 1b. Check the answers .S1: Sorry, I dont know how to pronounce it.S1:W-A-R-NSs: warnS2: causeS3: S4: 尽管学生没学过“warn”,但通过英语解释,能知道第一个单词的意思是“警告”,然后再回到短文去寻找哪个单词可能是这个意思。这就是要培养学生“用英语学英语”的能力。老师可以利用这个环节来让学生学习新词: warn, certain, servant。5Post-reading(15mins)Group workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a

18、 again and then discuss the questions in 1c in groups.T: Now, you will read 1a again. However, you should read the questions in 1c first. After reading, please discuss the questions in groups. If you finish your discussion, please let me know.T: What are your opinions about Question 1, Group 3? T: G

19、reat! Each group has different ideas. Robots are considered to be our servants, arent they? T: I hope so. Do you think robots can think or act for themselves? T: It seems that you have a deep discussion. How about the last question?T: I agree with you. The passage is just talking about possibilities

20、. Do you know which words are usually used to talk about possibilities?T: “May” and “Might”.Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a the third time to find out the useful expressions and the sentences which express possibilities. T: You have learned how to talk about possibilities. Now, read 1a the third time to

21、find out the sentences which express possibilities and useful expressions. If you finish, put up your hand.T: Now, lets check the sentences together. The first one isT: The second one isT: T: Though the passage is just talking about possibilities, from this passage, we know science may be not always

22、 good for us. Perhaps it will do harm to human beings in the future. T: Have you found any useful expressions?Read 1a again and then discuss the questions in 1c in groups.S1: We think robots will be part of our lives in the future. Because computer science and robot technology will make everything p

23、ossible .S2: We think robots will play important part in many areas of work , especially in factories. S3: We think robots will be part of our lives, but they wont take the place of human beings. S4: S5: S6: We think they are.S7: We dont think so. They are machines only. They dont have their own bra

24、ins.S8: Perhaps it is possible. Human beings are too clever. They can make impossible things possible.S9: Because robots may become masters of the human beings.S10: Because we are not sure, it is a question.S10: Perhaps , probablyS11: maybeRead 1a the third time to find out the useful expressions an

25、d the sentences which express possibilities.Ss: Perhaps robots will think on their own,Ss: However, once robots may appear.Ss: S1: for certain, so far,.S2: be surprised at , on ones own,S3: no longer, betweenand让学生在重读1a之前,先读1c的问题,带着问题去阅读,有利于提高学生的阅读效率。老师要在学生回答第4个问题时,顺势点明:文章所讲的只是可能性。并指出本话题的目的之一就是要谈论可能

26、性。通常用这些词来表达可能性:perhaps, probably, maybe, may, might。6Summarizing and assigning homework (9mins)Class activityClass activityStep 1: Let the Ss read the sentences in Grammar and Functions together.T: We have finished this topic. Its time to sum up. First, read the sentences in Grammar and Functions to

27、gether. Ready? Go! Step 2: Let the Ss sum up the grammar.T: Now, lets sum up the grammar and expressions. Whats the grammar for this topic?T: Yes. What else?T: Right. xxx, can you say something about attributive clause? T: Sounds great! Who wants to add more?20.妊娠末期的产科意外易诱发DIC,主要是由于:)T: Well done. H

28、ow about possibilities?9、系统实施阶段主要由( )等主要活动构成。T: How wonderful!1、B2、B3、B4、B5、B6、D7、B8、B9、D10、CStep3: HMK盈余公积 720T: I know you are good at making wall newspapers. But Im not sure whether you are good at making English wall newspapers, too. Today, youll have the chance to show your talent. After class,

29、 please work in groups to make an English wall newspaper according to the requirements in Project. We will choose the best one and give this group presents. All your newspapers will be put up on the English Corner. Read the sentences in Grammar and Functions together.A.开发周期大大缩短B.降低了系统开发中的风险Ss: Sum u

30、p the grammar.9、ERP指的是 ,它能够更好地满足企业 的需求。(4)10月10曰,甲公司收到当地政府追加的投资500万元。甲公司按年限平均法对固定资产计提折旧。Ss: 定语从句。S1: 还有谈论可能性。A.业务员信息系统B.主管信息系统S2: 定语从句常用的关系代词有:who ,which ,that. Who 用于指人,which 用于指物,that 既可以指人,也可以指物。S3: 从句中的谓语动词要和先行词的数保持一致。S4:常用maybe, may, might, perhaps, probably来谈论可能性。1、管理信息系统是一个以人为主导,利用计算机硬件、软件、网络

31、通信设备以及其他办公设备,进行信息的收集、传输、加工、储存、更新和维护,以企业战略竞优、提高效益和效率为目的,支持企业高层决策、中层控制、基层运作的集成化人-机系统。答案 A学生喜欢竞争,渴望得到认可。所以老师要强调:墙报做得好的小组将得到礼物。其余也要张贴到“英语角”,这样每个小组都会认真对待这个任务。. Blackboard designChina is the third nation that sent a person into space.Section DWords and phrases:certainfor certainon ones ownwarnmight (may)h

32、ouse+work=houseworkGrammar:attributive clause:定语从句relative pronouns:关系代词antecedents: 先行词当先行词指人时,关系代词用“who/that”;当先行词指物体时,关系代词用“which/that”。关系代词在从句中的成分:主语,宾语关系代词的省略:在从句中作宾语时Possibilities:maymightperhapsprobablymaybeSentences:The scientist also warns that if we are lucky, they might treat us as we now treat our pets.Perhaps there will be a war between human beings and robots.In a few years, perhaps robots will think on their own, just as people use their brains and act for themselves.However, once robots can think for themselves, problems may appear.


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