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1、109个典型面试问题+分析解答(2)105. Tell me about a time when you came up with aninno vativesoluti onto a challe nge yourcompa ny/class/orga ni zati onwas facing. What was thechalle nge? What role did others play?106. Describe a specific problem you solved for your employer or professor. How did you approach the

2、 problem? What role did others play? What was the outcome?107. Describea timewhen you got co-workers orclassmates who dislike each other to work together. How didyou accomplish this? What was the outcome?108. Tell me about a time when you failed to meet a deadline. What things did you fail to do? Wh

3、at were the repercussi ons? What did you lear n?109. Describe a time when you put your needs aside to help a co-worker or classmate un dersta nd a task. How did youassist him or her? What was the result?Prepare an An swer for Each Job In terview Questi onIn terviews are always stressful - eve n for

4、job seekers who have gone on coun tless in terviews. The best way to reduce the stress is to be prepared. Take the time to review the sta ndard in terview questi ons you will most likely be asked. Also take time to research the company so you'll be ready with akno wledgeable an swer for each in

5、terview questio n.Job In terview Questi ons: Work HistoryName of compa ny, positi on title and descripti on, dates of employme nt. (Describe Your Employme nt History)An swers:In terviewersexpect a can didate for employme nt to beable to review their work history in detail. Be prepared to tell the in

6、 terviewer the n ames of the compa nies you worked for,your job title, your start ing and ending dates of employme nt, how much you earned and what your job en tailed.You'd be surprised how many job applica nts fumble whe n asked about prior employme nt. Don't be one of them! Refresh your me

7、mory prior to the in terview by review ing your resume, so, you can speak about your prior work history in detail and accurately.If you don't have a resume, make sure what you tell the in terviewermatches what you filled out on your jobapplicati on. The best way to prepare is to dow nl oad a sam

8、ple job applicati on ahead of time.Complete the sample applicationand bring it with youwhe n you are appl ying for employme nt. This way you will be able to copy the in formatio n rather tha n hav ing to remember dates and other employme nt in formatio n.&n bsp;What were your expectationsfor the

9、 job and to whatexte nt were they met?An swers:In many cases, in terviewers will want to know what you expected from your last job when you were hired, so, be be prepared to an swer the in terview questi on What were your expectati ons for the job and to what exte nt were they met?There isn't a

10、right or wrong an swer to this questi on. The best way to resp ond is to discuss what you expected whe n you took the job and give examples of how the positi on worked out for you. If the job was n't exactly what you expected, it's fine to mention that. However, you should focus on the jobit

11、self, not the compa ny, your boss, or your co-workers (if they were a problem). Do be careful how you answer and don't focus too much on the n egative.In stead,address thehighlights of the job.Whe n resp onding, be specific. Prepare some examples to share with the in terviewer in adva nee.For ex

12、ample, if your jobinvo Ivedcreati ng webapplicati ons using Cold Fusi on, discuss the specific programs you developed and the resp on siblities you were give n. If you were provided training and opportunitiesfor professionaldevelopme nt to help you achieve your goals, men tio n that, as well.What we

13、re your start ing and fin al levels of compe nsati on?An swers:In terviewers expect a can didate for employme nt to be able to provide the details of their compe nsati on history. Be prepared to tell the in terviewer how much you earned at each of your prior positi ons.Make sure that what you tell t

14、he in terviewer matches what you listed on your job applicati on. Refresh your memory prior to the in terview by reviewi ng your compe nsati on history, so, you can speak in detail and accurately. Don't exaggerate or inflate your earnings. Many employers will check references and con firm your s

15、alary history prior to mak ing a job offer. A discrepa ncy betwee nwhat you reported and whattheemployer says could knock you out of conten ti on for the job.The best way to prepare is to download a sample jobapplicati on ahead of time.Complete the sample applicati on and review it prior to the in t

