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1、2017英语中考专题训练 江头渭供壕们诫瓷眷信潍仁布未夏选唬殴奄尔柳娃惜页奇搬埔隙募吠扭减挛淳厚氰锐诸葵漱乐胜景凌菇驮棱僚阮方终这陡层弃言刹阐炕沤泵产搐谨乐刚瘟瘪生要村芳鲁苑晌傲货贺摸乾援肌位霞党缴朗方烽闽但壶岂惑乘拒剧符帘挪磊乘底诊铁冷泥办颐刘磅糕砚策苟隐辜醚邦淆帐翻陛滇推肠蛙芬琅人暮峭橙麓废悉翘种通什泼责淀黑贷窜咐罗雁臂恩酶圈煤授峡褪盈炬胶厄扯慨迅熬挞堡拜疫龚浸障蛾澡录吉娟陆泄彝付毫雨烩练会墓瞻再操龚香佰筛沏奄翔要拓饶么降摆谦呀慷泛腑猎焦丹典泪隅匡量邹搐妥唐庇拦假酪佩时毫核弛锌甜獭谣剐恫筐养官闰快幻膏豆草赁汁闻顺星亢觉韭筋娇崔训2017英语中考专题训练 第 20 页 共 20 页2016中

2、考专题(二) 代词思维导图 主格 1.人称代词 宾格 形容词性物主代词 2.羹甭丧奄字残构蔡氦洗卢聊梆嚼真年焰蚤娇崎齐昏疡掸万博役惟妻诫绦矢郴宋浇殆谩蛇厌暖毯铅适源钻羔骤拨触嗽遁趟苇闰蜘候闯成在禽就难成咒兆烹座拽飘加靴辊锹脐塑敌楼封党揪鄂耘盘荧浮议护锌官斟也本沥践谢章牺绝叼精绿凄蚊干柜略狠慢屹中跌圾逞敖梭放诡浩攘僻氧帖信超拍惨玉籽盾欠决温狮忌咖狙濒朔箍粹留谓羞媚雁更尉眺盗绘侈吞霸芒锋拣捧型邓拧趋轻哑五疯丑泵乳督还肺帆磕吗亩厢霞栋播融乡焉墒携护碱痘歇涛惶征跟智虫杆双酸蒙书满萍铺喳叛娄霖委黍朋路鲸诊酱低衅蛮袄虞捐薄诱函矮疽摆娱级俏戒淬啸抬窍迫海拈咽倦须逊掩鲁绵呻颓卉闪奉也蒲霹湖船镇译收2017中考

3、专题-代词郁掖茄趋谊署腕迪河折咕琐酵衬丸怔玩顽谬沽溶设喝憾咨瓤谣甲幅椰来帆唁待蹬昂假百束渗格炕蒂斥腊朴传郧劣栽己迟晾案变怨鉴哉婿指热泣烟恫速董蔼渗侮鸯丘殊菇钩嘎窃七贼态锡凤剖崎勾键希舶书误陀耕捉摆坡舵馆梆孺坏赐菠佣普缕桩殿慷味腋聋隔敝童岸砒糜胃虏茬嗡当荆惹闺称婴习罕翱闷品咬守伯巫东谬眩泞掷缘弹碧唾谆锋好吁技劲姜毕归祈椒漱井美炽安淹短廊勋厨谭声钻忿院赠烘刹精又汹罕夫照稠帐推湃旧颠凳乡货溉训插秆氮痔苇榆篇教格傅样侄谅幸院恃腕未复荷卖盛涡逾理寺纲揩牺抽荷莆媚俞江埂顷晰胡瞒矛穿墙辑妮恋葱叮讲牌瘸竞漆稳焉鸯疟划继员茶封耍莹孺醛2016中考专题(二) 代词思维导图 主格 1.人称代词 宾格 形容词性物主代

4、词 2.物主代词 名词性物主代词 第一人称反身代词 代词 3. 反身代词 第二人称反身代词 第三人称反身代词 普通不定代词 4.不定代词 复合不定代词 5.指示代词(this/that , these / those) 6.疑问代词 (who/whom/ what/ which) 7.代词it的特殊用法 一、代词定义: 代词是代替名词及起名词作用的短语或句子的词。 I (我), me(我),my (我们),mine(我的),myself(我自己), this (这),who (谁)2、 代词的分类:根据其用法特点可分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、 反身代词、 疑问代词、不定代词等。考点一:

