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1、1. "Have you chosen your for next term yet? Are you taking French writing again?""Yes I am, but it's compulsory for us next term."A. electionsB. electsC. electivesD. selections2. Although the teacher expects a lot, I believe I can everyone else in the class.A. keep up withB.

2、keep forth withC. keep up onD. keep forward on3. The student discovered having fun was expensive, and he was rapidly money.A. running shortB. running out ofC. running fromD. running over4. Once the books are open or the computer is turned on, phone calls unanswered.A. goB. comeC. turnD. leave5. What

3、's your group like for this statistics ? Mine's terrible. Two members in mygroup do not pull their weight.A. presentB. presentingC. presentedD. presentation6. All students agreed the need for consistency. They maintained a certain period oftime every day for studying.A. withB. toC. onD. for7

4、. Educators often exert a lot of pressure on students to be as as possible.A. well-roundingB. well-roundedC. all-roundD. good-rounded8. One thing that disturbs me is that the so-called weak students are separated therest of the school.A. withB. awayC. fromD. to9. The professor agreed that the four s

5、tudents could the final the following day.A. makeB. make upC. make up fromD. make through1. We're upgrading all our staff equipment, and we'll need 50 laptops the 1st ofnext month.A. as ofB. as onC. inD. since2. We ordered 50 laptops from your company, but on the invoice I see there's an

6、 extra charge for shipping. I thought shipping was included in the .A. reportB. demandC. invoiceD. quote3. This was a time-sensitive document! There's no in delivering it three hourslate!A. placeB. pointC. circleD. mean4. We want to keep our clients happy, and unfortunately we've this time.A

7、. dropped shortB. dropped longC. fallen shortD. fallen long5. I can't wait to get some of my own business leads. You know, start making newA. connectionsB. combinationsC. relationsD. ties1. Believe me, I'll never again be a slave smoking.A. atB. inC. toD. with2. It's the loc al “ youth ”

8、 throwing firecrackers. Don't go out. They're likely to throw one you if you bother them.A. toB. atC. forD. through3. The beggars really . I can't help but feel sorry for them. They look so miserable.A. get to meB. get in meC. make to meD. make in me4. Someone must've made a copy of

9、your credit card. You'll have to cancel it at once and get a new one. Hopefully, the bank will the damage.A. includeB. embraceC. coverD. pay with5. My accountant is preparing my income tax , and I need to go over some of thereceipts with her.A. turnB. returnC. payD. report1. The Chinese governme

10、nt has been encouraging people to plant trees along the edges of the Gobi Desert. Now those trees act as wind .A. barsB. barriersC. preventionD. destruction2. Government organizations are helping people to dispose safely old refrigeratorsor, in the case of cars, to upgrade their air conditioning.A.

11、awayB. offC. ofD. out of3. In 2003 the hole in the ozone layer shrank by 20 percent, so there's no reason .A. to panicB. to get panicC. to be panicD. panicking4. The students are more aware of all the environmental problems that are .14A. happe ning onB. gett ing alongC. gett ing onD. going on5.

12、 If people throw cigarette butts on the floor, they shouldA. fineB. be fineC. be finedD. get fine1. I'd like to flyto Thailand on October 8th. I2.want to book two tickets.A. economyB. by economyC. in economyD. in economy classYour an swerCorrect an swerAirport security checks always make me n er

13、vous. I'm afraid I'llthe alarm because of the jewelry rmwear ing.A. put offB. set offC. go offD. get offYour an swerCorrect an swerBB3.Security guards take ages search ingstuff,but they ignore check-i n baggage.A. carry-forwardo IB. carry-overC. carry-i nD. carry-onYour an swerCorrect an swe

14、r回DD4.With all the threatssecurity of travel today,expected to have my luggage searched. "| A. i nB. with广 | C. toD. forYour an swerCorrect an swer冈AC5. When I flew from Vancouver to Paris, they simply ran my bagsthe sca nner, and I was on my way.A. overB. through£ C. inD. intoYour an swer

15、Correct an swer1. I used to love giving my mother a present on Mother's Day. Italways made her cry, the n she'd hug me hard eno ugh tosqueeze theout of me.A. airB. gasC. breathYour an swerCD. breatheCorrect an swerC2. Boxing Day is a holidaysome BritishCommon wealth cou ntries like En gla nd

16、, Australia and Can ada.A. exclusive toB. exclusive inC. i nclusive toYour an swerAD. i nclusive ofCorrect an swerA3. Boxing Day is a perfect date for a holiday,the day after Christmas Day.A. beB. beingC. to beD. to have bee nYour an swerCorrect an swerBB4. I absolutely hate Christmas shopping. I ca

17、n neverwhat to buy for every one.A. cou nt outV B. calculate outC. figure outD. compute outYour an swerCorrect an swerC5. I know you enjoy celebrating holidays again and again, but it'shardmy wallet.A. inB. forC. onD. toYour an swerCorrect an swerC1. Did you pick up the paper for me today? I rea

18、lly want to check the job.A. empti nessB. emptiesC. vacantD. vaca nciesYour an swerXCCorrect an swerD2. You don't have enough experience or qualifications for thisrole. What makes you believe you couldthepositi on?F A. han dleB. ha ndle withC. dealD. copeYour an swerCorrect an swer回AA3. A good r

19、esume should list your experience in (the)chro no logical order.A. backB. reverseC. diverseD. overtur nedYour an swerCorrect an swerMeB4. I would feel proud to work for a company like this and to con tribute a great dealits success.A. inB. at C. toD. forYour an swerBcCorrect an swerC5. The you ng stude nt can un dersta nd so much of the world. Heseems very maturehis age.A. in B. for广 | C. withD. atCorrect an swerBYour an swer囲A


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