Unit 4 What's wrong with you Lesson 22 同步练习1(1).doc

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《Unit 4 What's wrong with you Lesson 22 同步练习1(1).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 What's wrong with you Lesson 22 同步练习1(1).doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Whats wrong with you? Lesson 22同步练习一、读一读,写一写。1. have a toothache2. have a stomachache3. take some medicine4. take a good rest.5. Where is the hospital?二、翻译下列句子。1.I have a toothache._2.She has a stomachache. _3.You should take some medicine_4.You should take a good rest._5.Where is the hospita

2、l?_三、将单词按正确的顺序排列。1.hosiptla_ 2.vero_ 3.toohtchae_ 4.stmoahceach_ 4.tkae_ 6.mra_ 四、根据提示回答下列问题。1. Whats wrong with you?(teeth)_2. Whats wrong with you? (stomach)_3. What should I do? (stay in home)_五、汉翻英。1. 我牙疼。_2. 你该好好休息。_3. 他胃疼。_4. 你应该吃点药。_六、将下列乱序单词排成一句话。1. What, wrong, is, with, you_2. have, a feve

3、r, i._3. should, take , you, medicine, some._4. should, take, you, good, rest._七、选择填空。( ) 1. _ the girl _ small eyes? A. Whose; with     B. Whos; with a         C.&#

4、160;Whos; with ( )  2. -_ doll is this?   - Its Yang Lings.  A . Who              B. Whos       

5、0;       C. Whose  ( )3. How many _  do you want? One _ , please.         A. kilos; kilo        

6、0; B. Kilos; kilos          C. Kilo; kilos( )4. There _ some rice in the bowl.          A. is       

7、          B. am                 C. are ( )5. We can see _ birds in the tree.     

8、0;   A. a                 B. lot of                C. lots of答案:一、略二、1.我牙疼2.她胃疼。3.你应该吃点药。4.你应该好

9、好休息。5.医院在哪?三、1.hospital 2.over 3.toothache 4.stomachache 5.take 6.arm 四、1. I have toothache.2.I have stomachache.3. You should stay in home.五、1. I have toothache.2. You should take good rest.3. He has stomachache.4. You should take some medicine.六、1. What wrong with you?2. I have a fever.3. You should take some medicine.4. You should take a good rest.七、1.C 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C


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