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1、Unit 1 AdvertisingPeriod 1 Welcome to the unitAnalysis of the teaching material:来源:Zxxk.ComThis is the 1st period of Unit One. The main purpose of this lesson is to make Ss be familiar with the topic of this unit.Objectives:1. To make Ss identify the differences between these two types of advertisem

2、ents.2. To practice Ss oral English.Teaching important point:How to develop students speaking ability by expressing their opinions inthe discussion.Teaching approaches:来源:Zxxk.ComTeaching approaches is the key step for class teaching. Visual-scene teaching method, tasked-based method as well as the

3、approaches of discussion and so on will be adopted in the teaching process of this lesson. Emphasis will be put on Ss ability of speaking, expressing and brainstorming. Language is best learned through activities. Ill introduce a rich variety of activities and approaches to meet different needs of t

4、he Ss and make full use of the advantages of multimedia which is visual, operable to make my lesson vivid, interesting and effective.Interaction Patterns: Teachers -class, individuals, pairsSs ability to work both independently and together is very important to their success in the future. It is the

5、refore important for Ss to have opportunities to develop their English skills and knowledge independently, in pairs, in groups and as a class.Teaching Aids: multimedia and a blackboard Procedures for teaching:来源:Zxxk.ComStep 1 Greeting and Lead-in 1. Do you know what title of this unit is? 2. Which

6、piece of ad-show do you like best?3. Where can you find these ads and do you like them?Step 2 Welcome to the unit1. observation: Ask Ss to observe the six pictures on Page 1 and dive them into two parts.2. Discussion: Look at the six pictures and answer these questions:来源:Z+xx+k.ComWhat image(s) can

7、 you see on each poster?What can you read on each poster?What can you learn from each poster?抵销分录:Step 3 Pair Work答案 BMore ads for Ss to have a discussion.3患者,女性,因妊娠39+周,伴下腹痛待产3小时入院。于妊娠8个月做产前检查时,诊断“轻度妊娠高血压综合征”。体格检查:体温36.8、呼吸20次分、脉搏88次分、血压150/100mmHg、皮肤无出血点,心肺无异常。分娩经过:进入第二产程不久,孕妇在用力分娩时有气促,随后不久分娩出一正常男

8、婴,并觉气促加重。呼吸28次分,心悸明显,心率130次分,产道发生大出血,约1200ml以上,且流出血不凝固。血压下降至90/60mnHg。实验室检查:红细胞(RBC)L 50X1012L,血红蛋(Hb)50gL,白细胞(WBC)110X109L,血小板(PLT)45X109/L。尿蛋白(+)、RBC(+)、WBC(+)颗粒管型(+)。凝血酶原时间(PT)25s(正常对照约14s)凝血酶时间(TT)21s(正常对照约12s),纤维蛋白原定量(Fg)098gL血浆鱼精蛋白副凝试验阳性(+)、外周血红细胞碎片6、D二聚体(乳胶法)阳性(+)。产后观察见注射部位有血肿、瘀斑。抽血检验及病理活体检查报

9、告称血中有羊水成分及胎盘组织细胞。Step 4 Active reading:2004年1-9月折旧额=3600/10/12*9=270(万元)Listen to the material on Page 94 and try to answer these questions:D筹资活动现金流出740万元1 Whats the ad about?甲公司会计处理:20X0年,确认其他应付款1 000万元,同时将发出钢材的成本结转至发出商品。2 What types of things will the stories be judged on?3 What should Ss pay atte

10、ntion to when writing the story?来源:Z+xx+k.Com18()急性胰腺炎病人可发生弥散性血管内凝血4 Why is it good for Ss to enter English writing competitions?来源:学科网【解析】:Step 5 Mini-writing:来源:学科网ZXXK借:资产减值损失 800Choose one ad and write something to promote your service or products.Step 6 Homework乙公司因投资决策失误发生严重财务困难,至201年12月31日,乙公司债券和股票的公允价值分别下降为每张75元和每股l5元。甲公司认为乙公司债券 和股票公允价值的下降为非暂时发生下跌,对其计提减值损失合计l 250万元。20X2年,乙公司成功进行了战略重组,财务状况大为好转。至202年12月31目,乙公司债券和股票的公允价值分别上升为每张90元和每 股20元。甲公司将之前计提的减值损失650万元予以转回,并作如下会计处理:1 Look for more interesting ads and show them to your classmates next time.2 Make good preparation for Reading part.


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