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1、jiaoan7au6p2电子教案备课时刻2.17上课时刻2.20课型新授课课题7A Un it 6 Period 2Readi ng (I )教学目标1. Knowledge aim : a fashion show, time, century(centuries), colourful, smart,modern, trainer(s), give a talk, all sb' s life, comfortable, boot(s), sty2. Ability aim : (1)初步了解一样今后时:定义,构成,用法。(2)连系动词 + 形:look/ taste/ feel+

2、adj.Dani el looked smart and moder n.;He feels happy at his birthday party.3. Moral aim : Ask students to have cooperation spirit.教学重点 教学难点Key points : Ss grasp the expressions about fashion Difficult points : How to describe a show and make a show教学过程教学内容活动设计教法设想Step 1 Greeting and Revisiona. First

3、 greet the stude nts.b. Then ask a stude nt: You look very smart today, and yourcoat is very beautiful. What' s it made of ?c. Ask a stude nt to come to the front. Point at his coat,shirt ,sweaterAsk and an swer in pairs:(What' s this? What ' re these? What ' s it made of? these made

4、 of?)Step2 Warming upDo you like watching a fashion show? After the revision.Show the stude nts a picture of some poor stude nts. Say: They' re good students like yoibut they don ' t have any beautiful clothes. They have no mon ey. Some of them can go to school because they' re too poor.

5、 They like stu(very much. What can we do for them?Step 3 Read and an swerRead ingHelp them to an swer: we can send them somemoney / some food, books, clothes and so on. Teacher say: It ' s very kind of you. I' m proud Maybue we cando someth ing for Project Hope like the stude nts at Beiji ng

6、 Sun shi ne Secon dary School. Do you know the meaning of Project Hope" ? Tell the students the Chinese meaning oWhat' re'tiyi ngfle, coit . Then ask what did the students do for Project Hope? Do you want to know? OK. Please ope n your books at Page 92 Read the passage carefully and ask

7、 the students to try to complete the follow ing table.The Fashi on ShowtieLook colourful; white trousers, purple shirt, yellow and redLook cool; a yellow cott on blouse; a pair of blue jea ns;Accordi ng to the table ask the stude nts to say someth ing about the stude nts' clothes.Then ask the st

8、ude nts to read the passage aga in. Ther we can have a competitio n. Divide the stude nts into groups of four, ask the stude nts themselves to try to ask questi ons according to the passage, like: What do the students at Beiji ng Sec on dary School want to do for Project Hope? Then let the other stu

9、dents answer it like They want to raise money for Project Hope If the two stude nts are both right. We can give their groups a red star.After the competitio n. Ask the stude nts to read the passage quickly and ask the stude nts to try to an swer the follow ing questi ons.Questio ns:1. Which class (s

10、tude nts) are giving a fashi on show?Class 1, Grade 72. Why do they give a fashi on show? To raise money for Project Hope.3. Do they wear clothes from different times in the 20 century? Yes, they did.4. Who wears the clothes from the 1980s? Sim on does.5. Who wears the clothes from the 1990s? Sandy

11、does.6. How does Simon look at the fashi on show?He looks colourful.7. What does Sim on wear?He wears a pair of white trousers, a purple shirt and a yellow and red tie.8. Does Daniel look smart and moder n?Yes. he does.9. Why do you think so?Because he wears blue and yellow sports clothes and colour

12、ful trai ners.10. Who gives a talk on trai ners?Kitty.11. Why do you ng people in the 1990s like trai ners?Because they ' re comfortable.12. In what style does Sandy wear her hair?In the style of the 1990s.13. How about Amy?She looks very cool.14. What does she wear?She wears a yellow cott on bl

13、ouse and a pair of blue jea ns.15. Do young people like to wear jea ns?Yes, they do.16. Does every one have fun at the show?Yes.Step 4 PracticeAfter ask ing and an sweri ng ,expla in some new words and expressi ons. a fashi on show raise money for from the 1970s to the 1990s colorful look smart and

14、modern what do think of that ' s all for be-comfortable be popular How beautiful Sandy is!If time permits, ask the stude nts to use the words and expressi ons to make some senten ces.Step 5 Prese ntati onGame: Prepare some pictures of Simo n,Da niel Sandy and Millie accord ing to the passage ask

15、 the stude nts to color their clothes, of course they should n'books. After colori ng them, ask them to say somethi ng about his or her clothes.Step 6 Homework1. Design some clothes you like best and color them.2. Try to memorise the phrases taught above;3. Try to recite the text.4. Fi nish the

16、work on " Learni ng En glish" from Page 103 to 104.Lan guage poin ts:t look at their6你喜爱这条领带的颜色吗?Do you like the colour of this tie?7我确实喜爱这件衬衫,我认为这颜色漂亮。I really like the red blouse. I think the colour is beautiful.8. 我不明白今天该穿什么。I don ' t know what to wear today9. 埃迪昨天生病了。Eddie was ill

17、yesterday.10. 你喜爱那时装表演吗?Do you like the show.11. -你星期六晚上在家吗?-在家Were you at home on Saturday eve ning? Yes, I am.5 clothes是复数名词,做主语时谓语动词用复数。eg. My clothes are in the box.指代clothes要用代词they/them,而不能用it.Where are you clothes?They are on the table.His trousers were white.她的裤子是白色的。trousers总是用复数形式,因此当它做主语的

18、时候,谓语动词要 用复数形式。指代它要用they/them.What color are Lily' s trou:类似的还有shoes, glasses等.表示 一条裤子要用a pair oftrousers.注意当它做主语的时候,谓语动词要用单数。eg. Sandy is weari ng a pair of long red bootsThere is a pair of trousers in the bag类似的还有shoes, glasses等.表示 一条裤子要用a pair oftrousers.注意当它做主语的时候,谓语动词要用单数。There is a pair of

19、 trousers in the bag.Sandy is weari ng a pair of long red bootsWear表示 穿戴,它强调状态,而put on那么强调动作。Tom always wears the blue coat.It is cold. Please put on the coat.6 Wear表示 穿戴,它强调状态,而put on那么强调动作。Tom always wears the blue coat.It is cold. Please put on the coat.air of long red boots.;ers?作业安排A类尝试题 稳固题 拓展题 创新题B类尝试题: 稳固题: 拓展题: 创新题:教后目标 达成 评估反思需改进 的咨询 题


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