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1、湖北省武汉二中2011-2012学年高一上学期期中考试(英语)考试时间:2011年11月4日上午9:0011:00 试卷满分:150分第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In an office.B. In a library.C. In a bookstore.2. Where d

2、id the speakers plan to go? A. A shopping center.B. An opera house.C. The parking lot.3. Which aspect of the film does the woman like? A. The plot.B. The music.C. The dialogue.4. What do we know about the womans jacket?A. It is sold at a lower price.B. Its color is her favorite.C. It is her sisters

3、size.5. What does the woman imply? A. The man is so forgetful. B. The man is too careless. C. The man is over confident.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What makes the man so tired?A. Playing g

4、ames.B. Surfing the Internet. C. Searching for interesting people.7. Whom did the man chat with?A. People from Canada.B. People in need of his help.C. People on the same project. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. What does the law forbid people to do?A. To take dogs to parks.B. To walk dogs in the street.C. To trea

5、t dogs cruelly.9. What do we know from what the woman said? A. Dogs should be kept at home.B. Building a dog park is necessary.C. People would remove the dog waste.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. According to the man, what did he do before he watched TV?- 2 - / 22 A. He washed his hands.B. He had his supper.C.

6、 He took a bath.11. What place had the man been to the night before? A. James Street.B. A restaurant.C. A friends home.12. What does the man try to do in the conversation? A. To prove the truth.B. To find the truth.C. To hide the truth.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Why did the son come back late? A. He hurt

7、his hands and knees.B. He went to a pub with Linda.C. He waited a long time for the bus.14. What was the old lady doing in the middle of the road? A. Looking for something.B. Struggling to stand up.C. Trying to seek help.15. What happened to Linda? A. She was fined.B. She got injured.C. She had an a

8、ccident.16. Where was the witness? A. Outside the pub.B. At a bus stop.C. In his car. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the problem of some of the university students? A. They dont spend all their time on studies. B. They dont know what to do with their free time. C. They dont have choices for outside c

9、lass activities.18. How is the students high school life? A. Controlled and busy.B. Regular and colorful.C. Active and independent.19. According to the speaker, what is the role of outside class activities at university? A. To make students healthier.B. To improve students test scores. C. To enrich

10、students experience.20. What does the speaker advise his students to do? A. Learn to enjoy themselves.B. Learn to be their own masters.C. Learn to develop their potential.第二部分:词汇知识应用(共两节,满分40分)第一节:多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Soon after the mud-rock flow hit Zhou

11、qu, Gansu Province, many soldiers came to the _ as many people were trapped underground.A. shelterB. identityC. rescueD. disaster22. Peoples _ towards the crisis differs greatly. Some are hopeful; others think things will never be looking up.A. altitudeB. attitudeC. forecastD. opinion23. It was no e

12、asy job, but Toms _ expression showed that he would finish it in time.A. determinedB. concerned C. spellboundD. surprised24. Due to _ power failures in the neighborhood, people often have to get some candles just in case.A. meanB. stubbornC. extremeD. frequent25. We could _ him and go direct to the

13、chairman, but we would be skating on very thin ice.A. ignoreB. attackC. blameD. sentence26. He is_ to arrive at 5 p.m. I hope his train will not be delayed this time.A. decided B. scheduledC. settledD. organized27. Money _ happiness: you need a certain amount to live comfortably, but more money does

14、 not necessarily buy more happiness.A. takes part inB. adds up toC. plays a part inD. makes up for28. The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was _ on the radio yesterday.A. worked outB. dug outC. carried outD. given out29. _ his health, we got him to live in the peaceful countryside

15、 for some time until he was back on his feet.A. In view of B. In terms ofC. In honor ofD. In charge of30. Marks life is very orderly. For twenty years, he has walked from his store to his house at _ five oclock. A. gradually B. purposelyC. entirelyD. exactly第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给

16、各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It was her giggling that drew my attention. Note taking really wasn't all that funny.Walking over to the offender, I asked for the 31 . Frozen, she refused to give it to me. I waited, all attention in the classroom on the quiet 32 between teacher and

