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1、多相流体模型应用范围版权:Bhara th Rao1998年5月18日目录Hagedorn和棕色相关Orkiszewski 相关Beggs和布里尔相关一般建议参考资料摘要Four multiphase flow models or correlations (Duns & Ros, Hagedorn &Brown, Orkiszewski, and Beggs & Brill) are currently available in Hydrafor predicting the pressure pro a well. The range of applicabilit

2、y of the multiphase flow models is dependent on several factors such as, tubing size or diameter, oil gravity, gas-liquid ratio, and, two-phase flow with or without water-cut. The effect of each of these factors on estimating the pressure pro a well is discussed separately for all the multiphase mod

3、els considered. A reasonably good performance of the multiphase flow models, within the context of this document, is considered to have a relative error (between the measured and predicted values of the pressure profile) less than or equal to 20%.四多相流体模型或相关性(Duns和活性氧,Hagedorn&Brown, Orkiszewski,

4、 Beggs和布里尔)目前供应Hydrafor预测其压力剖面 在一口井里。标准适用范围多相流体模型是取决于儿个因素,如、油管大 小或直径、石油地心引力,气液比,两相流有或没有water-cut。效果每个 这些因素估算压力剖面问题分别井为所有多相模型考虑。一个合理可靠性 能模型,研究多相流动上下文以内这个文件,可以被认为是两个人之间相 对误差测量与预测值进行压力剖面)小于或等于20%。Duns & Ros Corre-lationThe Duns & Ros correlation is developed for vertical flow of gas and liquid

5、mixtures in wells. This correlation is valid for a wide range of oil and gas mixtures and flow regimes. Although the correlation is intended for use with . dry. oil/gas mixtures, it can also be applicable to wet mixtures with a suitable correction. For water contents less than 10%, the Duns-Ros corr

6、elation (with a correction factor) has been reported to work well in the bubble, slug (plug), and froth regions. The pressure pro performance of the Duns & Ros method is outlined below in relation to the several flow variables considered:Duns和活性氧相关,设计开发了垂直流动混合物气体或液体在威尔斯。这 种关系是有效广泛油气混合物和流量变化。虽然相关

7、是专为使用与.dry. 油气混合物,它也可以适用于湿混合物和适合修正。为水份含量低于 10%, Duns-Ros相关(修正系数)被报道来合作得很好,这一泡沫时候,塞 (塞),泡沫地区。压力剖面预测性能方法Duns和活性氧简述以下与几个流 量不同考虑:Tubing Size. In general, the pressure drop is seen to be over predicted for a range of tubing diameters between 1 and 3 inches.管材尺寸。一般来说,其压力损失预测可以看到在为一系列油管直径1 到3英寸。Oil Gravity

8、. Good predictions of the pressure pro obtained for a broad range of oil gravities (13-56API).着重API) o 石油重力。良好预测压力剖面上获得了广泛油 (13-56API)oGas-Liquid Ratio (GLR). The pressure drop is over predicted for a wide range of GLR. The errors become especially large (> 20%) for GLR greater than 5000.气液比(GLR)

9、。压降超过预期范围广泛GLR。错误尤其当大(> 20阶比 GLR 5000oWater-Cut. The Duns-Ros model is not applicable for multiphase flow mixtures of oil, water, and gas. However, the correlation can be 3 / 11used with a suitable correction factor as mentioned above.Water-Cuto Duns-Ros模型,不适用混合物多相流动油、水、和天然气。 然而,相关可以用一个合适修正系数如上所述

10、。Hagedorn & Brown CorrelationThis correlation was developed using data obtained from a 1500-ft vertical well. Tubing diameters ranging from 1-2 in. were considered in the experimental analysis along with 5 different fluid types, namely: water and four types of oil with viscosities ranging betwee

11、n 10 and 110 cp ( 80 F) The correlation developed is independent of flow patterns and its performance is briefly outlined below. 这种相关性,研制出一 1500-ft垂直所获得资料。管直径从1 - F)80 2 归被认为是在实验分析以及5个不同流体类型,即:水和四种类型油与 viscosities范围在10到110(cp 相关开发是独立于流动特性与简要概 述了其性能下面。Tubing Size. The pressure losses are accurately p

