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1、Unit6 An interesting countryCulture time 教学目标:知识与技能:能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:I/you/we/they/he/shell. 过程与方法:能够在实际生活中灵活运用I/you/we/they/he/shell句型。情感、态度、价值观:通过图片欣赏,培养学生热爱生活、团结协作的精神。学情分析:学生基础薄弱、定势思维,习惯于用be going to的形式来表达一般将来时的句型,对于will的运用,还不是很熟练,容易与be going to混淆。教学重点:能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:I/you/we/they/he/shell. 教学难点:

2、will与动词原型构成的一般将来时教学方法:直观教学法、讲授法、小组合作学习等方法教学准备:多媒体PPTStep 1 : Warm upFree talk Do you like travelling? Ss: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.OK. I like travelling too. Let me share some pictures about my trip with you, OK?(一共九张照片连续播放,以“三国城”结束)Lead inNow, You know I went to many places and these places are very

3、 beautiful. Yes or no?The summer holiday is coming soon.What are you going to do on summer holiday?Discuss with your partner . (one minite)一分钟后,师生交流:学生的暑假计划According to your conversations(交流), I know many of you like trips.In my opinion, we need to see the outside world during our holidays.Today, we

4、ll learn the culture time of Unit 6. (带读culture time)Step 2 : presentation and practiceFirst, Ill show you four pictures. Each picture is one countrys flag. Do you know it? 看图片 China USA UK Australia (学习单词)Each country has his own flag and has many beautiful special place. Lets watch a video, OK?Are

5、 they beautiful? Do you want to go?We only skimmed (略读) the pictures of many countries just now. Lets play a game,OK? Ill show you some pictures of one country. Can you guess which country? After you guess it , You should use the sentence Ill go to in +国家 when I grow up.To decribe it.China the Great

6、 wall 长城 Tianan men Square 天安门广场 the Changjiang River 长江 the Terracotta warriors and Horse 兵马俑 the Yellow River 黄河Australia Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院 Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁UK Big Ben 大本钟 London Bridge 伦敦桥 London Eye 伦敦眼 Stonehenge 巨石阵USA Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 Yellowstone National Park 黄石国家公园Do you

7、like these interesting places?题解 凝血酶使纤维蛋白原降解成纤维蛋白单体,而纤溶酶使纤维蛋白(原)降解成FDP,纤维蛋白单体和FDP中的X片段可与纤维蛋白原及其降解产物和纤维蛋白晚期降解产物结合成可溶性复合物。副凝试验利用鱼精蛋白使上述可溶性复合物中的纤维蛋白单体和FDP中与X片段解离,然后纤维蛋白单体又各自聚合成肉眼可见的凝胶状物析出,这种不经凝血酶的作用而引起的凝集反应称副凝反应。 Ill visit Beijing this summer holiday. First, Ill go to Tianan men Square. 天安门广场 Next, Ill

8、 go to the Great wall. 长城 Then, Ill go to the Birds nest. 鸟巢借:以前年度损益调整营业外支出 140 Finally, Ill go to the Forbidden City(紫禁城、故宫) and the winter palace(圆明园).第14章 弥散性血管内凝血 Do you want to go with me ?D201年12月31日股东权益总额为5 925万元Think and say.A纤维蛋白原 D凝血酶原 What will you do this summer holiday/ this Sunday/ tomorrow?(2)为建造厂房发行债券收到现金8 000万元;Read and write. (课本) C.企业业务流程重组D.划分子系统Step 3 : Sum upToday, we know some places of four countries and learn the Sencences Ill B 凝血因子 E 凝血因子C纤维蛋白原定量检查凝血物质消耗情况Step 4 : Homework【答案】ABD1、Find more information about the places.2、Write about what your will do tomorrow.


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