新目标英语九年级上Unit 9册重点短语.doc

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1、Unit 9 When was it invented ?1.be used for 用来做2.light bulb 电灯泡3.microwave oven 微波炉4.by mistake 错误的5.by accident 偶然意外6.fall into 落入7.in this way 这样8.knock into sb 撞上某人9.invent sth 发明某物be (was/were) invented by sb 被sb发明the most helpful invention 最有用的发明10.be used for doing=be used to do sth 用来做某事used t

2、o 过去常常be used to doing sth 习惯做某事use up 用光the use of sth .的用途11.scoop ice cream 舀冰淇淋heated ice cream scoop 舀冰淇淋的勺子12.shoes with adjustable heels 带有可调整后跟的鞋shoes with high heels 高跟鞋13.battery-operated slippers/sneakers用电池操作的拖鞋operate on sb 给某人做手术operation 手术14.do sth by mistake 错误的/巧合的做某事make mistakes

3、in sth 在某方面犯错误15.sprinkle salt on sth 把盐撒在.上面16.an ancient Chinese legend 一个古老的中国传说ancient culture 古文化17.boil drinking water 煮开水18.produce sth 制造某物be produced 被制造19.pie plate 馅饼盘子flying disk 飞碟20.throw flying disk 扔飞碟throw sth 扔某物throw sth away 把某物扔掉throw sth about 到处乱扔throw sth to sb 扔给某人throw sth

4、at the dog 朝.扔21.one hundred years=one century一百年一世纪early in the 21st century 在21世纪初22.including sth 包括某事23.create sth 创造某物24.be made from 由.制成<不>be made of 由.制成<能>25.on a hard wooden floor 在一个坚硬的木制地板上26.knock into sb 撞上某人knock at the door 敲门27.divide sth into 把.分成.部分28.the aim of sth .的

5、目标29.get/throw a ball into the basket 把球投入篮筐a basket of apples 一篮苹果30.a metal hoop 一个金属环31.be shot 被射死32.tour guide 导游33.move/run towards 朝.方向移动/跑34.a developping country 一个发展中国家a developped country 一个发达国家35.the popularity of .的流行36.rise worldwide 引起全世界广泛传播37.NBA=National Basketball Association 国家篮球

6、协会38.equip sth with sth 用.来装备39.in 1891 在1891年in the 1891s 在19世纪90年代40.have a history class 上一节历史课41.a friend of mine 我的一个朋友some partners of mine 我的一些伙伴42.hand-held calculators 手提计算器43.play indoors 在户内玩44.create a game 发明一种游戏45.the safety of .的安全46.fall down 跌倒47.It's believed that 人们相信It's

7、heard that 人们听说It's said that 据说It's thought that 人们认为48.travel around China 游览中国49.since then 自从那以后50.notice sth 注意.51.the number of .的数字a number of sth = many 许多52.dream about of doing sth 梦想做某事53.much-loved and active sport 深受人们喜爱的运动54.a doctor called/named 一个叫.的医生55.be born in /on 出生于56.the first basketball game in history历史上第一场篮球赛57.take park in 参加58.in the dark 在黑暗中59.change the style of sth 改变.的风格60.from casual to dressy 从休闲到正式61.in a bad mood =be moody 心情糟糕62.not.until 直到.才63.be discovered 被发现64.oven on open fire 在篝火上的炉 希望对大家有所帮助,多谢您的浏览!


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