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1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?(20分钟50分). 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5分)1. Where is my English book? I tits in your bag. 2. Where is your baseball? Its uthe table. 3. Where is my hat? It is on your(头). 4. There is a(书桌)in my room. 5. My schoolbag is on the(椅子). 答案: 1. think2. under3. head4. desk5. chair. 用所给词的适当

2、形式填空(10分)1. Where(be)her pen? 2. These are Jim and Jack and this is(they)classroom. 3. My friends(not know)my new phone number. 4. Are they your(key)? Yes, they are. 5. That is my(father)room. 答案: 1. is2. their3. dont know4. keys5. fathers. 单项选择(10分)1. (2014湖北鄂州期末)Robert, wheres my dictionary? A. So

3、rry, I dont know. B. No, I dont know. C. Theyre on the floor. 2. Mum, is my football? Its under your bed. A. whatB. whichC. whenD. where3. Where are my? in the bag. A. key; ItsB. keys; ItsC. keys; TheyreD. keys; They4. My jacket is in myroom. A. parentsB. parentssC. grandparentsD. grandparents5. you

4、rin the box? No, they arent. A. Is; pencilB. Is; pencilsC. Are; pencilD. Are; pencils答案: 15. ADCDD. 句型转换(10分)1. My books are on the bed. (改为否定句)My bookson the bed. 2. The basketball is under the table. (改为一般疑问句, 并作否定回答)the basketball under the table? No, . 3. The keys are in my schoolbag. (改为一般疑问句,

5、并作否定回答)the keys in your schoolbag? No, . 4. The ruler is in the pencil box. (对画线部分提问) the ruler? 5. Our pens are in the pencil boxes. (改为单数句) in the pencil box. 答案: 1. arent2. Is; it isnt3. Are; they arent4. Where is5. My pen is. 任务型阅读(15分)John: Steven, look at the two pictures. What can you see? Ca

6、n you tell me the differences(不同之处)? Steven: Er. . . Lets look at Picture. The map is now(A)the bed. John: Yes. Steven: And the kite is on the floor now. John: Yes. Steven: The books on the table in Pictureare now in the desk in Picture. Ah! The bed is now under the window. John: Good! Steven: The p

7、hoto is above(在上方)the table now. John: Yes. Steven: And the light is now on the table. Er. . . John: What else(还有什么)? Steven: The clock is now(B)the box. John: Is that all? Steven: Yes. John: It isnt! Look, the flowers are on the desk now. 根据材料及图画内容完成下列任务。任务一: 补全句子。1. 在文中(A)处和(B)处写一个适当的介词补全句子。(A)(B)

8、 任务二: 回答问题。2. Where are the books in Picture? (1) (2)根据资料(5),判断所涉及的事项哪些不应计入甲公司20X4年度合并利润表中的其他综合收益项目,并说明理由。3. Is the schoolbag under the bed in Picture? 任务三: 判断正误(T/F)。()4. Steven finds all the differences. ()5. There are eight differences between the two pictures. 理由:甲公司确认的主营业务收入应该只是相对于总的销售收入70%的部分,

9、另外的30%的部分应作为戊公司的销售收入。答案: 1. on; in2. They are on the table. 3. No, it isnt. 4. F5. T完成句子(10分)1. 我不知道这个女孩的名字。I the girls name. (2)在我公司个别财务报表中,201年12月31日应收乙公司账款500万元,已计提坏账准备20万元。2. 我认为你的橡皮在文具盒里。Iyour eraser isthe pencil box. 3. 我的笔记本在哪里? 贷:未分配利润 6480它在椅子上。9、系统实施阶段主要由( )等主要活动构成。my notebook? 4、用计算机对大量数据存储有两种方式,即 方式和 方式。on the chair. 4. 它们是你的钥匙吗? 是的, 它们是。或:借:营业外支出 7200they your? 答案 BYes, they are. 5. 看! 我的篮球在床底下。10() 肝脏组织有丰富的单核吞噬细胞,肝脏功能障碍时机体清除凝血物质的能力降低;肝功能障碍时肝脏产生抗凝血酶、蛋白C和纤溶酶原的能力降低,均可使血浆凝血活性相对增强。! My basketball isthe bed. 答案: 1. dont know2. think; in3. Wheres; Its4. Are; keys5. Look; under


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