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1、Unit 4 Topic 1 Section AStep Introduction1. Greet to students. Hello! Boys and girls!2. Free talk What day is it today?Whats the weather like today?What do you often do in your free time?Yeah, we often run in our free time.Do you like running?Oh, Im sorry to hear that. You knowStep Presentation1. Ru

2、nning is my favorite hobby. (板书并领读)It refers to a kind of like or interest.What about you? Whats your hobby?病人发生了DIC。依据:产科意外病人子宫破裂,出现血尿,血压下降。根据PT、pt、Fbg、TT、3P试验阳性,可确诊发生了DIC。诱因:孕妇血液处于高凝状态。发生机制:子宫破裂组织因子大量入血启动外源性凝血系统,凝血酶大量形成,在微血管内广泛形成微血栓,消耗了大量凝血因子和血小板,继发纤溶亢进,血液转入低凝状态,就会出血不止。Who can repeat me? (学生说,老师板书

3、后领读)找几个基础好的学生分别用不同表达方法表示。学生可以说出:I like/love/enjoy/prefer doing sth.2. 老师接着问:Are you interested in traveling?7、系统开发过程中第一个正式文档是() I am interested in traveling.(板书并领读)3. What do you often do in your summer holiday?I often go swimming. We can also say:I am fond of swimming. (板书并领读)4. 让学生总结表达方法:I like/lo

4、ve/enjoy/prefer/am interested in/am fond of doing sth.5. Let students look at some pictures, learn some new words and make new sentences.l A pet dog (出示图片,板书并教读)调整分录:Walk a pet dog 遛狗She is fond of walking a pet dog.答案 AIm interested in walking a pet dog.l Plant flowers(出示图片,板书并领读)11() 妊娠三周开始孕妇血液中血小


6、硫酸基等作用减弱,故其生理性抗凝血活性减弱;血小板聚集性加强,使血液处于高凝状态等,同时聚集后的血小板释放促凝血因子增加,易引起DIC。 He is fond of planting flowers.借:以前年度损益调整营业成本 800 I am interested in planting flowers.l A poem (出示图片,板书并领读)5下列各项交易或事项中,不会影响发生当期营业利润的有( )。Recite a poem (板书并领读)I am interested in reciting a poem.We are fond of reciting a poem.Step Co

7、nsolidation1. Now open your book and turn to page 56. Match the pictures with phrases.Listen and number the picture.2.3. 15() DIC患者外周血涂片中可见一些特殊的形态各异的红细胞,称为裂体细胞,外形呈盔形、星形、新月形、三角形等,统称为红细胞碎片。由于该细胞碎片脆性高,极易破裂溶解,发生溶血。Talk about your hobbies in pairs. Give students two minutes and then invite some pairs to

8、practice.4. What are Helens Hobbies? Lets listen to the tape.(1)1月1日,甲公司与乙公司签订资产转让合同。合同约定,甲公司将其办公楼 以4 500万元的价格出售给乙公司,同时甲公司自200年1月1日至20 X4 年12月31日止期间可继续使用该办公楼,但每年末需支付乙公司租金300万元,期满后乙公司收回办公楼。当日,该办公楼账面原值为6 000万元,己计提折旧750万元,未计提减值准备,预计尚可使用年限为35年;同等办公楼的市场售价为5 500万元;市场上租用同等办公楼需每年支付租金520万元。Who gets the answe

9、rs? Lily, please!Do you agree with her? You are quite right.5. Read after the tape .6. Read in pairs.Step summary1. Now lets see what we have learned today.2. lets sing a song to relax. (用两只老虎的曲调唱本节重点句型)Whats your hobby? I like singing. I love swimming.Im fond of dancing. Im fond of dancing.I prefer traveling. I prefer traveling.A微血管内微血栓形成 D微循环血液“泥化”淤滞Ok ,class is over,goodbye! .


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