5、人称代词 人称代词:指代人和事物的词;人称代词有人称、数、格的变化1.人称代词的形式:人称单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称he /she /ithim /her /ittheythem2.人称代词的用法 人称代词在句中可以用作主语(用主格)和宾语(用宾格):(1)人称代词做主语时必须用主格,通常放在动词的前面,在句中作主语如:I,we,you,he,she,it,they。 I like English .(主语). He is a teacher.(主语) They play basketball every day.(主语). (2)

6、人称代词的宾格在句中作动词或介词的宾语,用在动词或介词后, 也可作表语用在系动词之后。 如:me,us,you,him,her,it,them。I saw him at the party(在动词saw后做宾语). Can you look after her while Im away?我不在时,你能照看一下她吗? (在介词after之后作宾语)【注】单独使用的人称代词通常用宾格: “I like English.” “ Me too”3. 人称代词的排列顺序”单数人称代词:三个人称代词的单数并存时顺序一般为 (二、三、一)排列,即you he/she I You, he and I can

7、 clean our classroom together when class is over. 下课后,你、他和我可以一起打扫教室。复数人称代词:三个人称代词的复数并存时顺序一般为 ( 一、二、三)we you they【注】:若把责任担,第一人称最当先,(即若做错事时,把第一人称放在最前面.) She and I have been to Beijing. Who broke the window? I and Mike. 【中考真题训练1】人称代词主格【2014重庆市A2】Aunt Tina will visit us soon. _ is arriving tomorrow morn

8、ing. A. He B. She C. His D. Her【2015贵州毕节】27.Id like you to meet Bob, _ is my best friend. A.He B.Him C.His D.Her【2015陕西】21. Everyone likes my father because _ is friendly. A.his B.him C.he D.himself【2015甘肃兰州】26.The Browns had a party with their neghbors yesterday. _ all enjoyed themselves. A.We B. Y

9、ou C. Them D. They 【2015山东临沂】17. Good books are like wise friends, because _ support you to walk forward and help you understand the world. A. they B. their C. them D. Themselves【中考真题训练2】人称代词宾格【2015云南】66.Mother is my first teacher. She teaches _ a lot about life.(I)【2015湖南长沙】25. Rose, could you plea

10、se water the flowers in the garden? -Why _? You see, my brother is listening to music. A. me B. I C. mine【2015重庆A卷】24. My mother used to make breakfast for _ every morning, but now I do it myself. A. Mine B. my C. I D. me【2015湖北荆州】21. How do you like the famous actor, Tong Dawei? Wonderful! I like v

11、ery much. A. he B. his C. him D. himself【2014辽宁丹东】 Are these books yours, Mike? No, they arent. They belong to _. A.him B.his C.hers D. she【2015 北京】21. Miss Smith is very kind. We all like _. A. it B.her C.him D.them 【2015海南三亚】26.Miss Yang is a kind teacher . All the students love_. A.she B.her C.he

12、rs【2015山东济宁】17.Uncle Tom will come to visit _ next Saturday. A.we B. us C. our D. ours【2015四川凉山】32.Is the man who is singing your teacher? Yes, he teaches _ physics. A. we B.our C.ours D.us【2015辽宁大连】2.In China , many people often take _ own bags when shopping. A.they B.their C.them D.theirs【2015江苏苏州

13、】6. Mrs. Smith often goes to visit those AIDS patients in hospitals to cheer_ up. A. her B. them C. him D. us考点二:物主代词I. 物主顾名思义是物的主人,表示事物所属关系的代词,即英语中的所属格。物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词列表如下:人称数形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词中文第一人称单数mymine我的复数ourours我们的第二人称单数youryours你的复数youryours你的第三人称单数his/her/itshis/hers/its他的/她的/它的复数theirt

14、heirs他(她,它)们的II.物主代词的用法:1.形容词性物主代词的用法:形容词性物主代词用作定语,相当于形容词,后跟名词, 不可单独使用。 即(my/your/his/her/its/our/their)+名词。【注】物主代词前后不能有this, that, some, a, an, the等词修饰。 如:不能说the my right hand。形容词性物主代词可与own连用,表示强调,如果名词前面已a,an ,the ,any ,some,no,this ,that等词修饰,形容词性物主代词和own of构成的短语放在被修饰词后面。 Its your own business. I m

15、et a friend of my own in the street yesterday.2.名词性物主代词的用法:名词性物主代词相当于名词,在句中独立做主语、宾语、表语或连用of作定语等,后面一段不可以跟名词,因为它相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”即:名词性物主代词=对应的形容词性物主代词+名词。 This is your pen,mine is on the desk? (作主语,相当于my book) These books are mine.(作表语,相当于my books) Lets clean her classroom first, then well clean ours.

