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1、Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? (20分钟50分). 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分)1. Pme, but whats your job? 2. On my way home, I will pby a library and a post office. 3. Can you tell me why you like collecting(邮票)? 4. John sits(在旁边)David in class. 5. Would you like some(葡萄)? No, thanks. 答案

2、: 1. Pardon2. pass3. stamps4. beside5. grapes. 单项选择(10分)1. Excuse me. Could you please tell meget to the nearest post office? A. how can IB. how I couldC. how toD. what I can2. Do you knowthe Great Wall? Next week. A. when will they visitB. when they will visitC. when did they visitD. when they visi

3、ted3. Go to the second floor. Theres a post officethe bank and the library on your right. A. amongB. acrossC. betweenD. from4. Could you please tell me? Yes. There is one on Center Street. A. where can I buy some stampsB. when you will take your vacationC. when was the telephone inventedD. if there

4、are any good restaurants around here5. Could you tell me where I can get some CDs? . There is a video shop on the second floor. A. Yes, I couldB. Sorry, I couldntC. SureD. Yes, please答案: 15. CBCDC. 完成句子(10分)1. 打扰一下, 你能告诉我在哪里能买到雨伞吗? , could you please tell me get an umbrella? 2. 你知道这附近是否有公园吗? Do you

5、know a park around here? 3. 你能告诉我哪里有锻炼身体的好地方吗? tell me a good place to take exercise? 4. 沿着中央大街走, 然后向右拐。Just Center Street, then . 5. 在水世界你们会玩得很开心。You will in Water World. 答案: 1. Excuse me; where I can2. if theres3. Could/Can you; where theres4. go along/down; turn right 5. have great fun. 补全对话(10分)

6、从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。A. How far is it from here? B. Excuse me. C. Do you know if theres a place to drink coffee around here? D. Thank you so much. E. Well, theres a bank on the first floor. F. Can I help you? G. Is there a bookstore near here? A: 1Could you tell me where the supermarket is? B: Yes,

7、 its on the second floor. 题解 激肽释放酶、纤溶酶和胰蛋白酶等可溶性蛋白水解酶,可水解凝血因子或凝血因子a,而生成三种分子量和活性各不相等的碎片,称为凝血因子f。这一过程称为凝血因子的酶性水解。凝血因子f可激活凝血因子,还可激活激肽释放酶原而激活激肽系统。A: Hmm. . . First I need to buy a book about history. 2B: Yes. You can find one on the fourth floor. A: Oh, I also need to change some money. B: 3Its just behi

8、nd you. A: Good. I think thats everything. Oh, no, theres one more place I need to go. 固定资产累积折旧 37.5B: Yes? A: 4B: Yes, theres a cafe on the fifth floor. You can enjoy coffee there. 4什么是D-二聚体?D-二聚体升高、不变或下降各说明什么?A: 5借:资产减值损失 800B: Youre welcome. E当企业难以估计某单项资产的可收回金额时,应当以其所属资产组为基础确定资产组的可收回金额答案: 15. BGE

9、CD甲公司202年度实现账面净利润20 000万元,按照净利润的10计提法定盈余公积。本题不考虑所得税及其他因素。. 短文填空(10分)A.系统说明书 B.评审报告C.开发合同 D.可行性报告根据图示及短文内容和首字母提示填入所缺的词, 完成短文。9肝功能严重障碍诱发DIC与下列哪一过程无关?Last weekend, I went o1a trip and lived in a five-star hotel. It was really a good hotel w2the best service. The only problem was that it was a new place

10、 to me, so I often lost my way. 相关会计分录:One morning I walked out of the hotel with some postcards f3my friends. I met an old man and asked “E4me, where is the nearest post office? ”“Go a5Bridge Street, and then t6left at the second crossing. Its down Fifth Avenue on the r7. You cant m8it, ”he said. 借:资本公积股本溢价 50After I said thanks to him, I walked on. It t9me about 15 minutes to get there. And there was a l10next to the post office, so I did some reading after posting the cards. 答案: 1. on2. with3. for4. Excuse5. along6. turn7. right8. miss9. took10. library


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