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1、査找资料,请进入百度文库,您的资料专家!精品"正版"资料系列,由本公司独创.旨在将M人教版"、”苏教版"、"北师 大版"、"华师大版"等涵盖几乎所有版本的教材教案、课件、导学案及同步练习和 检测题分享给需要的朋友。本资源创作于2020年8月,是当前最新版本的教材资源.包含本教材所有 课时内容,是您备课、上课、课后练习以及寒暑假预习的最佳选择.小学六年级英语下册期中测试卷姓名班级分数请从Il栏中选出丨栏的答语,将序号写在题前的括号里。如果您觉得我有用请下载或收藏我因为再次搜索到我的机会不女哦,亲!()1 When a

2、re We going to eat?()2.What t:ime is it ?()3.What are We going to do ?()4.Are these ducks hungry ?()5. Let,s go Under that tree, OK?()6.What do you want?()7. Can I help you?()8. HOW much is it?()9. Here you are()10、What are you doing?IlA. OK ! Let's go.B. YeSZ they areC. It's twelveD. At hal

3、f PaSt twelveE. We,re going to WaIk around the lake.F. It,s four dollars.G l,m Playing footballH. I Want SOme bananasI. 1 don't knowJ. Thank you2. OUt Of4. mess6.错误的_8. balloon _10. birthday二、英汉互译。1.漂走 _3. be CarefUl5. everyOne7.汉堡9. PiCniC三、选择正确的译文。()go down the hill()COme to the StatiOn()SWim

4、in the water()have a PiCniC)have a birthday Party()Play CheSS) WaIk around the lake)enjoy your meal()half PaSt twelve)PiCk UP the applesA. 举行一次生日晚会B. 在水中游泳C. 享用你们的美餐D. 下山E. 在湖的周用散步F. 下棋G. 捡起苹果H. 十二点半I.举行一次野餐J.来到车站四、选择填空。()1 He Wantstorice.A. eatsB. eatC. eatingD drink)2. We are going to have a PiCni

5、Chalf PaSt twelveA. atB. OnC. inD. from()3. I had ai Very funny daySatUrday.A. inB. OnC. atD. from()4. She isthings for your birthdayA. buysB. buyC. to buyD. buying()5. Can hethis bag?A. CarrySB. CarryC. CarryingD to Carry()6. I amDaming' S birthday CardA. makeB. makingC. makesD. makeing()7. I a

6、mSOme PhOtOSA. sendB. SendSC. sendingD. to Send()8. He Canbasket ball Very well.A. PIayB. PIaySC. PIayingD. to Play()9. COme andus.A. to helpB. helpsC. helpD. helping()10. lt"s going to besoon.A. WindyB. rainC. SnOW)11. What do you Want to drink, juice Or tea?A. Yes, I do.B. No, I don,t.C. Juic

7、e, PIeaSe D Oh, dear!)12. What do you Want to eat?A. COIaB. VegetableS C. BOOk)13. HOW much is the hot dog?A. TWO B. Three dollars C. FOUr hot dogs)14. IS it really a dog?D. WaterD. One hundred YUanA. Yes, it isn,tB. NOZ it is)15. TheSe ducksVery hungry.C. No, it isn,tA. isB. areC. amD. be)16.Daming

8、 isa birthday PartyA. haveingB. haveC. hadD. having)17.He,s Starting to CrOSSa Car is coming.A. andB. butC. forD. SO)18.What do you Want to drink?A. a COIaB. a hamburgerC. a hot dog五、连词成句。1. hot, dog, I, a, SOmeZ and, want, noodles2. do, what, you, Wantz eat, to3. your, meal, enjoy, PleaSe4. thirtee

9、n, it,s, and, forty, dollars, CentS5. I, you, help, Can6. going 7we , to, are, a, PiCniC ,in, have, Park ,the.7 birds, singing, in, are, tree the, the8. ducks, eating ,are, the, PiCniC9. had, funny, I, a, or SatUrdayz day, Very10. going, when, you, to, are, have, IUnCh六、句型转换。1. I Want a hamburger.(对

