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1、Unit3 Is this your pencil? Section A 1a-2c课型:新授课 主备人: 审核人:Class: group_ Name: 整理栏【Learning aims 学习目标】 T: 二次备课1. I can remember the new words of the school things. 记住新单词。 S: 整理笔记2. I can find the owner. 找到物品的主人。【Self-learning 自主学习】Task 1. New words P.13-14(单词 P13-14)跟读录音2遍,自主拼读2遍,同质对读,组内群读 Task 2. Fi

2、nish 1a 完成1aTask 3. Phrases (短语)Model: 1. 2. a schoolbag two schoolbags 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Task 4 Sentences (句子)Find the following sentences ,Then underline them.(从书本P13-14中找到下列句子的英文,并在书本中划出来)1. 这是你的铅笔吗?是的,它是的。它是我的。/不,不是的。它是他的。 2. 这些是你的书本吗?不,不是的。它们是她的。/是的,它们是的。 3. 劳驾,请原谅。 .Task 5. Finish 1b, 2a,2b (list

3、ening) 完成听力1b, 2a, 2bTask 6. Grammar-learning语法导学一、 1. A: Is this your pencil? B: Yes, it is. Its mine./No, it isnt. Its his.2. A: Are these your books? B: No, they arent. They are hers.3. A: Is that yours? B: Yes, its my eraser.用法:mine, his, hers, yours为名词性物主代词,相当于名词,不能放在名词前。名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词。(见书

4、本P79)所以,第一句中mine=my pencil. 整理栏练一练:第一句中his= 第二句中hers= T:二次备课 第三句中yours= S:整理笔记二、Excuse me.用法:解释为劳驾,请原谅。一般用于事前打扰别人时所用。区别于sorry, sorry一般用于事后道歉。Task 7 conversation (对话)Conversation1: 根据Task 3编对话,注意远指手势,并会单复数。 例: A: Is that your schoolbag? B: Yes, it is. Its mine. /No, it isnt. Its his.Or(或) A: Are thos

5、e your schoolbags? B: Yes, they are. /No, they arent. They are hers.Conversation2: Practice the conversation in 2b. 操练书上2b对话。Conversation3: Make the conversations using the things nearby. 利用你周围的物品,仿照2b编对话。【Show time 合作展示】1. Can you read the new words? 你会读新单词吗?2. Can you finish Task 3 and Task 5? 你能完

6、成Task 3和听力吗?来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K3. Can you translate the sentences in Task 4 and find them in the books? Then read them aloud. 你能翻译Task4中的句子并且在书中找出来,然后大声朗读吗?4. Can you show the conversations in Task 7? 你能展示Task7中的对话吗?【Class-test当堂检测】 一、翻译下列新词汇1. 橡皮 2. 直尺 3. 书包 4. 文具盒 5 请原谅 6. 那些字典 二、根据括号中所给词的适当形式填空1. Exc

7、use (I), is this your ruler? No, it isnt. Its (Kate).2. These are your (dictionary). Those are (your).3. Lily and Lucy (be) my (cousin).三、根据汉语完成句子,一空一词。来源:学科网1. 这是他的钢笔吗?不,是她的。 Is pen? No, .2. 这是我的橡皮,那是你的铅笔盒。 This is eraser, and is .3. 打扰了,那是你的书包吗? , your schoolbag?四、根据首字母填空1. Is this your pencil? Ye

8、s, it is. Its m .2. Is that your schoolbag? No, it isnt. Its h /h .3. These are my b .4. We can look up(查阅)the new words in the d .5. I put(放)the oranges in some b .6. Are those your pencils? No, they are Ginas. They are h pencils.7. Whats this in English? Its an e .8. Here is a photo of my f .Unit3

9、 Is this your pencil? Section A 2d-3c课型:新授课 主备人: 审核人:Class: group_ Name: 整理栏【Learning aims 学习目标】 T:二次备课1. I can make the conversations. 我会编对话。 S:整理笔记2. I can find the owner. 找到物品的主人。【Self-review 知识回顾】1. Are those your pencils? Yes, they are. They are m .2. Is that your jacket? No, it isnt. Its Jims.

10、 Its h .3. These are my p .4. E me, is this your pencil?5. I have two d , they are in my schoolbag .6. I like reading(读)b .7. Whats this in English? Its an e .8. He has two nice r .They are in the pencil box.【Self-learning 自主学习】Task 1. New words P.14-15(词汇 P14-15 )跟读录音2遍,自主拼读2遍,同质对读,组内群读 Task 2. Phr

11、ases and sentences (短语和句型)Find the following Phrases and sentences ,Then underline them.(从书本P14-15中找到下列句子的英文,并在书本中划出来)1. 他们是Bob的。 2. 这是他的绿色钢笔吗? 3. 这支蓝色的钢笔是他/她的。 4. 这本字典怎么样? 5. 那是你的吗? 6. 谢谢你的帮助。 7. 没关系。 Task3. Play a game. 3c 参考书本P15,3cTask4. Make the conversations according to the chart.根据表格编对话。Name