16、erview.What were your resp on sibilities?An swers:Whe n you are asked questio ns related to your curre nt orto beyourprevious positions, it's important to be specific andpositive about what you did in your previous positi on( s).The best way toresp ondis to describe resp on siblilities in detail

17、 and to conn ect them to the job youare interviewingfor. Try to tie your responsibilitiesin withthose listed in the job descripti on for the new positi on. That way, the employer will see that you have the qualifications n ecessary to do the job. Focus most on your resp on sibilities that are direct

18、ly related to the new job's requireme nts.It's also importa nt to be hon est. Don't embellish your job, because you don't know who the hiring manager will be check ing with when they check your referen ces.&n bsp;What major challe nges and problems did you face? Howdid you han dl

19、e them?An swers:Whe n asked the job in terview questi on How did you han die a challege? be sure to in elude specific examples of how you han died a particular difficult situati on. Discuss how you researched the issue and contributedto finding a solution.Examples of good resp on ses in clude:When t

20、he softwaredevelopme ntof our new productstalled, I coord in atedthe team which man agedto get thescheduleback on track.We were able to successfullyDuring adifficultfinan cialperiod, I was able tosatisfactoriallyn egotiaterepayme ntschedules withmultipleven dors.troubleshoot the issues and solve the

21、 problems, withi n a very short period of time.A Ion g-term clie nt was about to take their bus in ess to acompetitor. I met with the customer and was able to cha nge how we han died the acco unt on a day-to-day basis, in order to keep the bus in ess.Which was most / least reward ing?An swers:This i

22、n terview questi on can be tricky. You want to make sure that the things you say are least rewardingaren'tresp on siblities that are going to be a major part of the job you are in terview ingfor. For example, if the last job you hadinvo Ived exte nsive customer service teleph one work that you h

23、ated, and if being on the phone doing somethi ng similar is eve n a minor part of the new job, don't men ti on it. In stead, focus on the the tasks that were most rewardi ng and highlight those.Whe n in terviewi ng, always be cog nizent of the job you arein terviewi ngfor and tailor your resp on

24、se accord in gly. Try toacce ntuate the postive, regardless of what questi on you havebeen asked, because you don't want to be construedassome one who is n egative about work, in gen eral.&n bsp;What was the biggest accomplishment / failure in this positi on?-An swers:Your potential employer

25、 will want to know what you accomplished, and what you did n't, in your curre nt or last positi on.The best way to respond is to give an example of somethi ng you accomplished that is directly related to the job you are in terview ing for. Review your resume and review the job posting. Find the

26、best match and use that to show how what you accomplished will be ben eficial to the compa ny you are in terviewi ng with.If you wrote a targeted cover letter whe n appl ying for the job use the in formatio n you in cluded to create your resp on se. For example, if you are in terview ing for a job a

27、t a school where you will n eed to man age stude nt registrati on, expla in to the in terviewer how you registered stude nts for courses, desig ned and man aged registrati on software, and solved customer problems.If you did n't fail at any thi ng, say so.wereIf you can thi nk of an example, be

28、sure that it's a minor one and turn it into a positive. For example, if you work ing on a project that was beh ind deadli ne, expla in to the in terviewer how you adjusted the workload and the timeli ne to get back on track and ahead of schedule.&n bsp;What was it like worki ng for your supe

29、rvisor? What were his stre ngths and shortco min gs?An swers:A typical in terview questi on is What Was it Like Worki ng for Your Supervisor? The reas on it's asked it to find out howyou got along with your boss. Be careful how your answer.In terviewers don't like to hear too much (or much a

30、t all) about bad bosses because it could be some one from their compa ny that you're talki ng about n ext time around.minu tesI once had a job applicant who spent 10 resp onding to this questi on. She told me how awful her boss was and how her compa ny was a terrible place to work. It so happe ned that her boss was a good frie nd and golfi ng buddy of my boss - our compa ny's CEO - and the compa ny was one of our biggest clie nts. Of course, she did n't get the job.15


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