Unit 2 There are forty students in our class Lesson 10 教学设计1(1).doc

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1、Unit 2 There are forty students in our class !Lesson 10教学设计一、教材内容分析1. Just talk本部分通过设置同学们为需要帮助的孩子捐献物品的真实场景,引出要学习的目标语言How many bags do you have? We have seventy bags.教师可以运用听录音、情景模仿以及角色表演等方法激励学生感知、模仿、学习和体验,最终引导学生能够在生活情景中初步运用这些功能语句进行交际,并培养学生乐于助人的好品质。主要目标语言:How many bags do you have?We have seventy bags

2、.2. Just read and write本部分要求学生能够听、说、认读seventy, eighty。能够听、说、读、写bag, book, 并能在四线格中规范书写;进一步巩固询问及表达物品数量的结构How many bags do you have? We have seventy bags.3. Lets chant本部分设计了一首歌谣,学生在学习并说唱歌谣中,进一步巩固本课主要目标语言We have seventy bags. 同时提高学习英语的兴趣。二、学生情况分析学生在前面的学习中已经学会了1-60的英文说法,并能用基本句型How manydo you have?来询句物品、人

3、数等。在本课中将延续前面数字的学习,继续学说 seventy, eighty。本课将使用情境教学法和任务型教学法进行教学。三、教学目标1.学生能理解、说出以下句子:How many bags/books do you have? We have bags/books.理解、认读Lets help children in need!2.学生能够正确地听、说、认读并书写词语:seventy, eighty.3.在实际情境中运用这些词句进行日常交流。4.培养合作学习的意识和乐于助人的精神。四、教学重难点教学重点:听说、认读How manydo you have? We have句型并在实际情境中灵活

4、运用。教学难点:Lets help children in need! 的认读及理解是本课的难点。通过播放多媒体课件的方式让学生理解这句话的含义并激发学生乐于助人的品质。五、教学步骤1.热身(唱一唱)(1)播放Ten little candles dance.歌曲,学生齐唱歌曲,复习数字110.(2)教师播放How many apples can you see?的歌谣,让学生欣赏歌谣并回答问题:How many peaches can you see?设计意图:第一首学生熟悉的歌谣活跃了课堂气氛,在轻松的氛围中复习了1-10的数字。第二首歌谣则用来启发思维、吸引学生注意力,让他们边听边抓住关

5、键词句,引入How many? Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.T: Do you remember the song: Ten little candles dance? Lets sing together.T: Very nice song. Would you like to enjoy another song about numbers?Ss: YesT: So now I have a question for you: How many

6、peaches can you see? Please listen carefully.T: How many peaches can you see? Ten, fifteen or twenty?S: Twenty.(板书How many? Twenty.)T: What's twenty plus fifty?S: Seventy.T: Wonderful. Whats seventy and ten? S: Its eighty.(出示Just read and write部分课件,板书seventy, eighty并教学练读)2.呈现(1)观察图片,引入情境。教师引导学生观

7、察图片,图中有哪些人,猜测他们在干什么?设计意图:用好便利的教材资源,培养学生的观察力和想象力,为理解文本、掌握文本内容做好恰当的铺垫。T: Look at your book. Who are they on Picture 1?Ss: Students and teachersT: Yes, what are they doing? Guess!S: 他们在送书本文具。T: Yes, they are donating something to the Project Hope.(捐赠希望工程)(2)听录音,找出答案。T: Lets listen to the tape and see h

8、ow many bags do they have?(出示bag图片)S: They have seventy bags.板书How many bags do you have? We have seventy bags.(3)情境再现,突破难点。 设计意图:“希望工程”不是孩子日常经常接触的事物,所以孩子理解起来会有点难度,要想让他们理解其中的意义就要借助图片、影像等形象化的资料,将情境再现到学生面前。这样学生便于学生接受、易于理解其意义。引导学生观察图中柜台上的句子:Lets help children in need!结合PPT,呈现山村艰苦条件下求学孩子的照片,引导学生理解这句话的意思

9、,并在情境中自发练说Lets help children in need.(4)组内合作,自学巩固。小组内观察图片,并分配角色,试着自学第二部分内容,并在组内演一演。设计意图:在学习第一幅图How many bags do you have?的基础上,组内自主学习第二幅图How many books do you have?等内容,举一反三、学以致用,充分发挥学生的主动性。3.操练(1)Look, listen and imitate.教师组织学生听“Just talk”部分内容并跟读,练说。T: Boys and girls, lets listen to the tape of P20.

10、Please point to your book and imitate.(提醒学生手指书并跟读,养成良好的学习习惯。)(2) Listen and match.通过听录音连线的方式练习句型How many do you have? I have的用法,并在句子中听出关键词。T: Lets listen and match, take out your ruler and pencil.播放录音:How many books do you have? I have seventy books.How many bags do you have? We have eighty bags.How

11、 many teachers are there in your school? There are sixty.How many girls are there in your class? There are 24 boys, but only 22 girls.How many English books do you have? We have forty.学生连线,教师组织核对答案并纠错。设计意图:针对Just read and write部分的练习,对重点词句有针对性的训练使学生加深了对所学知识的印象。用同样的句式,转换不同的词语,拓展了知识面又给学生以灵活运用知识的示范。(3)

12、Lets chant.学生浏览Lets chant内容,播放课本Lets chant录音,对照图片先欣赏一遍。再听并跟唱。全体师生拍手齐读歌谣。给学生一定时间在组内创编新歌谣。(4) Do a survey.T: Children, now lets do a survey in groups. Take out your bags, count your stationeries in all. Ask and answer, then write the numbers. Then make a report.Things ruler book bag pencil pen Number

13、T: How many books do you have?S: We have thirty books.T: How many pencils do you have?S: We have设计意图:通过组内文具的调查,使学生在实际交流中练习本课核心句型,达到学以致用的目的。不同文具的名称和不同的数量统计使得词句的练习不仅仅局限于本课所学,也融汇、复习了以前所学知识。4.小结T: This class you did a nice job. Lets enjoy some pictures of Project Hope. When we are learning in the nice classroom. Some children still have no chance to study. We have so many kinds of stationeries but some of them have no books or pencils. So lets help children in need. Ok?


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