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1、2019学年度第一学期期中测试补考试卷一、单项填空(本大题共20题,共40分)1. Hello, Miss Li. This is Sam., Sam.A. Good morni ngB. HelloC. I ' m Li PingD. My name is Li Pi ng2. Are you ten?A. Yes, I be B. Yes, Im C. Yes, I amD.Yes, I is3. are you in?I' m in Class 5.A. what class B. What class4. How manyare there?A. bagsB. bagC

2、. boyC. HowD. girlD. How oldA.heB. theyC.itD. she6.this in En glish?A.WhatB. What'sC. Whats7.Howyou spell“ desk” ?A.areB. isC.do5. Her n ame is Ti na andis my sister.8. What ' s thisEnglish?D.WhatsA. onB. in C. withD. ofD. be9. What colour is it?It ' s.D. welcomeA. desk B. fineC. yellow1

3、0. Write itthe blackboard.A. inB. onC. ofD. with11. -Good morni ng, Mr. Smith! -.A. How do you do B. How are you C. Good morning, Mary12. -Hello, Peter! -.A. Fine tha nks B. Good afternoo n, Tom C. Hello, Ann13. -What's your name? -A. This is Jim B. My n ame is JimC. It's Jim14.-How are you?

4、-A. How are you?B. How do you do?C. I ' m OK15.-What' s this?a key.A. ItB. it ' sC. It ' s16. It'soran ge. It'gree n oran ge.A. a;/B. /; aC. a; a17. -, mum. -Good evening, childre n.A. Good eve ning B. Good morning C. Good ni ght18. -How is everyth ing going in the hospital,

5、dear? -.A. I ' m all right, thanksB. Not too bad, I guessC. Not at allD. That ' s all right, thank you19. Whatis it ? -It'black and yellow.A. colorB. n ame C. time20. Spell it, please. .A. bikeB. b-i-k-e C. B-l-K-E二、写出下列相邻字母的大小写形式。(30分)1.Bb2.Ff3.Ii4.Ll5.Nn6.Pp7.Qq8.Tt9.Uu10.Xx三、阅读理解(本大题共

6、10小题,每小题2分,共30分)AGood morning, class! My name is Wang Tongli. I ' m your new English teacher. It ' s nice to meet you all. This is Emma. She is an English girl. What' s his name? Oh, he' s Mike. Sit dow n, please.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。1. It ' snow (现在).A. after noon2.is speak ing.A. Wang

7、 Tongli3Wang Ton gli is aA. mother4. Emma is a.A. bedB. morningC. evening43.B. EmmaC. MikeB. daughterC. teacherB. boyC. girl5. Wang Ton gli, Emma and Mike are in thenow.A. factoryB. classroomC. homeA: Good after noon, Amy! Come in, please. B: Good after noon, Tom! Thank you!A: How are you?B: I '

8、 m fine, thanks. How are you?A: Fine, thank you. Oh, a small dog.B: It ' s my dog, Xiaohei.A: Oh, it ' s beautiful.B: Thank you.A: I like its eyes. They are big.B: Yes.根据对话内容,选择最佳答案。6. Who are talk ing?A. Amy and her dog.B. Tom and his dog. C. Amy and Tom.7. When are they talki ng?A. In the morning. B. In the after noon. C. In the evening.8. How is Amy?A. He ' s fine.B. It ' s fine.C. She ' s fine9. What is the dog's name?A. Tom.B. Amy.C. Xiaohei.10. What does Tom like about ( 关于)the dog?A. Its eyes.B. Its no se.C. Its head.


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