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1、position-relate d consumption of civilservant s hasbee n swe pt by finance , consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in thecivil service position-relate d consumption, abuse, corruption and embezzlement,corr uption is important. Then, under the conditions of market economy, how to refor

2、m the existing civil duty consumption management, explore s a source to prevent and curb the post consumption c orruption way, iscurre ntly a major issue faced by honest work.Recently, I conducted research on thi s issue, this pr oblem on some humble opini ons. First, the existingpubl ic servants &#

3、39; duty consumption the main problems see n from the investigation and reasons, in recent years, publi c servants ' duty consumption cause d by the abuses and not a person of integrity, is one of the major problems in theparty in Government, its operation orderhave a negative effect on the part

4、y and Government organs, seriously damaging the image of theparty and the Government, undermining the relationshipbetwee n party and the masses, effect, opening up and economic construction. From I County in recent yearsof governance situatipositions consumption system lost has dueof binding, right

5、is greater than r ules, a nd right is greater than methodof phenomenon morehighlight; II is inpositions consumption i n theCameraObscuraoperation, using terms, willpositions consumption into haspersonalconsum ption, willcorporate points to i nto personalpoi nts to, makes positionsconsumption in some

6、 aspects has into positions enjoy andself -dealingof means; three is to positions consumption for name, fraud, false impersonator, Trend of negativecorruption phenomena such a s corruptionand mi sappropriation; fourpalace s, follow the fashion, rivalries, wasteful, and postconsum ptionbe came a symb

7、ol of showing off their indivi dualcapacities. Ca use d bypublic servants 'duty consumption of many "two" phenomenon in whi chpeople reflect thebiggest pr obl ems are: (a) the officiaexpenditureon wages and subsi dies.Necessary to "keep a car", but also "dependants"

8、, leadi ng to larger expenses. Second, gongchesiyong breedunhealthy tende nci es. Somepeoplebelieve that nowsome busdrivers use one-third, one-third leading private one-third used forofficial purposes. Some public serva nts, espe cially lea ding officials motoring, cars for private purposes, violati

9、ng the self-disci pline regulations, and ev en lead to traffic accidents. A ccording to statistics from related departments,since 2004, the correct investigation i n our County serves nearly 30 car s for private purposes,only the first half ofthis year, cars forprivate purposesor教学计划(教案)新知导航: 概略构建本堂

10、课教学的知识要点,最好用图表概括。(23 页之内)一、知识点总结:1amanamn ( m, n 都是正整数)、同底数幂的乘法法则:同底数幂相乘,底数不变,指数相加。注意底数可以是多项式或单项式。如: ( ab) 2(ab)3(a b)52、幂的乘方法则:(a m ) na mn ( m, n 都是正整数)幂的乘方,底数不变,指数相乘。如:(35 )2310幂的乘方法则可以逆用:即amn(a m ) n(a n ) m如: 46(42 )3(43 )23、积的乘方法则:(ab) nan b n ( n 是正整数)积的乘方,等于各因数乘方的积。如:(2x3 y2 z)5 = (2) 5( x 3

11、 ) 5( y2 ) 5z532x15 y10 z54、同底数幂的除法法则:a mana m n (a 0,m, n 都是正整数,且m n)同底数幂相除,底数不变,指数相减。如:(ab)4(ab)(ab)3a3b35、零指数和负指数;a 01 ,即任何不等于零的数的零次方等于1。ap1( a0, p 是正整数),即一个不等于零的数的p 次方等于这个数的p 次方的倒数。如:a p112 3() 3286、单项式的乘法法则: 单项式与单项式相乘,把他们的系数,相同字母分别相乘,对于只在一个单项式里含有的字母,则连同它的指数作为积的一个因式。leadersdriving a vehicl e acc

12、ident cause d by road acci dents, 1, 1people killed and direct economic losse s amounting to more than 100,000 yuan. Third, high efficiency and low cost of thebus. Surveysshow that, the operating costs of taxis for the 8200/. Is a fundamental priority of the reform, it is a difficultproblem that mus

13、tbe solved in the reformprocess. Clearly, the postconsumption averages three yearsbefore as a base and fine-tunedon the basis of thi s singl e practices must be improved. Impr ovements to a dhere to threeprincipl es: first,under the existing policyprovi sions approved forpublic servants 'duty co

14、nsumptionstandards,cali bration, is not contrary topoli cy. Second, according to the local financial situation and peopl e's sustainability,public servants 'duty consumption standards appr oved, both financial reashould according to poli cy providesproposed unifiedstandard,consi der to ranks