12、redicted for tubing sizes between 1 and 1. 5 in. , the range in which the experimental investigation was conducted. A further increase in tubing size causes the pressure drop to be over predicted.管材尺寸。压力损失是准确预测油管1到1. 5归大小范围,进行试验研究。 进一步增加压降油管大小原因,预测。Oil Gravity. The Hagedorn-Brown method is seen to o

13、ver predict the pressure loss for heavier oils (13-25 API) and under predict the pressure pro lighter oils (40-56API)石油重力。Hagedorn-Brown看见方法在游泳压力损失预测油13-25 API 下压力分布预测轻油(40-56API)Gas-Liquid Ratio (GLR). The pressure drop is over predicted for GLR greater than 5000.气液比(GLR)。压降超过预期GLR大于5000。Water-Cut.

14、 The accuracy of the pressure pro is generally good for a wide range of water-cuts.Water-Cut o压力剖面准确性预测是普遍好适用于广泛water-cut SoOrkiszewski CorrelationThis correlation is limited to two-phase pressure drops in a vertical pipe and is an extension of Griffith & Wallis work. The correlation is valid fo

15、r different flow regimes such as the bubble, slug, transition, and annular mist and is a composite of several methods as shown below:这种相关性仅限于两相压力下降在垂直管道和是扩展格里菲思和沃利斯 工作。相关有效期为不同流量变化如泡、塞、过渡和环形雾和综合儿点如MethodFlow RegimeGriffithBubbleGriffith & WallisSlug (density term)OrkiszewskiSlug (friction term)D

16、uns & RosTransitionDuns & RosAnnular MistIt should be noted that the liquid distribution coefficient (hold-up) is evaluated using the data from the Hagedorn & Brown model. The performance of Orkiszewski correlation is briefly outlined below for the flow variables considered.应该指出是,该液体分布系数

17、评估应用数据从Hagedorn和棕色模型。 Orkiszewski相关性能简要概述了下面流量不同考虑。Tubing Size. The correlation performs well between 1 and 2 in. tubing sizes. The pressure loss is over predicted for tubing sizes greater than 2 inches.管材尺寸。相关表现良好1到2归油管大小。压力损失超过预测大小油管 大于2英寸。Oil Gravity. At low oil gravities (13-30 API), the correla

18、tion over predicts the pressure profile. However, predictions are seen to improve as oil API increases.石油重力。在低油耗(13-30API着重)、相关在预测压力侧面。然Gas-Liquid Ratio (GLR). The accuracy of Orkiszewski method is very good for GLR up to 5000. The errors become large (> 20%) for GLR above 5000.气液比(GLR)。Orkiszews

19、ki精度方法具有较好GLR达到5000。变大错误 (> 20%)为 GLR 以上 5000oWater-Cut. The correlation predicts the pressure drop with good accuracy for a wide range of water-cuts.Water-Cuto相关预测压降和精度好广泛water-cutsoBeggs & Brill Cor-relationThe Beggs & Brill correlation is developed for tubing strings in inclined wells

20、and pipelines for hilly terrain. This correlation resulted from experiments using air and water as test fluids over a wide range of parameters. The performance of the correlation is given below.Beggs和布里尔相关开发中弦乐油管斜井和管道送丘陵地形。这种关系是 使用空气和水从实验测试流体在大范围参数。相关性能下面给出。Tubing Size. For the range in which the ex

21、perimental investigation was conducted (i.e., tubing sizes between 1 and 1. 5 in.), the pressure losses are accurately estimated. Any further increase in tubing size tends to result in an over prediction in the pressure loss.管材尺寸。范围内进行试验研究管道尺寸(例如,1到1. 5英寸),压力损失 是正确估计。任何进一步增长管道尺寸容易导致超重压力损失预测。Oil Grav

