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1、教学基本信息课名Writing an application letter学科英语学段高中年级高三授课日期2016.10.24设计者姓名陈洪霞单位北京市第二中学亦庄学校联系电话13911997109大兴区青年教师“生态课堂”教学评比活动教学设计指导思想与理论依据本课设计的主要理论依据是根据新课标、合作学习教学法和任务型教学的理念。根据“在学中用,在用中学,学了就用,边学边用”的原则,以学生为主体,以完成任务为线索,以活动为中心,让学生在“用”中发挥思维能力、创新能力和语言运用能力。 根据语言“循序渐进”的规律设置了写前、写中和写后的各个环节。 根据新课标培养学生在英语阅读中学习策略和情感态度的

2、要求,设立了独立学习、交流和小组活动讨论的多种形式,学生不但在英语阅读中了解三种申请信该如何写,并能体会应用文的交际性,并能进行现实生活中真实存在的申请工作,申请志愿者服务和申请出国留学等具体问题的信件书写。教材分析The input of this class is based on the application letter about applying for a job/voluntary work/the chance to study to a university. From the given materials, students can observe their beg

3、innings, contents or conclusions to guide their own writings. Not only students can learn the contents mentioned above, but also can improve their cooperative learning ability.学情分析There are totally 26 students in this class and their scores vary from 90 to 40. Given such differences, the teacher tri

4、es her best to consider different levels of students in this teaching procedures. Most of students are shy and are accustomed to listening rather than speaking. Only with constant encouragement can students take part in this teaching activities in the class. 教学方式任务型教学法、合作学习教学法、情感激励教学法教学手段录音机,多媒体电脑课件

5、,板书,学案篇子教学目标At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:1. Knowledge aims 1) use the functional language about beginning and conclusion in real situation appropriately.;2) accumulate words or phrases related to hobbies, experience or interest such as “be keen on, be popular with.”2. Ability a

6、ims Strengthen students Summarizing and cooperative learning. 3. Emotional aims Develop the sense of communication in real situation and improve students summarizing ability to solve the practical problems.Teaching important points 教学重点Use the communicative languages in writing the application lette

7、r.Teaching difficult point 教学难点Be clear of the structure and the usage of standard communicative languages in the application letter.教学流程示意Lead-inImitating and practicing writing the beginningReading for comprehensionPracticing writing the main pointsReading for languageImitating and practicing writ

8、ing the endingObserving the conjunctionsHomeworkWriting and assessment 教学过程Teaching proceduresPartsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposes Part 1 Lead-inAsk the students to compare two passages(A, B) and tell the differences between purpose and structure. Read the passage A and B, and then te

9、ll the differences.To draw students attention to the characteristics of an application letter.Part 2 Reading for comprehension1. Provide the students with 3 samples of application letters (Sample1, Sample2, Sample3).2. Ask the students to answer two questions:1) What is the purpose of each letter?2)

10、What kind of person is the applicant of each sample?Read the samples and answer the questions.To help the students understand the 3 samples.Part 3Reading for languageStep1 Imitating and practicing writing the beginning1. Ask 3 students to read the beginning of each sample one by one.2. Ask all the s

11、tudents to read and recite the 3 beginnings.3. Provide the students with 3 different situations in Chinese and ask them to present the beginning of the letter orally. Remind them that they can imitate the beginning of the 3 samples. 4. Show the key words on PPT while they are speaking.Read the sampl

12、e and recite the beginningPresent the beginning orally according to the key words.5甲公司A设备的入账价值是( )。To help the students master the writing of the beginning.甲公司的会计处理不正确。该事项不应做为调整事项。Step2.Practicing writing the main points25产生凝血因子f的途径是1.2. B对早期疑似DIC者可先用肝素作试验性治疗Guide the students to have a brainstormin

13、g: If you want to introduce yourself and the reason for your application, what aspects will you mention? And write down the main points put forward by the students.3.4. 题解 FPA和FPB是凝血酶水解纤维蛋白原为纤维蛋白时放出的两种短肽。纤溶酶水解纤维蛋白原为一些可溶的多肽碎片,包括D和E片段及它们的中间产物X和Y片段,统称为纤维蛋白(原)降解产物(FDP)。Ask the students to find out vario

