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1、长林中学 七 年级 英语 学科导学案课 题:Unit2 Section B 1a-1e主备人:Jasmine组长签字:课改领导签字:时 间:Mar.3rd【学习目标】1.Words and expressionshalf, past, quarter, homework, run, clean, walk, half past six, a quarter past three, a quarter to seven, do (ones) homework, clean my room, take a walk, go home2.Sentences(1)When do students us

2、ually eat dinner?They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.(2)When does Tom usually get up? He usually get up at half past five.3.Grammar:时刻表达法(逆读法)4.Topic:谈论日常活动备课记录:预习感知1.认真预习本课词组,结合SectionA部分的内容,我们试着用英文写下从早到晚的日常活动吧!比比看谁写得又多又快又好! 2.我学过下面3个表时间的短语的另一种表达法,我还能写下来呢。half past six a qu

3、arter past three a quarter to seven 合作探究1.在英语中我们习惯用基数词表达时间,通常有三种表达法,即整点表达法、顺读法和逆读法。具体应该怎样表达呢?请举例说明吧。2.回顾一下都可以表示时间的介词in ,on , at的区别吧,弄清它们在本单元很重要哦。 达标检测一、 用两种方法写出下列时间。3:15 7:30 9:20 11:58 4:45 2:30 二、 词汇。1.Lucy (do)her homework every day.2.What time your parents (go)home?3.Its time to get up, its a q

4、to seven.4.C your hands ,please. They are very dirty.5.She cut the apple into and give a to her sister.(half)三、 完成句子。1.她早上打扫房间吗?(clean)2.学生们通常在星期五下午回家。(go)3.我们第一节课在7:45开始。(first, begin) 4.人们通常在晚上吃正餐。(usually)5.他总是在晚上八点一刻看电视。(always)四句型转换。1.They usually do their homework after school.(变否定句) They thei

5、r homework after school.2.Tom often takes a walk at half past six in the evening.(提问) Tom often at half past six in the evening?3.Lily goes to school at seven. (提问) Lily to school?4.Mike does some shopping on weekends.(变一般疑问句) Mike on weekends?5.Bill usually brushes his teeth in the morning.(提问) Bil

6、l his teeth ?五用适当的介词填空。1.Mary often eats lunch 12:10 at school.2.My mothers birthday is March16th.3.Jane is healthy. She runs the morning every day.4.Can you help me math?5.Thanks your photo. 5、可行性分析应该在()阶段进行。8一定量的羊水、转移的癌细胞、骨折时的脂肪颗粒或其他带负电的异物颗粒进入血液,可激活外源性凝血系统。( )针对资料3C作为非正常损失计入营业外支出11DIC患者出血与下列哪一项因素关系最密切?调整分录:9() 在严重酮症酸中毒时,单核吞噬细胞系统吞噬大量脂质等,可导致单核吞噬细胞系统功能封闭,使机体易于发生DIC。A血液凝固性增高 D血液凝固性先降低后增高答题要点 蛇毒含有两种促凝成分,或激活因子,或加强因子的活性;还可使凝血酶原变为凝血酶。2002年 管理信息系统(MIS)模拟试题


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