10、画线部分提问)do you?2. It,s thirteen dollars and twentfive cents.(对画线部分提问) is it?3. We are going to eat at half PaSt twelve.(对画线部分提问)are We going to?4. It is really a dog.(改为一般疑问句) really a dog?5.1 Can Carry everything (改为否定句)ICarry everything七、阅读短文,完成下列表格和回答。(要求数字用英语表示)MS Smart and MS Green Went to a SUP

11、ermarket this morning. They bought IOtS Of food and fruits. Can you help them to SUm up(合讣)the food and fruits?And how much did they spend?X$1.24$2IL$2.8MS SmartOne kiloSiX kilosninefiveMS Greentwo kilosOne kiloSiXSiXTOtaI(总数)()kilos()kilos()()1. How much are two kilos Of bananas? dollars and cents.

12、2. How much are three kilos Of Oranges? dollars 3.How much are the colas? dollars and cents.4. How much are eight hamburgers? dollars and cents.八、阅读短文完成句子。Dear LaUraZThank you for your letter. We are SO glad to be your Pen friends We are English, but We have IiVed in China for a IOng time We have IO

13、tS Of Chinese friends here They asked US to invite you to COme hereI Iike flying kites. I bought many ChineSe kites Look, there's a PhOtO Of me. I,m holding a dragOn kite Amy,s hobby is COlleCting Barbie dolls. She has got many Barbie dolls.We are Waiting for your COmingFrOmzSam and Amy1. LaUra

14、is Sam and Amy,s .2. Sam,s hobby is .3. In the photo, Sam is .4. COIIeCting Barbie dolls is .九、阅读理解:判断正误(T或F)。My name is LUCy l,m from China but now I IiVe in LOndon .There is a Very Iarge ChinatOWn in LOndOnWent there for SPring Festival With my grandparents. At night We SaW a IiOn dance .The IiOn

15、danced in the Street Jt WaS red and gold .There Were beaut讦UlIightS everywhere .There WaS music, too. We had a great time()1.1 IiVe in China.()2.1 Went to LOndon With my Parents.()3.The IiOn WaS red and gold()4.We SaW a ClragOndanCe.()5.We SaW the beaut讦UIIightS and IiSteneCl to music.十、写作。下周就是儿童节了,

16、写一写你下周的打算吧。参考答案一 1-5 DCEBA 6-10 IHFJG二 away 2.往外。3.小心 4脏舌L 5每个人 6.wrong 7.hamburger 8.气球9.野餐10.生日三 DJBlAFECHG四 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.B 1&A五 UWant a hot dog and SOme noOdleS2. What do you Want to eat?3. EnjOy your meal PIeaSe4. It's th

17、irteen dollars and forty CentS5. Can I help you?6. We are going to have a PiCnic in the Park7. The birds are Singing in the tree8. The ducks are eating picnic.9. I had a Very funny day On SatUrday.10. When are you going to have IUnch?六 1. What/Want2. HOW/much3.Wheneat 4.lsit 5.cannot七 Total: Three /

18、 Seven/ Fifteen/ EleVen1. two forty 2.six 3.sixteen fifty 4.twenty-two 5.forty丿I l.penfriend 2.flying kites 3. holding a ClragOn kite 4.Amy,s hobby 九 1.F2.F3.T 4.F5.T十略感谢您使用本资源,本资源是由订阅号"初中英语资源库制作并分享给广大用戸,本资 源制作于2020年底,是集实用性、可编辑性为一体。本资源为成套文件,包含本年级本课 的相关资源。有教案、教学设讣、学案、录音、微课等教师最需要的资源。我们投入大量的 人力.物力,聘请精英团队,从衡水中学.毛毯厂中学.昌乐中学等需校集合了一大批优秀 的师资,精研中、高考,创新教学过程,将同学们喜闻乐见的内容整体教给学生。本资源适用于教师下载后作为教学的辅助工具使用、适合于学生家长下载后打印出来作 为同步练习使用、也适用于同学们自己将所学知识进行整合,整体把握进度和难度,是一个 非常好的资源。如果需要更多成套资料,请微信搜索订阅号“初中英语资源库”,在页面下 方找到“资源库”,就能得到您需要的每一份资源(包括小初高12000份主题班会课课件免 费赠送!)


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