14、us expressions both from the samples and what they learned before.5.6. 【解析】:Ask the students some questions to guide them use these expressions. Questions can be set like:6 甲公司200年1月1曰购入乙公司80股权,能够对乙公司的财务和经营政策实施控制。除乙公司外,甲公司无其他子公司。200年度,乙公司按照购买 日可辨认净资产公允价值为基础计算实现的净利润为2 000万元,无其他所有者权益变动。200年末,甲公司合并财务报表

15、中少数股东权益为825万元。201年度,乙公司按购买日可辨认净资产公允价值为 基础计算的净亏损为5 000万元,无其他所有者权益变动。20X 1年末,甲公司个别财务报表中所有者权益总额为8500万元。下列各项关于甲公司200年度和20X1年度合并财务报表列报的表述中,正确的有( )。What kind of person are you?1201年度和202年度,甲公司发生的部分交易或事项以及相关的会计处理如下:What are you good at? What do you do well in?4、用计算机对大量数据存储有两种方式,即 方式和 方式。What do you go in f

16、or ? Give some examples.Do you have any meaningful experience ? How do you think of the voluntary work / the part-time job? Answer the teachers questions.Find out various expressions from samples.Answer the teachers questions.To help the students master the writing of the body part.Step3 Imitating a

17、nd practicing writing the ending.1. Ask all the students to read and recite the endings of the 3 samples.2. Ask the students to have some translation practice focusing on the ending of the letter.Read and recite the samples.Do some translation.To help the students master the writing of the ending.St

18、age 4 Observing the conjunctionsTake Sample 1 as an example. Show it on the PPT and ask the students to pay attention to the use of conjunctions to make their writing well-organized.Pay attention to the conjunction.To draw the students attention to the use of conjunctions.Stage 5Writing and assessme

19、nt1. Ask the students to write an application letter 2. Ask the students to make assessment of some compositions.Write the letter and make assessment.To provide the students with a chance to apply what they have learned to the writing. Stage 6Homework Ask the students to write another application le

20、tter after class. Do the homework.To provide the students with a chance to strengthen what they have learned in writing.Blackboard design character meaning of the activity experience ability/ advantageinterest Writing an application letterreason The purpose StructureThe reason Hope/thanks教学反思成功之处:1.

21、 教学目标明确,结构清晰,课程设计层次递进,步骤明了。2. 重难点突出,符合学情。3. 设计的梯度符合学生的实际水平,台阶搭设层层递进,能很好的对学生进行思维锻炼。4. 语言的输入充分,给学生留了自己的空间张扬个性,很大程度上提高了学生的参与程度。5. 注重英语的语用性,文章的实效性。6. 强调关注学生的情感教育,启发学习的兴趣。欠缺及改进措施:1. 应更注重实效性,如何解决阅读速度差异的问题上,还值得研究。对于理解文章的深度的挖掘上有待研究。学习效果评价评价方式:形成性评价和终结性评价相结合。在学生学习过程中对学生的发言的情况和小组汇报展示情况进行学生互评和教师点评。课后进行学生自评。完成评

22、价表格。具体措施如下:1. 教师在每项教学活动中通过提问和各种形式的联系随时了解学生学习的效果。2. 学生在听取其他同学的发言时提出意见和给出评价。3. 学生小组相互帮助中完成猜图游戏,是学习过程中的相互评价。4. 课后学生在写关于介绍袁隆平的作文中,教师在批改作业时就可最终评价教师的教学效果和学生的学习效果。课后让学生填写小组评价表,对学生的课堂参与的态度和学习效果进行反思和形成性评价。Assessments Yes No1. 1. He/She is able to write the letter in a proper structure.2. 2. He/She is able to use communicative language in the writing.3. 3.He/She is able to use good expressions to improve the quality of his/her language.4. 4.He/She is able to use proper conjunctions to make the writing well-organized.


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