12、thing12TompencilbooksBobdictionaryerasersJennypensschoolbagI pencil boxrulers例:Is this/that Toms pencil? Yes, it is. Its his.Are these/those your pens? No, they arent. They are Jennys. They are hers.仿造例子,用Yes, No回答的一般疑问句各造3个,并做好回答。1 2 3 4 5 6 整理栏Task5. Finish 3a, 3b 完成3a和3b。 T:二次备课Task6. Conversatio

13、n 2d S:整理笔记1. Who do these things belong to? (这些东西是属于谁的?)Find out and write them down. pencilsgreen penblue pen来源:Zxxk.ComdictionaryeraserBobs2. 从对话中找出同义句。1). It is his blue pen. 2). How about this dictionary? 3). Is that your eraser? 4). Thanks for your help. 5). Not at all. 3. Role-play the conver

14、sation. 分角色表演对话。【Show time 合作展示】1. Can you read the new words? 你会读新单词吗?2. Can you finish Task 6? 你能完成Task 6吗?3. Can you translate the sentences in Task 2 and find them in the books? Then read them aloud. 你能翻译Task2中的句子并且在书中找出来,然后大声朗读吗?4. Can you show the conversations in Task 4? 你能展示Task4中的对话吗?【Class

15、-test当堂检测】 1、根据句意及首字母补全单词(1)Is that her e_ (2)This is a pencil b_ (3)Whats this ? Its a r_ (4)E_me. Is this your pencil?2、选择(1)Is this your eraser? _A.Yes, its . B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, is. D. It is.(2)Is that _ pencil? A. he B. him C. his D. you(3)This is _ bag.A. me B. I C. my. D. you(4) Is that hi

16、s box? _.A.Yes, that is . B. Yes, it isnt. C. No, it is. D.No, it isnt.来源:学科网3、完成下列句子(1)_ _(这是) your pencil ?_ , _ _(是,它是)(2)_ _(那是)his book?_, it _(不,它不是).It is_(我的).4、翻译下列句子(1)这是你的字典吗?不,它不是。 (2)这是他的钢笔吗?是,它是他的。 Unit3 Is this your pencil? Section B 1a-2a Self Check 13课型:新授课 主备人: 审核人:Class: group_ Na

17、me: 整理栏【Learning aims 学习目标】 T:二次备课1. I can remember the new words. 记住新单词。 S:整理笔记 2. I can make the conversations. 我会编对话。【Self-review 知识回顾】Look at the picture and write conversations. Finish Self Check 3 on P18看图编对话,完成书本P18,Self Check 3内容。【Self-learning 自主学习】Task 1. New words P.16(词汇 P16)跟读录音2遍,自主拼读2

18、遍,同质对读,组内群读 Task 2. Phrases and sentences (短语和句型)1. 一个棒球 2. 一张学生证 3. 两只手表 4. 一个计算机游戏机 5. 三把钥匙 6. 一本笔记本 7. 一个戒指 8. 五个包 9. 你怎样拼写它的? ?Task3. Finish 1a. Match the words with the things in the picture.Task4. Ask and answer according to 1a. 根据1a问与答。Model: A: Whats this/that? B: Its a watch. A: How do you

19、spell it? B: W-A-T-C-H. A: Is this/that your watch? B: Yes, it is. Its mine./No, it isnt. Its his/hers.Taks5. Finish Self Check 12a你知道的学习用品 你常丢失的物品 Task6. Listening1. Listen and circle the things you hear in 1a. P162. Listen and fill. 听录音,完成下列听力材料填空,一空一词。Conversation 1 对话1Linda: Im looking for(寻找) m

20、y .Teacher: OK. Is this your ? Linda: No, it isnt. Thats my watch.Teacher: Here you are.(给你)Linda: And thats my .Teacher: OK. Whats your name? Linda: Linda. Conversation 2 对话2Mike: Thats my . 整理栏Teacher: This? T:二次备课Mike: Yes.and thats my . S:整理笔记Teacher: All right(好的). Whats your name? Mike: Mike.T

21、eacher: OK. Heres your .Mike: . 3. Listen again. Finish 1d. P16Task7. Make the conversations according to listening material. 根据听力材料编对话。 【Show time 合作展示】1. Can you read the new words? 你会读新单词吗?2. Can you finish Task 2? 你能完成Task 2吗?3. Can you show the conversations? 你能展示对话吗?【Class-test当堂检测】 一、选出与其他不属于

22、同一组的单词( ) 1. A. your B. her C. his D. you( ) 2. A. baseball B. eraser C. ruler D. pencil( ) 3. A. notebook B. call C. key D. ring( ) 4. A. number B. eight C. three D. nine( ) 5. A. book B. dictionary C. telephone D. newspaper二、单向选择。( )1. -How _ you spell watch?-W-A-T-C-H.A. do B. are C. is D. does(

23、)2. Is that _ notebook?A. your B. your a C. you D. you a ( )3. A: _ do you _ computer?B: C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R.A. How do B. How is C. What do D. How are( )4. Is computer game in the lost and found case?A. this you B. that you C. this your D. that your( )5. Found a backpack. Please call James _ 6668888.A.