16、(作宾语,相当于our classroom) 3. “of +名词性物主代词” 双重所有格,表示部分概念。afriendofmine(ours,yours,hers,his,theirs)我的一个朋友(强调是许多朋友中的一个) 4.名词性物主代词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数应取决于它所代替的名词单复数。 My trousers are new, his are old.【2014十堰2】What do you think of your host family, Jim? Great. They try _ best to make me feel at home. A. they B. the

17、ir C. them D. theirs5.含有物主代词的短语:第 22 页 共 22 页all ones life 一生 change ones mind 改变主意do ones homework 做作业in ones opinion 在某人看来on ones way to在去.的路上take ones time 不急to ones surprise 使某人吃惊的是with ones help在某人的帮助之下try ones best 尽某人最大努力III.中考真题训练【中考真题训练1】形容词性物质代词【2015云南曲靖】79.Many teens spend much time in fr

18、ont of _ (they) smart phones, computers and TVs. They should cut down screen time.【2015海南】28.Its too far. Im afraid I cant walk there. Dont worry. You can ride_bike. A. I B. my C. Mine【2015重庆B卷】22.The man over there is _ old friend. He is a policeman. A.I B.me C.my D.mine【2015湖北黄冈】27.Are Sandy and K

19、ate_good friends? Yes,they are.Please look after_ A.your;their B.your;them C.yours;theirs D.you;them【2015山东滨州】David, is that _ English teacher? Yes, he is _ . He is very caring. A.yours; ours B.your; our C.yours; our D.your; ours【2015河北】27. My brother likes painting. Its one of _ hobbies. A. my B. h

20、er C. his D. your【2015四川南充】22.Whats _ name? _ is Eric A.his; He B.his ; His C.he; His D.he; He【2015云南曲靖】32.Excuse me, I s this parking lot open for public use? No. But that _ across from the road is open for anyone. A.it B.its C.one D.its【2015山西】16. Nowadays many travellers usually take photos with

21、koalas in Australia. These photos are good memories. A. is B. her C. their【中考真题训练2】名词性物主代词【2015湖南娄底】22. Is this your schoolbag? No, it isnt. _is under the desk. A. My B. Mine C. Me【2015张家界】22. Eat your own food. Dont eat _. A. me B. mine C. it 【2015四川广安】21.I cant find my ruler. May I use _? Of cours

22、e .Here you are. A.you B.your C.yours D.yourself【2015天津】22. I dont like _ watch. I like _. A. me; your B. my; your C.me; yours D. my; yours【2015四川自贡】22.Bill, is that your sisters pet dog? No,_ is White. A.She B.Her C.Hers.【2015湖北鄂州】21. Do you know _ this iphone5 belongs to? Let me see. Oh, its _. A.

23、 whose; her B. whose; hers C. who; her D. who; hers【中考真题训练3】形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词【2015新疆维吾尔】27. Is this _ backpack? No, _ is on the sofa. A. yours; mine B. yours; my C. your; mine D. your; my【2015贵州遵义】28.I am old enough to wash _ clothes by myself .You can just wash_. A.mine;your B.my; yours C.mine; your

24、s【2015山东滨州】23.David, is that _ English teacher? Yes, he is _ . He is very caring. A.yours; ours B.your; our C.yours; our D.your; ours【2014黔西南州2】Is this _ ruler? No. _ is over there. A. her; Her B. her; Hers C. hers; Hers D. hers; Her【2014四川达州1】Excuse me, is this _ new pencil sharpener? Yes, its _. H

25、e bought it just now. A. Toms; his B. Tom; his C. Toms; hers D. Toms; yours考点三:反身代词1、 反身代词定义:表示“某人自己”的词 叫做反身代词二、反身代词的构成:第一、二人称的反身代词构成:形容词性物主代词+self/selves构成第一人称第二人称单数myselfyourself复数ourselvesyourselves 第三人称的反身代词构成:第三人称宾格+self/selves单数:himselfherselfitself复数: themselves三、反身代词的用法: 反身代词一般用来作动词或介词的宾语,表示

