Unit 1 Welcome to our school! Lesson 2 教案(1).doc

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1、Unit 1 Welcome to our school!Lesson 2教案【教学重点】1. 流利的口语表达能力,用英语表达自己在学校的生活。2. 掌握重点单词和句型。会用英语表述各种学校建筑的作用。-This is library.- we often borrow books from the library.【教学难点】1. 各种介词的运用。比如borrow books from the library. have a meeting in the meeting room.2. 运用所学的句子熟练对话。以日常交流为基础,让学生掌握英语语言,并在听说读写的训练中学到主动的语言,启发学生

2、的英语思维能力。【教具准备】1. 相关学校建筑图片2. 配套的教学课件3. 游戏用的录音音乐【教学过程】热身复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1. Greetings and free talkT:Hi, boys and girls. Glad to meet you. Lets start our new lesson. Are you ready?S:Yes! We are ready.呈现新课 (Presentation)1导入上节课我们带领了参观团参观了我们学校的图书馆,会议室。大家还记得怎么用英语表达的吗?今天我们学习lets practice

3、! 我们一起来巩固练习一下。首先我们玩个简单的你说我答得游戏。有请两位同学上台,比如一位同学描述:我在那个地方可以借到书。或者直接比划借书的动作,由另一位同学猜出比划同学所在的地方是哪2. 介词学习In. 在里面。 in the classroom. 在教室里面。From. 从 I often borrow books from the library. 从图书馆借书。3. 单词学习教师出示学校设施图片。讲解单词并说明意思。library 图书馆。Borrow books.dance room 舞蹈室Dancemeeting room会议室。Have meetingsstudents dorm

4、itory 学生宿舍。gym体育馆do exercise4. Play a game让同学自己挑选各种学校设施图片,并在同学面前进行展示。例如:Dance room, dance room. We dance in the room. Music room, music room, we sing songs in the room.Class room, class room, we have class in the room. 学生做出相应的动作,以便对于该单词的记忆。5. 自由互动环节让同学们跟同伴进行自由互动。进行问答式互动。通过小伙伴之间的练习,让学生更熟知重点句型的应用。- We

5、lcome to our school.- Thank you.- Let me show you around my school.- Here is the classroom. We often have class in this room.- It is meeting room. we will have a meeting in this room.- It is library.- Do you often come to library?- Yes, we often borrow books from the library.6. Lets chant活跃课堂气氛,教师与学

6、生一起唱书上第4页的歌曲。开小火车形式,与学生进行歌曲的演唱。通过小活动可以活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习积极性。增加课堂的趣味性。趣味操练 (Practice)Play games. 由老师担任参观人员,有请几位同学作为旅游向导,给老师介绍学校。分组表演。由老师给出评价,看看哪一组表演的最好。-Good morning, welcome to our school.-Thank you. Can you show me around your school?-Certainly. -It is our meeting room. We often have meeting in this room.扩展性活动(Add-activities)1)收集更多的学校设施建筑的单词进行记忆。通过游戏方式加深对单词的理解。2)学生可用单词造句,以达到学以致用的目的。Homework1). 编写书上类似的对话。2). 预习Lesson 3


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