15、, a nd units and the work task of differencessex, unifiedof standard shouldhas ela sticof and dynamic of, makes regions, and units in implementationunifie d standard Shi has must of flexible disposal right;but since set of standard must after financial, and audit, sector audit approved Hou to implem

16、entation. (C) reform package.Public servants 'duty consumption elasticityof consumption to limit consumption, turning mess i nto kitchenafter dinner, follow thecivil servant with ahow to use personal titlesubsidies, or how t o manage apersonaldutyconsumption use of subsi dies. Therefor e, we mus

17、t establish a ndperfect with publi c servants ' duty consumption monetization reform support of the series of governance systems such as thecivil service examination of responsibility,develop and monitor the implementation of inspection, not consumption as required, eve n shiftingconsumer behavi

18、or to stop, seriouscase s to dealwith. Three ideas,public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform of politics, the economy and thedee pening of the reform,public servants ' dutyconsumption a s somewherebetween a reform also demonstrated its importance and urgency. Firstof all, civil

19、servants especially party and Government leaders and public servants ' dutyconsumption there arebig drawback s. NPC deputies and CPPCC members and the broad masses are concerned a bout. Secondly, the2x 2 y3 z 3xy注意:积的系数等于各因式系数的积,先确定符号,再计算绝对值。相同字母相乘,运用同底数幂的乘法法则。只在一个单项式里含有的字母,则连同它的指数作为积的一个因式单项式乘法法

20、则对于三个以上的单项式相乘同样适用。单项式乘以单项式,结果仍是一个单项式。如:7、单项式乘以多项式,就是用单项式去乘多项式的每一项,再把所得的积相加,即 m(abc)mambmc ( m, a,b, c 都是单项式 )注意:积是一个多项式,其项数与多项式的项数相同。运算时要注意积的符号,多项式的每一项都包括它前面的符号。在混合运算时,要注意运算顺序,结果有同类项的要合并同类项。如: 2x( 2x3y)3 y( xy)8、多项式与多项式相乘的法则;多项式与多项式相乘,先用多项式的每一项乘以另一个多项式的每一项,再把所的的积相加(3a2b)( a3b)如:(x5)( x6)9、单项式的除法法则:单

21、项式相除,把系数、同底数幂分别相除,作为商的因式,对于只在被除式里含有的字母,则连同它的指数作为商的一个因式。注意:首先确定结果的系数(即系数相除),然后同底数幂相除,如果只在被除式里含有的字母,则连同它的指数作为商的一个因式如:7a2 b 4 m49a2 b10、多项式除以单项式的法则:多项式除以单项式,先把这个多项式的每一项除以这个单项式,在把所的的商相加。即:(ambmcm)mammbmmcmmabc11、平方差公式: (ab)( ab)a2b2 注意平方差公式展开只有两项公式特征:左边是两个二项式相乘,并且这两个二项式中有一项完全相同,另一项互为相反数。右边是相同项的平方减去相反项的平

22、方。如:(xyz)( x y z)12、完全平方公式: (a b)2a 22abb2公式特征:左边是一个二项式的完全平方,右边有三项,其中有两项是左边二项式中每一项的平方,而另一项是左边二项式中两项乘积的 2 倍。注意:a2b 2(ab)22ab(a b)22ab(ab)2( ab) 24ab( ab) 2(ab) 2(ab) 2( a b) 2 (a b) 2(a b) 2完全平方公式的口诀:首平方,尾平方,加上首尾乘积的2 倍。13、三项式的完全平方公式:(ab c) 2a 2b2c22ab2ac 2bc因式分解常用方法:提公因式法、公式法、配方法、十字相乘法注:乘法公式平方差公式: ab

23、 aba2b 2完全平方和公式:ab 2a 22ab b 2position-relate d consumption of civilservant s hasbee n swe pt by finance , consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in thecivil service position-relate d consumption, abuse, corruption and embezzlement,corr uption is important. Then, under the conditions o

24、f market economy, how to reform the existing civil duty consumption management, explore s a source to prevent and curb the post consumption corruption way, iscurre ntly a major issue faced by honest work.Recently, I conducted research on thi s issue, this pr oblem on some humble opini ons. First, th

25、e existingpubl ic servants ' duty consumption the main problems see n from the investigation and reasons, in recent years, publi c servants ' duty consumption cause d by the abuses and not a person of integrity, is one of the major problems in theparty in Government, its operation orderhave

26、a negative effect on the party and Government organs, seriously damaging t he image of theparty and the Government, undermining the relationshipbetwee n party and the masses, effect, opening up and economic construction. From I County in recent yearsof governance situationpositions consumption syste

27、m lost has dueof binding, right is greater than r ules, a nd right is greater than methodof phenomenon morehighlight; II is inpositions consumption i n theCameraObscuraoperation, using terms, willpositions consumption into haspersonalconsum ption, willcorporate points to i ntopersonalpoi nts to, mak

