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1、sph-常用关键字手册1.*C0NSTRAINED_GL0BAL 全局约束定义一个全局平面边Purpose: Define a global boun dary con stra int pla ne.界约束VzrobleTCRTmuYzIIIrFFfault0D0000TCTran slatio nal Co nstrai nt:平动约束EQ.1: con stra ined x tran slatio n,EQ.2: con stra ined y tran slatio n,EQ.3: con stra ined z tran slatio n,EQ.4: con stra ined x

2、 and y tran slati ons,EQ.5: con stra ined y and z tran slati ons,EQ.6: con stra ined x and z tran slati ons,EQ.7: con stra ined x, y, and z tran slati ons,RC Rotatio nal Con strai nt:转动约束EQ.1: con stra ined x-rotati on,EQ.2: constrained y-rotation,EQ.3: con stra ined z-rotati on,EQ.4: con stra ined

3、x and y rotati ons,EQ.5: con stra ined y and z rotati ons,EQ.6: con stra ined z and x rotati ons,EQ.7: constrained x, y, and z rotations.DIR Direction of normal 正常的方向EQ.1: global x,EQ.2: global y,EQ.3: global 乙Xx-offset coord in atex方向偏移坐标Y y-offset coord in atey方向偏移坐标Z z-offset coord in atez方向偏移坐标R

4、emarks:Nodes with in a mesh-size-depe ndent tolera nee are con stra ined on a global pla ne. Thisopti on is recomme nded for use with r-method adaptive remesh ing where no dal con stra ints arelost duri ng the remesh ing phase.节点网格大小的依赖公差限制在全局坐标平面上,这个选项要求使用在 重新划分阶段。举例说明:(多用在对称面处)*CONSTRAINED_GLOBACO

5、NSTRAINED GLX平动Y、Z转动X法线方向343Z平动X、Y转动Z法线方向2. *SECTION_SPH SPH 属性设置Purpose: Define section properties for SPH particles. 义 SPH 子的属 性Card 11234567BVuubltCSLH田8DEATHSTARTTypeASFFFFFrDefault.dxeL.20.1i.DooU0.0secid SECID is refereneed on the *PART card. Aunique nu mberor label not exceedi ng 8 characters

6、 must be specified. 使用特定的PART编号,其号码字符不能超过8个字符cslh Constant applied to the smoothing length of theparticles. The default value applies for mostproblems. Values betwee n 1.05 and 1.3 areacceptable. Taking a value less tha n 1 is in admissible. Values larger tha n 1.3 willin crease the computati onal t

7、ime. The default value is recomme nded.该常数用于设置光滑粒子长度,默认值应用于大 部分问题。设定值在1.051.3之间是可行的,值 小于1不可行,值大于1.3会增加计算时间,建议 取默认值。HMINScale factor for the mini mum smoothi ng length (See Remark 1)设置最小光滑长度的比 例因子hmax Scale factor for the maximum smoothing len gth (See Remark 1)设置最大光滑长度的比 例因子sphini Optional initial s

8、moothing length (overrides true smoothi ng len gth).This opti on applies to avoid LS-D YNA to calculate the smooth ing len gth duri ng in itializati on. In this case, the variable CSLH does n't apply. 选择初始的光 滑长度(覆盖初始的光滑长度),这个选项用 于避免LS-DYNA在初始化过程中计算光滑长 度。在这种情况下,CSLH的作用就会失效。death Time imposed SPH

9、approximati on is stopped.SPH近似算法停止时间start Time imposed SPH approximation is activated.SPH近似算法激活时间Remarks:1. The SPH processor in LS-DYNA uses a variable smoothi ng len gth. LS-DYNA computesthe initial smoothing length, h 0, for each SPH part by taking the maximum of the minimum dista nee betwee n e

10、very particle. Every particle has its own smooth ing len gth which varies in time according to the following equation:d不(h(t)二 h(t)div (Vofh(t) is the smoothi ng len gth, div(v) is the diverge nee of the flow. The smooth ing len gth in creases whe n particles separate from each other and reduces whe

11、 n the concen trati on particles is importa nt. It varies to keep the same nu mber of particles in the n eighborhood.The smooth ing len gth varies betwee n the minimum and maximum valuesHMIN * h0 < h(t) < HMAX * h0Defining a value of 1 for HMIN and 1 for HMAX will result in a constant smoothin

12、g len gth in time and space.1.SPH处理程序在LS-DYNA中使用变光滑长度。 LS-DYNA计算初始光滑长度,ho,对于每一个S 部分最小的距离在每个微粒之间。每个微粒都有它 己的光滑长度,随时间变化的方程如下:h(t)是光滑长度,div(v)是流动的散度。当粒子相互 分离时光滑长度增加,3. *ELEMENT_SPH SPH 单元Purpose: Define a lumped mass eleme nt assig ned to a no dal point.定义集中丿量单元分配给一个节点6SNIDproMASSTypeIiFDetaulTHOIKone0.