17、student. When she finally 33 it over she whispered, “Okay, but I didn't draw it”.It was a hand-drawn 34 of me, teeth blackened and the words “I'm stupid” coming out of my mouth. I managed to fold it up calmly. My mind, 35 , was working angrily as I struggled not to 36 .I figured I knew the t

18、wo most likely candidates for drawing the picture. It would do them some 37 to teach them a lesson, and maybe it was high time that I did it! Thankfully, I was able to keep myself 38 .When there were about six minutes remaining, I showed the class the picture. They were all silent as I told them how

19、 39 this was for me. I told them there must be a reason 40 and now was their chance to write down anything they needed to tell me. Then I let them write silently while I sniffed in the back of the classroom.As I 41 the notes later, many of them said something like, “I've got nothing against you,

20、” or “I'm sorry you were hurt. ” Some kids said, “We're 42 of you.” But two notes, from the girls who I 43 were behind the picture, had a list of issuesI was too 44 , too strictReading those notes, I realized that over the course of this year, instead of 45 my students, I had begun commandin

21、g them to 46 . Where I thought I was driving them to success I was 47 driving them away. I had some apologizing to do. But the next day in the classroom, one boy and one girl each handed me a cardThe one 48 by all the boys expressed sincere regret for the ugly joke. The one from the girls asked for

22、49 . This was a lesson for both the kids and me. Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the 50 .31Anote Badvice Creason Dhelp32Abattle Bcompetition Cargument Drelationship33Atook Bthought Cturned Dhanded34Astatue Bgraph Cpicture Dposter35Aotherwise Bhowever Ctherefore Dbesides36Al

23、eave Bcry Cexplain Dargue37Agood Bharm Cfavor Ddamage38Aamused Bcontrolled Cuninterested Drelaxed39Ameaningful Bforgetful Cregretful Dhurtful40Aaside Babove Cbeneath Dbehind41AwroteBfinishedCreadDcollected42AproudBfondCafraidDashamed43AfiguredBpromisedCconcludedDremembered44AtalkativeBmeanCselfishDt

24、roublesome45AforcingBencouragingCcomfortingDteaching46AexpressBapologizeCthink Dachieve47AactuallyBnormallyCimmediatelyDgenerally48AdecoratedBofferedCsignedDbought49AthankfulnessBforgivenessCpunishmentDcorrection50AfriendshipBeducationCknowledgeDfuture第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题短文所给各题的四个选

25、项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ANews that Microsoft was making a $44.6 billion bid to buy Yahoo was greeted with heated discussion by many Internet users on Friday. Here are some responses:Mark Galeassi of Kansas City, MissouriThis is the best move for both parties. Yahoo has the ideas and Microsoft

26、 has the money to finally market these ideas correctly. Microsoft and Yahoo are a perfect fit and the deal will be good for consumers.Scott G of New JerseyI was a Yahoo user for years along with Hotmail from Microsoft. Then Google came along: Google Earth, Google Toolbar and Gmail. Google is so inno

27、vative (创新的) with everything they do. Yahoo and Microsoft. same old story. I dont think the merger (合并) will do anything for either company except improve the Yahoo shareholders bank accounts.Michael Glosser of Estero, Florida Right now, Yahoo offers a lot of features and tools at no cost for all di

28、fferent levels of Internet users. Microsoft seeks nothing but profit. Undoubtedly, theyll do nothing other than find ways to start removing Yahoos formerly non-priced features. Microsofts greed will ruin the great thing that Yahoo currently is.Toni Suarez of Hacienda Heights, California Perhaps it w

29、ould bring better high technology innovations to e-mail and help in researching and developing a better Internet!Antonio Simmons of Parkville, MarylandMicrosoft purchasing Yahoo would be nothing more than an attempt from Microsoft to further impose upon the users their poor-quality software and obta

30、in more wealth for the company. In my opinion, they will never be able to compete with Google because Yahoo and Microsofts current search engines are too inferior (差的) to compete. Even if combined, they still lack.51. Who is in favor of the merger of Microsoft and Yahoo?A. Antonio Simmons. B. Michae