24、at B. in C. for三、填空1. -Linda, is this _ ruler? -Yes, it is. Thank you.2. This is my sister. _ name is Kate.3. Im looking for _ key. Can you help me?4. This is telephone number. (he)5. Peter is English. Mr. Zhang is Chinese teacher. 6. Where is eraser? I cant find it.7. How do you s watch?8. I lost m

25、y dictionary, I m find it.来源:Zxxk.ComUnit3 Is this your pencil?Section B 2b-3bSelf Check 2课型:新授课 主备人: 审核人:Class: group_ Name: 整理栏【Learning aims 学习目标】 T:二次备课1. I can remember the new words. 记住新单词。 S:整理笔记2. I can write Lost or Found. 会写寻物启事或失物招领。【Self-learning 自主学习】Task 1. New words P.17-18(单词 P17-18)

26、跟读录音2遍,自主拼读2遍,同质对读,组内群读 Task 2. Phrases and sentences (短语和句型)Find the following Phrases and sentences ,Then underline them.(从书本P17-18中找到下列短语或句子的英文,并在书本中划出来)1. 一个电脑游戏机 2. 在学校图书馆 3. 向老师询问它。 4. 一串钥匙 5. 失物招领 6. 寻物启事 7. 给我发邮件。 8. 我丢了我的学生证。 9. 我必须找到他。 10. 给我打电话685-6034. Task3. Reading 阅读1. finish 2c 完成书本P

27、17中2c2. Read the notices carefully, and answer the questions. (1). Where(哪里)is the computer game? (2). Can Mike ask the teacher for it? (3). What are in Classroom 7E? (4). What is Johns phone number? (5). What did Tom lose? (Tom丢了什么?) (6). If you know Toms school ID card, what can you do? (如果你知道Tom的

28、学生证,你可以怎么做?) 3. 你能总结一下寻物启事或失物招领要写明哪些要点吗? Task4. Finish 3aTask5. Writing1. 失物招领:在教室里捡到三本书,找Mary领取,电话号码是2453889。 2. 寻物启事:在学校图书馆里遗失一本字典,失主是Bob,电话号码是 3566897。 整理栏 T:二次备课理由:重组协议签订日与债务重组日不是同一天,因此不能确认债务重组收益。 S:整理笔记 B血管内皮细胞广泛受损 E肝素的抗凝活性减弱Task 6. Grammar-learning语法导学10() 肝脏组织有丰富的单核吞噬细胞,肝脏功能障碍时机体清除凝血物质的能力降低;肝

29、功能障碍时肝脏产生抗凝血酶、蛋白C和纤溶酶原的能力降低,均可使血浆凝血活性相对增强。1. Finish Self Check 2 完成Self Check 2中用代词填表B肾上腺皮质出血性坏死 E肾上腺血管内皮细胞损伤2. 11妊娠后期、应激、严重酸中毒等患者的 血液常处于高凝状态。( )2、数据字典是数据流图上各个元素详细的定义和说明,是系统开发中一种重要的文件资料,不仅系统分析阶段需要它,而且系统设计、程序设计与调试,直至系统运行都需要它。主格A.结构化问题B.半结构化问题和非结构化问题宾格盈余公积 50.3形容词性物主代词A收到政府拨付的房屋补助款应冲减所取得房屋的成本名词性实验室检查:

30、血WBC40000/mm3,N90,PaO250mmHg,SaO260。血胆红素11mg,黄疸指数60单位,TFT(+),GPT155单位(赖氏法),凡登白反应直接阳性。NPN70mg,CO2CP35Vol,血清钠130mEq/L,血清钾5.5mEq/L,血清钙4mEq/L。尿胆红质(+),尿胆素(),尿胆原()。凝血酶原时间36秒(正常对照13秒),血小板4万/mm3,纤维蛋白原100mg,凝血酶时间27秒,3P(+),乙醇胶实验(+),优球蛋白溶解时间100分钟。物主代词第一人称Ime第二人称you第三人称himher3. 练一练 (1). am ten. name is Alice. (

31、2). Is this Lisas pen? Yes, its pen. (3). A: Whos that girl? B: name is Jenny. is my friend. (4). A: Is this bike, Jack? B: No. You can ask Tom. I think its . (5). A: Is that ruler, Jim? B: yes, it is. Its . And that is , Lucys.【Show time 合作展示】1. Can you read the new words? 你会读新单词吗?2. Can you finish reading? 你能完成阅读吗?3. Can you write Lost or Found? 你能写寻物启事或失物招领吗?【Class-test当堂检测】 一、根据句子意思选择正确的词填空1.This is _(I, my)good friend._(His, Her) name is


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