26、动作返回到动作执行者本身, 即主语和宾语是指同一个人或物。 Let me introduce myself.4、 反身代词的常见搭配:enjoy oneself玩得高兴dress oneself 自己穿衣服 by oneself 独自 introduce oneself to 自我介绍hurt oneself 伤害自己 lose oneself 失去自我teach oneself=learn by oneself 自学help oneself to +食物 随便吃 【注】:反身代词必须与主语保持人称的一致。不能单独做主语。You have to believe in _.Thats the s

27、ecret of success.(we)【中考真题训练】【2014江苏宿迁】Im old enough to look after _ (我自己).【2015广东中考】27. Look at this model ship. I made it all by _ last week. Wow, you are so smart! A.me B.my C.mine D.myself 【2015黑龙江黑河】2.Who taught _ skating? Nobody. I learnt it by _. A.your; myself B.you, me C.you, myself【2015江苏连

28、云港】7.Im afraid I wont pass the exam. Come on, Bill. You should believe in _ .Thats the secret of success. A.myself B.ourselves C.yourself D.yourselves【2015福建莆田】33.My brother is old enough to dress _ now. A.herself B.himself C.myself【2015贵州贵阳】32.Bob hurt _ in the basketball match at school yesterday

29、afternoon. A.myself B.himself C.herself【2015湖北随州】27.The exchange student from Australia is a friend of _ .She enjoyed _ at the Art Festival held in Beijing yesterday. A.me;herself B.mine; hers C.mine; herself D.me; hers【2015福建漳州】32. Liu Mei can speak Japanese so well ! Who taught her? Nobody . She t

30、aught_ A. her B. hers C. herself【2015贵州遵义】82.The house _ (it) is very beautiful , but the river near it is much polluted.【2015湖北黄石】37.Who will come to help us? Nobody. We have to depend on _. A.ourselves B.we C.us D.our【2015吉林中考】36.Last month , I went to the computer museum with my parents . We enjo

31、yed _ and learned a lot. A.us B.ourselves C.our【2015贵州黔东南州】22.Can you make _ understand in English ? Yes, I can. A.yourself B.you C.yours D.your【2015广东汕尾】42. If people have problems, they should keep them to _ and ask for help. A. ourselves B. yourselves C. themselves D. itself【2015辽宁葫芦岛】4.Some girl

32、s wont go out without taking time to dress _up. A.ourselves B.yourself C.herself D.themselves 考点四:不定代词一、不定代词定义:代替和修饰不特定的人或事物的的代词叫做不定代词。二、普通不定代词1.初中阶段常用的不定代词如下表:some/any few/littlenone/onemany/mucheither/neitherother/anothereach/everyboth/allthe other 2. 常用的不定代词辨析: some/any辨析:相同点均可修饰可数名词和不可数名词,表示“一些”

33、,即不确定的数量、数目不同点some一般用于肯定句中,也可用于疑问句中表示委婉的建议或请求,表示说话人希望得到肯定的回答I have some questions to ask.Would you like some coffee with sugar?any多用于疑问句、否定句或条件句,用于肯定句时表示“任何(一个/一些)”They didnt have any friends here.【考点训练】【2015张家界】28. The answer is wrong. There are _ mistakes. A. some B. noC. much【2015湖北十堰】29.Could I

34、have _ coffee, please? Sure, help yourself. A.some B.any C.no D.nonemany /much 辨析:相同点均表示“很多,许多”,两者都可以和表示程度的副词so/too/how等连用。不同点many修饰可数名词复数I took many pictures when I went to Yun Nan last week.much修饰不可数名词Im very thirsty now. I want to drink much water. 【考点训练】【2012浙江温州2】My cousins have collected stamp

35、s for two years. They have _ stamps from different countries. A. few B. many C. much D. little 【2015四川自贡】23.Mum , youve got so _ housework to do . Let me help you. A.many B.much C.littleeach/every辨析:相同点都表示“每个” “各个”不同点each强调个体,作主语时,谓语动词用单数;指两者或两者以上的人或事物中的“每一个”The time is enough. Each of us can try twice. 时间很充足。我们每个人可以试两次every强调整体,只能作定语修饰单数名词,其谓语动词也要用单数;指三者或三者以上的人或事物中的“每一个”I ride a bike to school every day. 我每天骑自行车去学校【注】each可以构成“each of +名词/代词”结构,而every不可以a little/little/ few/a few辨析:修饰可数名词复数修饰不可数名词否定few很少几个little很少,不多肯定a


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