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1、Gmat 语法试题模拟题及答案五 (5)24. The record of the past is always incomplete, and thehistorian who writes about it inevitably reflects the preoccupations of their own time. A the historian who writes about it inevitably reflectsB the historian writing about it will inevitably reflect C a historian writing ab

2、out it inevitably reflects D writing about it , it is inevitable for historians to reflect E historians in writing about it inevitably reflect25. Scientists calculated that the asteroid, traveling at46 ,000 miles an hour , is on an elliptical path that orbits the Sun once a year and regularly brings

3、 it back toward Earth.A hour , is on an elliptical path that orbits the Sun once a year and regularly brings it B hour , is orbiting the Sun once a year on an elliptical path that regularly brings it C hour , once a year orbits the Sun , regularly bringing it on an elliptical path D hour and orbitin

4、g the Sun once a year on an elliptical path , regularly bringing it E hour , orbits the Sun on an elliptical path once a year and that regularly brings it26. Promotions , retirements , deaths , and other actions approved by the board of directors at its May meeting will be reported in the July 15 is

5、sue of the company paper. A Promotions , retirements , deaths , and other actions approved by the board of directors at its May meeting will be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper. B Promotions , retirements , and other actions which have been approved at the May meeting of the board

6、of directors along with deaths , with be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper.C To be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper are the promotions, retirements , deaths , and otheractions which were approved at the board of directors' May meeting.D Meeting in May , the pro

7、motions , retirements , and other actions approved by the board ofdirectors , including obituaries , will be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper.E The July 15 issue of the company paper will report on promotions , retirements , and other actions approved by the board of directors at i

8、ts May meeting; the paper will alsoinclude obituaries.27. The labor agreement permits staff reductions through attrition with increased pension benefits and a special early-retirement program for speeding it up. A attrition with increased pension benefits and a special early-retirement program for s

9、peeding it up B attrition and provides increased pension benefits and a special early-retirement program to speed the attrition processC attrition , which will be speeded up by providing increased pension benefits and a special early-retirement program D attrition , which , by their providing increa

10、sed pension benefits and a special early-retirementprogram , will speed the process E attrition , which provides increased pension benefits and a special early-retirement program for speeding the attrition process28. Water and resource management problems will be at the head of the legislature's

11、 list of concerns for the coming session. A Water and resource management problems B Problems of managing water and resources C Problems in the management of water and other resources D Problems of water and other resource management E Resource management problems, includingwater.29. Once common thr

12、oughout the Western plains,black-footed ferrets are thought to have declined in number as a result of the poisoning of prairie dogs, their prey.A black-footed ferrets are thought to have declined in number as B it is thought that the decline in number of black-footed ferrets is C the decline in the

13、number of black-footed ferrets is thought of as D that black-footed ferrets have declined in their numbers is thought to be E the numbers of the black-footed ferret arethought to have declined as30. Citing evidence that the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere has increased more than seven perce

14、nt in the last 30 years , many scientists have expressed a fear of destroying forests andcontinued use of fossil fuels will cause an irreversible shift in Earth's climatic pattern. A many scientists have expressed a fear of destroying forests and continued use of B many scientists have expressed

15、 a fear that destruction of forests and continued use of C many scientists have expressed a fear that destruction of forests and continually using D a fear that many scientists have expressed is that destroying forests and continually using E a fear that many scientists have expressed is that destru

16、ction of forests and continual using of31. Prompted by new evidence that the health risk posed by radon gas is far more serious than waspreviously thought , property owners are being advised by authorities to test all dwellings below the third floor for radon gas and to make repairs as needed.A prop

17、erty owners are being advised by authoritiesto B property owners are advised by authorities that they should C authorities are advising property owners to D authorities are advising property owners they E authorities' advice to property owners is they should参考答案 KEY: CADDC ABDAA BADEB BCBCE EDAE

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