Unit 2 There are forty students in our class Lesson 8 教学设计1(1).doc

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1、Unit 2 There are forty students in our class !Lesson 8教学设计教学内容与分析 1Just talk本部分通过设置新的英语教师Miss Green询问班级人数的真实场景,引出要学习的目标语言。教师可以运用听录音、情景模仿以及角色表演等方法激励学生感知、模仿、学习和体验,最终引导学生能够在生活情景中初步运用功能语句交际,并培养学生乐于助人的好品质。主要目标语言:How many students are there in your class? There are forty. 2Just read and write本部分利用数字卡片形式呈现

2、新词语,要求学生能够听、说、认读thirty,forty。能够听、说、读、写boy,girl,并能在四线格中规范书写;进一步巩固询问及表达班级人数的结构How many students are there in your class? There are ? 并把词汇融入句子中进行学习、操练。3Lets chant通过说唱歌谣,进一步巩固本课主要目标语言How many students? There are ? 同时提高学习英语的兴趣。课前准备1准备一些有关班级人数的信息卡,奖励课堂上表现出色的学生。 2准备词语thirty和forty卡片和教学挂图,创设情景,引导学习。 3在黑板上准备好

3、四线格,方便板书四会单词。 4准备教学课件。5准备人物头饰,给学生提供操练语言的道具。 教学目标与要求1. How many teachers are there in your school? There are ? 2. thirty三十 forty四十 Teaching procedures1热身/复习 (Warm-up/Revision) 1) 师生问好。T: Good morning/afternoon,children. Class: Good morning/afternoon,teacher. T: Nice to see you again!Class: Nice to se

4、e you,too! 2) 数字接龙让学生按顺序报数字,复习练习数字1至29的英语说法。 2新课呈现 (Presentation)1) 引入话题情景。教师说:上节课我们认识了一位新的体育老师,Mr Gao。今天我要再向同学们介绍一位新老师Miss Green, What can we say to Miss Green? 引导学生说出Welcome to our class.2) Just talk环节。教师引导学生看主题图,启发学生思考:Where are the children? What does Miss Green teach? What are they talking abou

5、t? 引导学生进入课文情景。3) 播放录音或视频,让学生带着问题听,学习对话,同时学习句型How many students are there in your class? There are forty. 同时学习单词forty,铁单词卡片。4) 再次播放录音或视频,带着问题How many boys? How many girls? 听,继续学习对话,同时学习单词thirty,贴单子卡片,学习单词boy和girl,并及时在四线格中板书。3趣味操练 (Practice) 1) 多种方式操练对话。 2) 分角色体验并表演对话 3) 说唱歌谣。 How many students? How m

6、any boys?There are forty student. There are thirty boys. There are ten girls.How many girls? 4) 交换信息活动方式:小组活动(4人一组)活动要求:同学利用老师奖励给自己的信息卡片,不互相看卡片内容。两个人之间运用句型How many students are there in your class? How many boys/girls? There are ? 进行信息交换,第一轮,S1和S2进行信息交换,S3和S4进行信息交换;第二轮,S1和S3进行信息交换,S2和S4进行信息交换;第三轮,S1

7、和S4进行信息交换,S2和S3进行信息交换。信息卡片示意: Class4, Grade3 40 students 22 boys 18 girls 4语言运用 (Language use)四人小组活动。其中一个人当来参观学校的老师,另外三人向来访者介绍班级人数情况。 语言支持:S2/3/4: Good morning/afternoon/Welcome to our class. S1: How many students are there in your class?S2: There are forty. S1: How many boys? S3: There twenty boys. S1: How many girls? S4: There are twenty girls. 5拓展活动 (Extended activities)调查学校中任意两班级的总人数和男女生人数,完成下列表格,并和你的同学交换调查信息。


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