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1、七年级英语学科期中练习卷 (2009页脚内容 97A 期末句子翻译 2015.1.11. 一杯水帮助我们很好的开始一天。2. 她对集邮感兴趣吗?3. 做早操使他觉得开心。4. 这条裤子多少钱?5. 我不知道如何带我堂弟参观我们学校。6. 在周末我表弟有时练习打网球半小时。7. 谢谢你带领我们参观这个博物馆。8. 早餐她总是吃些面包和一个鸡蛋。9. 为什么健康的食品对基蒂如此重要呢?10. 那个戴眼镜的男孩经常捉弄他的姐姐。11. 吴先生是我们新的英语老师吗?12. 那边那个男人是谁?13. 我的同学不擅长打电脑游戏。14. 一日一苹果,医生远离我。15. 你可以在书店里找到各种各样的书籍。16

2、. 他每天花半小时看报纸。17. 在中国,人们通常会庆祝春节。18. 健康的饮食对于任何人来说很重要。19. 我没有足够的钱买那台电脑。20. 我们都喜欢在午餐时间和朋友聊天21. 请别忘记把英语书带来。22. 你觉得你的新学校怎么样?23. 最后,老师又给了我们十分钟的时间来完成这项工作。24. 我爷爷说公园是个晨练的好地方。25. 这些发卡和老师的外套搭配得很好。26. 如果你想进他的房间,你应该先敲门。27. 那个男孩对设计衣服很感兴趣。他的服装总是与众不同。28. 试穿 T恤花费我约五分钟的时间。这件 T 恤适合于秋天穿。29. 保持健康对于我们来说很重要。我们需要多吃蔬菜和水果。30

3、. 看来他正在为他的英语考试做准备。31. 做早操对我们的健康有益。32. 孩子们认为端午节是个很有趣的节日。33. 我正在考虑穿什么。34. 运动项目中你最喜欢哪一个? 游泳。35. 在这家餐厅你可以品尝来自不同国家的各种美食36. 在学校我们总是玩得很开心。37. 让我领你们参观我们的图书馆吧。38.Sandy早餐不再喝牛奶了。39. 给他买一条裤子作为礼物是个好主意。40. 我们可以用零花钱来帮助贫困儿童。41. 你能递些盐给我吗?42. 我认为白色跟其他颜色都搭配。43. 我在考虑早餐吃什么。44. 我在周三下午训练踢足球。45. 你在两餐之间不应该吃太多的甜食。46. 短头发的那个女

4、的是你们英语老师吗?47. 现在大家都在为春节做着准备。48. 我妈妈喜欢在空闲时听听音乐。49. 让这位同学带你参观一下我们学校吧50. 从课外活动中我们可以学到很多东西呢。51. 李红每天早上花半小时读英语。52. 你父母亲在哪里?一他们在北京度假。53. 你妹妹有一个健康的生活方式吗?54. 这个女孩喜欢在夜晚放烟花。55. 多吃水果对我们的健康有利。56. 我午饭经常吃牛肉,这顿饭为我整个下午提供能量。57.Simon 一天睡眠不到 9 小时。58. Lily用她的零花钱为贫穷地区的孩子买了什么?59. 这苹果汁尝起来多么美味啊!60. 好书在我校学生中受欢迎。61. 他看上去很结实,

5、足球也踢得很好。62. 图书馆何时开放?63. 有些人就是不知道怎样玩乐。64. 糖果含有太多的糖分,对我们的牙齿不好。65. 这个发卡和她的粉红外套般配。1、A glass of water helps us start a day well.2、Is she interested in collecting stamps?3、Doing morning exercises makes him (feel)happy.4、How much is this pair of trousers?How much does this pair of trouses cost?5、I don'

6、t know how to show my cousin around our school.6、My brother sometimes practises playing tennis for half an hour at weekends.7、Thank you for showing us around this mus。eu8、She always has some bread and an egg for break。fast9、Why is healthy food so important for Kitty?10、The boy with glasses often pla

7、ys tricks on his sister.11、Is Mr Wu our new English teacher?12、Who is the man over there?13、My classmate is not good at playing computer games./My classmate' dto deos nwell in playing computer games.14、An apple a day keeps the doctor away from me.15、You can find different kinds of books in the b

8、ookshop.16、He spends half an hour reading newspapers every day./It takes him half an hour to read newspaper eve day.17、Usually people can celebrate the Spring Festival in China.18、Healthy food is very important for everyone.19、I don't have enough money to buy the computer.20、We all (All of us)li

9、ke chatting with friends at lunch.21、Don' t forget to bring your English book here.22、What do you think of your new school?/How do you like your new school?23、At last the teacher gave us ten more minutes to finish the work. /another ten minutes24、My grandfather says the park is a good place to e

10、xercise in the morning.25、These hair clips match the teach'ers coat very well./go well with26、You should knock at the door if you want to get into his room first.27、The boy is very interested in designing clothes.His clothes are always different from 'o.thers28、It takes me five minutes to tr

11、y on the T-shirt.The T-shirt is fit for wearing in autumn.29、It's very important for us to keep healthy.We need to eat more vegetables and fruit.30、It seems that he is getting ready for his English exam.31、Doing morning exercises is good for us.32、Children think the Dragon Boat Festival is a ver

12、y interesting festvial.33、I'm thinking about what to wear.34、Which of the sports is your favourite? Swimming.35、You can tastedifferent kinds of nice food from different countries in this restaurant.36、We always have fun /have a good timeat school.37、Let me show you around our library.38、Sandy do

13、es'n t have milk for breakfast any more.39、It's a good idea to buy a pair of trousers for him./Buy him a pair of trous。ers40、We can use pocket money to help the children in poor areas.41、Can you pass me some salt?/pass some salt to me.42、I think white matches any other colour.43、I'm thin

14、king about what to eat for breakfast.44、I practise playing football on Wednesday afternoon.45、You shouldn't eat too much sweet food between meals.46、Is the girl with short hair your English teacher?47、Everyone is getting ready for the Spring Festival now.48、My mother likes listening to music in

15、the free time./when she is free.49、Let the classmate show you around our school.50、We can learn a lot (of things)from after-school activities.51、Li Hong spends half an hour (in)reading English every morning.52、Where are your parents? They are on holiday in Beijing.53、Does your sister have a healthy

16、lifestyle?54、The girl likes letting off fireworks at night.55、It' s good foor us to eat more fruit./Eating more fruit is good for us.56、I often have beef for lunch,this meal gives me energy for the whole afternoon.57、Simon sleeps for less than nine hours a day.58、What does Lily use her pocket mo

17、ney to buy for the children in poor areas?59、How delicious/nice the apple pie tastes!60、Good books are popular among the students in our school.61、He loks very strong and he plays football very well.62、When is the library open?63、Some people just do'nt know how to have fun.64、There is too much sugar in candy,it is bad for our teeth.65、The hair clip mathes her pink coat.


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