22、ity. A reasonably good performance is obtained over a broad spectrum of oil gravities.石油重力。一个合理可靠性能得到了广泛石油着重论述。Gas-Liquid Ratio (GLR). In general, an over predicted pressure drop is obtained with increasing GLR. The errors become especially large for GLR above 5000.气液比(GLR)。一般来说,而获得压降预测GLR增加。尤其当大错误G

23、LR以 ± 5000oWater-Cut. The accuracy of the pressure pro is generally good up to about 10% water-cut.Water-Cuto压力剖面准确性预测是一般好water-cut 10%oGeneral Recom-mendations#般 Recom-mendationsIn general, the Orkiszewski and Hagedorn & Brown model are found to perform satisfactorily for vertical wells wi

24、th or without water-cut, and should therefore be considered equally as the first choice in such wells. As mentioned earlier, the Duns & Ros correlation is not applicable for wells with water-cut and should be avoided for such cases. The Beggs & Brill method is applicable for inclined wells w

25、ith or without water-cut and is currently the best choice available for deviated wells. However, the method can also be utilized for vertical wells as the last choice. Finally, it should be noted that the performance of the multiphase flow models may not always be affected entirely by the particular

26、 flow variable against which the performance trend is indicated. In most cases, the performance of these models may be dependent on a combination of several of these flow variables considered. Therefore, keeping these limitations in mind, the above discussion could be used as a guide to eliminate or

27、 select a particular correlation in the absence of other relevant information.一般而言,Orkiszewski和Hagedorn和棕色模型进行了令人满意地对竖井 或有或无water-cut,同样,因此它们应该被考虑作为第一选择在这样并 里。如前面提到,Duns和活性氧相关不适用于井,在water-cut,应当避免 为这样情况。Beggs和布里尔方法适用于斜威尔斯有或没有water-cut最 佳选择,是目前可供与威尔斯。然而,方法也可用于竖井最后选择。最后, 它应该注意是,研究多相流动模型性能影响不可能永远完全是由对特

28、定流 量变量性能趋势显示。在大多数情况下表现后,这些模型可以依赖一个相 结合儿个这些流量不同考虑。因此,保持这些限制于心,上述讨论可作为指 导消除或者选择特定相关在没有其他相关信息。1. Beggs, H. D. and Brill, J. P. : .A Study of Two-Phase Flow in Inclined Pipes,. J. Pet. Tech. (May 1973) 607-617.2. Duns, H. , Jr. and Ros, N. C. J. : . Vertical Flow of Gas and Liquid Mixtures in Wells,. Pr

29、oc. Sixth World Pet. Congress, Frankfurt (Jun. 19-26, 1963) Section II, Paper 22-PD6.3. Espanol, J. H. , Holmes, C. S. , and Brown, K. E. : . A Comparison of Existing Multiphase Flow Methods for the Calculation of Pressure Drop in Vertical Wells, . SPE 2553 presented at the 44th Annual Fall Meeting

30、of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, Denver, CO (Sept. 28-0ct. 1, 1969).4. Griffith, P. : . Two-Phase Flow in Pipes, . Special Summer Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1962).5. Griffith, P. and Wallis, G. B. : . Two-Phase Slug Flow, . J. Heat Transfe

31、r; Trans. ASME (Aug. 1961) 307-320.6. Hagedorn, A. R. and Brown, K. E. : . Experimental Study of Pressure Gradients Occurring During Continuous Two-Phase Flow in SmallDiameter Vertical Conduits,. J. Pet. Tech. (Apr. 1965) 475-484.7. Lawson, J. D. and Brill, J. P. : . A Statistical Evaluation ofMetho

32、ds Used to Predict Pressure Losses for Multiphase flow inVertical Oilwell Tubing, . J. Pet. Tech. (Aug. 1974) 903-914.8. Orkiszewski, J. : . Predicting Two-Phase Pressure Drops inVertical Pipe, . J. Pet. Tech. (Jun. 1967) 829-838.9. Vohra, I. R, Robinson, J. R. , Brill, J. P. : . Evaluation of Three New Methods for Predicting Pressure Losses in Vertical Oilwell Tubing,. J. Pet. Tech. (Aug. 1974) 829-832.11 / 11


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