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1、成都市 2016 级高中毕业班第二次诊断性检测英语第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)Twenty-five yearsof experiencein the field haveconvincedme that many people who considerthemselvesto be highly intelligent are not ne- cessarilygood thinkers.36.Therearemanyaspectsof this trap but I shall mention just two.A highly intelligent person

2、cantakeaview on thesubjectandthen usehis or her intelligence to to defendthatview. 37. Whena personhasa better defenseof the view, heor sheis lesslikely to seek out alternativesor listen to anyoneelse. 38. As aresult, many highly intelligent mindsaretrappedin poor ideasbecause theycandefendthem so w

3、ell.A secondaspectoftheintelligence trap is that a personwho hasgrown up with the notion thatheorsheis more intelligent thanthosearound , wants to get the mostsatisfactionfrom that intelligence. 39Suchastrategygives you an immediate result and also establishesyour superiority. Being constructive is

4、much lessrewarding. It maytakesyou yearsto showthata newideaworks.40. Soit is obvious thatbeing critical anddestructiveis a much moreappealinguseof intelligenc e. This is made even worse by the absurdWesternnotion that critical thinking iesnough.A. They get caught in the intelligence trap.B. But why

5、 areintelligent peoplenot good thinkers?C. Intelligent peoplealwaysenjoy arguing with others.D. You also haveto dependon the listener liking your idea.E. A personwith higher intelligence alwaysdefendsone s viewbetter.F. The quickest and most reliable way is to provesomeoneelsewrong.G.If you know that you areright, why should you do either of thosethings?Key:AEGFD


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