13、Remarksnid Node ID and Element ID are the same forSPH option.节点编号和单元编号对于 SPH要相同。 pid Part ID to which this node (eleme nt) bel on gs.节点或单元所属的PART组mass Mass value 质量值4. *CONTROL_SPH SPH 控制设置为计算SPH粒子提Purpose: Provide con trols for comput ing SPH particles 供控制设置NCBSBOXIDDTTDIMMEMORYFOH'.TSTART” AXY

14、TVpeTIFIIIFFDefault1aoneISOflO.D1 el5C ni-d Format1jL345<57sCONTDEKJVTypeI1DrEWt00ncbs Number of cycles betwee n particle sorting子分类搜索循环次数boxid SPH approximati ons are computed in side aspecified BOX. When a particle has gone outside the BOX, it is deactivated. This willsave computati onaltime by

15、 elim in at ingparticles that no Ion ger in teract with the structure.指定BOX内的SPH粒子参与计算。 当某个SPH粒子位于BOX之外时,该粒子失 效,通过消除某些不再与结构发生作用的粒子, 可以节省计算时间。dt Death time. Determines when the SPH calculations are stopped. 粒子失效时间idim Space dimension for SPH particles: SPH 粒子 的空间维数3 for 3D problems 参数为3时,表示3维问2 for 2

16、D plane strain problems参数为 2 时,表示2维问题。-2 for 2D axisymmetric problems 参数为-2 时, 表示轴对称问题。When a value is not specified LS-DYNA determ ines the space dime nsion automatically by checking the use of 3D, 2D or 2D asisymmetric elements.当这个值无法自动指 定LS-DYNA的维数,程序通过核对使用3维、 2维或轴对称的单元来确定空间维数。MEMOR Y Defines the

17、 in itial nu mber of n eighbors per particle. This variable is just for memory allocation of arrays during the initialization phase. During the calculati on, some particles can request more n eighbors and LS-DYNA will automatically adapt the size of that variable. Default value should apply for most

18、 applications.定义每个粒子的初始相邻粒子 的数量,该变量只是在初始化阶段调整内存分配。在计算中,如果某些粒 子需要更多的相邻粒子,LS-DYNA会自 动调整该变量设置。默认值适用于大部 分问题。FORM Particle 即 proximation theory:子近似理论'EQ. 0: default formulatio n,默认公式EQ. 1: remormalization approximation 重 归-近似化STARTMAXVCONTStart time for particle approximation. Particle approximations

19、 will be computed when time of the analysis has reached the value defined in START. 粒子近似开始时间。当分析时间达到所设定的 值时,粒子将开始计算。Maximum value for velocity for the SPH particles. Particles with a velocity greater than MAXV are deactivated SPH子速度最大值,如果速度超过该值,质点将会失效。Defines the computati on of the particle approxi

20、mati on betwee n two differe nt SPH parts:两个不同的SPH组之间粒子近似的计 算设置。EQ. 0: Particle 即proximation is defined (default)参1数设为 0 计算粒子近似(默认值)EQ. 1: Particle approximation is not computed. Two different SPH materials will not in teract with each other and pen etrati on is allowed.参数设为1不计算粒子近似,两 种不同的SPH材料不会发生相

21、互作用, 允许相互穿透。DERIVTime in tegrati on type for the smoothi ng len gth:光滑长度的时间积分类型。d1EQ.O:(h(t)二一h(t)div(v)(default)dtdd11/3EQ.1:-(h(t) = -h(t)(div(v)5. *BOUNDARY_SPH_SYMMETRY_PLANE 对称平面边界设置Purpose: Define a symmetry plane for SPH. This option applies to continuum domains modeled with SPH elements定义一个S

22、PH.对称平面,这个选项应 用在有连续域的SPH单元模型121567BVuipl kVTXVTYVTZVHXVHYVHZTypeFFFFFFDetaaJr00.00.0.0VTX x-coordinate of tail of a normal vector originating on the wall (tail) and term in at ing in the body (head) (i.e., vector points from the symmetry pla ne into the body).对称边界面的法向向量尾的X坐标,向量尾起始于对称平面,向量头指向SPH粒子内部V

23、TY y-coordinate oftail 法向向量尾Y坐标VTZ z-coordinate of tail 向向量Z 坐VHX x-coordinate ofhead向向量头X坐VHY y-coordinate ofhead向向量头Y坐VHZ z-coordinate ofhead向向量头Z坐Remarks:1. A plane of symmetry is assumed for all SPH elements defined in the model.一个对称平面假设用来定义模型所有的SPH单元2. The pla ne of symmetry has to be no rmal to either the x,y or z directi on对称平面必须得有正常的 X,Y或Z指向


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