28、es p ositionsconsumption in some aspects has into positions enjoy andself -dealingof means; three is to positions consumption for name, fraud, false impersonator, Trend of negativecorruption phenomena such a s corruptionand mi sappropriation; fourpalace s, follow the fashion, rivalries, wasteful, an

29、d postconsum ptionbe came a symbol of showing off their indivi dualcapacities. Ca use d bypublic servants 'duty consumption of many "two" phenomenon in whi chpeople reflect theexpenditureon wages and subsi dies.Necessary to "keep a car", but also "dependants", leadi

30、 ng to larger expenses. Second, gongchesiyong breedunhealthy tende nci es. Somepeoplebelieve that nowsome busdrivers use one-third, one-third leading private one-third used forofficial purposes. Some public serva nts, espe cially lea ding officials motoring, cars for private purposes, violating the

31、self-disci pline regulations, and even lea d to traffic accidents. A ccording to statistics from related departments,since 2004, the correct investigation i n our County serves nearly 30 car s for private purposes,only the first half of this year, cars forprivate purposesor完全平方差公式:ab 2a 22abb2方法 : 1

32、.提公因式法:式子中有公因式时,先提公因式。例 1把 2ax10ay5bybx 分解因式例 2把 ab(c2d 2 )(a2b2 )cd 分解因式2. 公式法: 根据平方差和完全平方公式3.配方法:例1 分解因式 x26x164.十字相乘法:x2( p q) x pq 型和 ax2bxc型的因式分解这类式子在许多问题中经常出现,其特点是:(1) 二次项系数是 1; (2) 常数项是两个数之积; (3) 一次项系数是常数项的两个因数之和x2( pq)xpqx2pxqxpqx( xp)q(xp)( xp)( xq)因此,x2( pq) xpq( xp)( xq)运用这个公式,可以把某些二次项系数为

33、1 的二次三项式分解因式随堂练习例 1. 完成下列各题:1. ( 2008 年山西)计算: 2x3·( 3x)2_2. ( 2008 年湖北省襄樊)下列运算正确的是()A. x3 ·x4 x12 B. ( 6x6)÷( 2x2) 3x33. ( 2008 年哈尔滨)把多项式 2mx2 4mxy 2my2 分解因式的结果是 _4. ( 2008 年山东)分解因式:( 2ab)28ab_5.( 2007年广州)下列计算中,正确的是()A. x· x3x3B. x3xxC. x3÷x x2D. x3x3x66.( 2007年中山)因式分解 14x24

34、y28xy,正确的分组是()A. (14x2 )( 8xy4y2)B. (14x24y2) 8xyC. (18xy)( 4x24y2 )leadersdriving a vehicle a cci dent caused by road accidents, 1, 1 people killed and direct economic l osse s amounting to more than 100,000 yuan. T hird, high efficiency and low cost of thebus. Surveys show that, theoper ating cost

35、sof taxis for the 8200/. Is a fundamental priority of the reform, it is a difficult pr oblem that must besolved in the reform process. Clearly, the post consumption averages three years before as abase and fine -tunedon t he basis of thissinglepracti ces must be improved. Improvements to adhere to t

36、hree principles: first,under the existing policyprovisi ons approv ed for public servant s ' duty consumption standards, calibration, is not contrary topoli cy. Second, according to the local financial situation and peopl e's sustaina bility, public serva nts ' duty consumption standards

37、 approve d, both financia l reach, and people passing throug h. Third, accor ding t o theoperational needs of civil servants responsible for authori zed publicservants ' duty consumption standar ds,bot h high a nd l ow positions,but al so the natureof the wshould according to policyprovides pr o

38、pose d unified standard, consider to ranks, and units and the work ta sk of differences sex,unifie d of standardshouldhas elasticof anddynamicof, makes regions, andunits in implementation unified standard Shi has must of flexibledisposal right; but sinceset of standard must after financial, and audi

39、t, sector audit approved Hou to implementation. (C) reform package. Publi c serva nts ' dutyconsumption elasticity of consumption to limit consumption, turning mess into kitche n after dinner, follow the civil servant with ahow t o usepersonal titlesubsidies, or how to manage a personal dutycons

40、um ption useof subsidi es. T herefore, we must e stablish and perfect with public serva nts ' duty consumption monetization reform support of the series of governance sy stems such as thecivil servi ce examination of responsibility, system, low fault investigationsystem, the report said.While other measure s to kee p up.Discipli ne inspection a nd supervision orga ns, financial, auditingdepartme nts should strengthe n supervision a nd i nspectidevelop and monit


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