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1、Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors(Notes to the texts)1 Think about what we do and use nowadays, then try a tentative guess about whatthe Peking Man might have done and used thousands of years ago.想想我们今天所做之事和所用之物, 试着猜猜几千年前“北京人”可能做的事情和用的东西。PekingMan “北京人” , 中国华北地区旧石器时代早期的人类化石。属直立人。北京人遗址于1921 年被发现 , 位置在北京市

2、房山区周口店镇龙骨山北侧。北京人的年代距今约70 万至 20 万年。“北京人”的发现为研究人类早期的生物学演化及早期文化的发展提供了实物依据。 1941 年太平洋战争爆发前后, 1927 年以来发现的全部“北京人”、“山顶洞人”化石标本 , 落在美国人手中, 至今下落不明。2 A VISIT TO THE ZHOUKOUDIAN CAVES周口店洞穴参观记Zhoukoudian周口店 , 北京市房山区的一个村庄。1921 年起在该地发现了北京人的头盖骨和其他骨骼化石。3 We have been excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick,

3、 which suggeststhat they might have kept the fire burning all winter.我们一直在挖掘一层层的积灰, 几乎有六米厚。这意味着他们可能整个冬天都在烧火。句中suggest的含义是“暗示;意味;表明”。如:The handwriting of the letter suggests that the letter might be from a lady.从书信的字体上看 ,写信人是一位女性。His bad manners suggest a lack of family education.他的无礼反映了他缺乏家教。His res

4、tlessness suggested that he wanted to leave immediately.他的坐立不安说明他想立即离开。might have done表示对过去事情的猜测。如:A :Where w as your sister? I didn t see her at the party.你姐姐上哪里去了? 聚会时我未见到她。B:She might have gone swimming with some friends.她可能和朋友游泳去了。4 After that they would have had to rub an ample amount of salt i

5、nside the skin tomake it soft enough.然后 ,他们可能在兽皮里边擦上大量的盐, 使皮变柔软。ample (=more than enough)充足的、充裕的;enough 足够的、充分的。两者程度有所不同。We have ample money for the journey.我们有充足的旅费(意为很多,根本不用发愁) 。We have enough money for the journey.我们有足够的旅费(意为够用)。5 Davidson Black步达生(1884 1934),加拿大解剖学家。北京人化石学名的命名人。6 Pei Wenzhong裴文中

6、 (1904 1982),中国史前考古学家、古生物学家、旧石器学家。河北省滦县人。他1929 年 12 月 2 日在周口店首次发现著名的北京人头盖骨化石, 为人类发展史提供了重要的证据。他还通过研究, 确认石器、用火灰烬等的存在, 从而明确了北京人的文化性质 , 将北京人的研究纳入考古学研究的范畴。7 It was the custom of family groups to separate and then gather again at differentsites for reunions as they followed the animal herds across the gra

7、sslands.由于在草原上放牧, 家族成员先分散开, 然后在不同的地方相聚, 这是他们的一个习俗。8 Shehadalmostreachedherdestinationwhena delicioussmellarrestedherprogress and she stopped.快到达目的地的时候, 一阵香气扑鼻, 她不往前走了, 停了下来。arrest吸引(注意力) ;阻止;妨碍。如:The lit tle baby arrested the little girl.s 那attention个小婴儿吸引了小姑娘的注意力。They are trying to make a new medic

8、ine to arrest the spread of the disease.他们正试图研制一种新药来控制这种疾病的蔓延。progress此处指前进的步子。又如:They made slow progress up the mountain.他们慢慢地向山顶行进着。Their progress was stopped by the deep snow.厚厚的雪使他们寸步难行。9 He had a large, long face, with strongly pronounced eyebrows and cheekbones.他的脸盘很大、很长, 浓眉大眼 , 颧骨突出。pronounce

9、d明确的;肯定的;明显的。如:Jean has a pronounced French accent.吉恩的法国口音很明显。问题:请查词典看看accent和 pronounce这两个词的最基本的词义和用法。你能用这两个词分别造句来说明其用法吗?10 Lala s spirits rose . 拉拉情绪高起来了。spirits 心情;心境。多用作复数。如:He was in low spirits after he lost his job.他失业以后心情很郁闷。在此句中spirits作为主语与动词rise连用 ,表示“变得更加高兴” 。同样可与之连用的动词还有sink和 lift 。如:My spirits sank when I heard the news that an earthquake had happened in my hometown.听到故乡发生地震的消息, 我的心情变得很沉重。


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