31、l Grosser. C. Scott G. D. Mark Galeassi.52. In the opinion of Scott G , _.A. the merger will contribute to MicrosoftB. Yahoo and Microsoft are lacking in innovationC. Google is getting short of management experienceD. the merger will allow Microsoft to overtake Google53. Michael Grosser is afraid th

32、at _.A. the merger will cost Yahoos free featuresB. the merger will lead to Microsofts defeating YahooC. the increased competition will force Google out of the gameD. Internet users will have to buy Microsofts expensive software54. What is Antonio Simmons attitude towards Google?A. Doubtful. B. Disa

33、pproval. C. Positive. D. Negative.BWork your brain!Between 2 and 3 pounds of wonder,it controls everything we say,do or think,who we are and what we care about. The way we walk or laugh or figure out things. What we like and the talents we possess. How we see and talk and run and jump and process ou

34、r food.The brain uses 20 percent of our body's oxygen and 20 percent of its blood. Somewhere within its protein,fat, 100,000 miles of blood vessels and 100 billion nerve cells,it helps us remember where we put our gym shoes. Change our temperature so we don't die because of the heat or cold.

35、 Speed us up or slow us down. Help us choose between orange juice or orange­flavored drinks.Its intricacies (复杂性) are stunning, far beyond anything most of us can imagine. To keep this work of art as polished (有光泽的) as possible we need to eat right, exercise and keep mentally stimulated (刺激)Goo

36、d nutrition helps brain cells communicate with each other. Exercise stimulates a hormone (荷尔蒙) in our brain that improves memory. Mental stimulation keeps you sharp even as you age.“It's very important that we tell people to be physically active and mentally active,” said neurologist Malcolm Ste

37、wart.“People cannot stop aging,but you're able to reduce the damage;you're able to keep the function up.”Following are Dr.Stewart's advice for improving brain health:NutritionAvoid fast food. Follow the old adage (格言,谚语):For breakfast,eat like a king;for lunch,like a queen;for supper,lik

38、e a beggar.ExerciseDo a combination of stretching aerobic and muscle strengthening every day.Mental gamesTry to have a sense of hope about the future. Do puzzles. Listen to music. Reach out to others to make their lives better.55. The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to _.A. give us

39、advice on how to keep the brain healthy B. inform us how the brain worksC. tell us that the brain plays an important role in our lives D. show how special the brain is to us 56. The word “stunning” in Paragraph 5 means _.A. interesting B. strange C. worrying D. amazing 57. According to the text, mor

40、e exercise _.A. keeps our mind sharp B. helps improve our memory C. gives our brain a rest D. helps brain cells communicate with each other 58. In order to keep brain healthy, we should avoid _.A. eating a good lunch B. doing puzzles C. eating a large supper D. taking aerobic exercise CIn department

41、 stores and closets all over the world, they are waiting. Their outward appearance seems rather attractive because they have a variety of styles, patterns, materials, and colors. But they are eventually the biggest deception(欺骗)that exists in the fashion industry today. What are they? They are high

42、heels(高跟鞋)a womans worst enemy (whether she knows it or not). Fashion has led women to believe that they are more beautiful or fashionable for wearing heels, but in reality, heels cause troubles. Women should fight the high heel industry by refusing to use or buy them in order to save the world from

43、 unnecessary physical and psychological suffering.To be fair, it must be noted that there is a positive side to high heels. First, heels are excellent for aerating(给通气)lawns (草坪). Anyone who has ever worn heels on grass knows what I am talking about. A simple trip around the yard in a pair of those

44、babies gets rid of all the need to call for a lawn care expert, and provides the perfect-sized holes to give any lawn oxygen without all the dirt lying around. Second, heels are quite useful for defending against oncoming enemies by threatening them with a pair of these sharp, deadly fashion items.

45、Regardless of such practical uses for heels, the fact remains that wearing high heels is harmful to ones physical health. Talk to any podiatrist(足病医生), and you will hear that most of their business comes from high-heel-wearing women. High heels are known to cause problems such as misshapen feet and torn toenails. The risk of serious back problems and twisted or broken ankles is three times higher for a high heel wearer than for a flat shoe wearer. Women wearing heels may get a heel caught in a narrow sidewalk gap and be thrown to the ground and possibly break a nose, back, or neck.


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