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1、Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.教案 授课日期: 编号:课 题Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.课 型New lesson课时数Period 1主备人Huang Rong教学目标(1) To learn must, might, could and cant for making inferences.(2) Understand the conversation about making inferences.(3)Not pocket the money one picks up.教学重点(1)Whose volleyball is

2、 this? It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.(2) Whose French book is this? It could be Alis. She studies French.教学难点The usages of modal verbs: can, could, may, might and must教学方法Listening and matching Pair work Chant 教学流程(包括课题引入、教学进程、教学总结)备注Step1. Listen to music.T: (Please tell me the feeling wh

3、en you listen this music ).Ss: Exciting /want to dance to.Step2 .Show a pictureT:(Please tell me what can you see in the picture)S:Flowers and a butterfly.T: Can you guess what it is?S: A beautiful face.T: It could be.It also might be.Step3. Guessing gameT: Do you like playing games? Lets play guess

4、ing game.You can use “he cant be , He could (might) be He must be ”(Whats the meaning of each sentence?)S: Students guess Step4.Sum up.T: We learn must , could/might , cant. Give the sentences and then students tell me what it is?Step5.Show some things:Now I will show some things to you what are the

5、y? First,T: Whats this?S: Its an English book.T: Can you guess “Whose book is it”S: It could be xxs .T: And another way of saying: This book could belong to xx.T: Why?Ss: It is in Lindas hand.A主要现金流入是否独立于其他资产或资产组是认定资产组的依据( whats this? whose book is it? Another way of saying why?(cant, must)Step6.Mat

6、h: (1)4月20日,宣告发放股票股利,以年初发行在外普通股股数为基础每10股送1股,除权日为5月1日。If girls say : This book must be xxs Boys say: This book must belong to xxT: You can change the things and person .I only give you one minute. (Ready?)(And then change)How many boys?How many girls?A600万元Congratulations (boys and girls)Step7.Chant:

7、答案 C1. Show the pictures . 3甲公司为我国境内注册的上市公司,其主要客户在我国境内。20X 1年12月起,甲公司董事会聘请了会计师事务所为其常年财务顾问。201年12月31曰,该事务所担任甲公司常年财务顾问的注册会计师王某收到甲公司财务总监李某的邮什,其内容如下:2. LindaHow to ask the owner of this kite?Whose kite is this?3. Lets chantStep8.Make conversation and give you an example.调整分录: A: Whose xx is this? B: It

8、cant be xxs .Because C: It might be xxs(could be xxs)9、企业资源计划,业务流程重组 D: It must be xxs .Because(1)根据资料(1),判断甲公司202年12月31日将可供出售金融资产减值损失转回的会计处理是否正确,并说明理由;+如果甲公司的会计处理不正确,请编制更正的会计分录。Step9.Descride the picture.T: Lets look at this picture. What can you see in the picture?(volleyball,CD,toy car,magazine )

9、Listen and match then check the answers.D-675万元Step10 :2a Real thing / Backpack(Bob and Anna found a backpack in front of school. Can you guess what in it?T-shirt)lets listen to the tape.(Whats in it?)A.系统规划B. 系统分析C.系统设计D. 系统实施Step11: 2b.listening practice.Lets listen again and fill in the blanks.(N

10、ow read by yourself first.)Step12:TeachingT:Can Bob and Anna take it home?S: NO.T: What should we do?So:Not pocket the money one picks up.Step13:2cExercise:Another way of saying.Step14. Title and summary(T:Today we learn unit5:It must belong to Carla.(Fill in the blanks))Another way :It must be Carlas,Carla is girl,so I can say:It must belong to her.It must be hers.must be,could be,might be,cant be.Step15 .Homework: 写随堂练 Write four sentences.板书设计A: Whose xx is this? B: It cant be xxs .Because C: It might be xxs(could be xxs) D: It must be xxs .Because作业布置写随堂练Write four sentences.教学反思


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