国际著名酒店安全部程序(英文)Evacuation procedures.docx

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《国际著名酒店安全部程序(英文)Evacuation procedures.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国际著名酒店安全部程序(英文)Evacuation procedures.docx(12页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、EMERGENCY MANUALPolicies & ProceduresDIVISION : RMS DEPARTMENT : SecurityCODE : DATE : APPROVED : MD REVISION :SUBJECT : Evacuation proceduresPOLICY / PURPOSETo ensure the safe and orderly evacuation of all guests and employees.PROCEDURE1. The decision to evacuate the hotel or a portion of the h

2、otel will be made by the Hotel Manager, the Assistant Manager ( CFW ) or the Fire Brigade.2. Fire evacuation must proceed without the use of lifts.3. Once the existence of a fire has been determined and if evacuation is required the Chief Fire Warden contacts the Operator and states the levels to be

3、 evacuated and / or the location of the fire.4. The Operator contacts the Fire Brigade and then calls or pages, the Liaison Officer, Floor Wardens, Search Officer, and Bell Captain to assemble at the bell desk. The Operator will then play tape or broadcast message as instructed.5. The Liaison Office

4、r accounts for and records all Floor Wardens and Search and Escort Officers.6. The Liaison Officer locks off lifts at ground floor and issues two way radios, emergency keys, chalk, and torches.7. The fire team (Floor Warden, 3 Search Officers, 2 Escort Officers, Fire Crew, and Lift Operator) takes t

5、he fire service lift to level below that of the fire and proceeds via the stairwell to the reported location.ROOMS DIVISIONPage 1 of 12EMERGENCY MANUALPolicies & Procedures8. The fire team reports to the CFW and on direction commenceEvacuation procedures.ROOMS DIVISION Page 2 of 12EMERGENCY MANU

6、ALPolicies & Procedures SUBJECT : Evacuation procedures CODE :9. Working in teams of two , Search Officers check all guest rooms and mark the door to indicate that the room has been checked :IN OUTA single chalk mark indicates searches in roomA cross indicates searcher is out10. The Floor Warden

7、 reports section clear to the CFW.11. The Fire team then proceeds to the assembly area.INDIVIDUAL PROCEDURESChief Fire Warden ( CFW )The CFW will take overall control until the fire brigade arrives. All management and employees will respond as directed by the CFW in a calm and efficient manner.The C

8、FW will carry out the following procedure :1. Upon notification of the fire alarm proceed to the floor location with the Investigation Officer ( IO ). Ensure that a 1.5 kg extinguisher & torch is collected and carried to the scene.2. Acknowledge the alarm and note the location as identified by t

9、he fire panel.3. Proceed to location with the IO and determine whether or not there is a fire.4. In case of a false alarm, inform the Telephone Operator and Liaison Officer ( LO ).HOTEL ROOMS DIVISION Page 3 of 12EMERGENCY MANUALPolicies & Procedures 5. Where a fire has been identified sound the

10、 nearest “break glass” alarm, request the operator to inform the fire brigade and to activate the group paging list as per the ROOMS DIVISION Page 4 of 12EMERGENCY MANUALPolicies & Procedures SUBJECT : Evacuation procedures CODE :“Communication List for Emergency”. The LO is then notified on ext

11、ension “6345” . The CFW should advise both parties of the location and extent of the fire, and the level of evacuation required.6. If evacuation is required, meet the Floor Warden ( FW ) and Search and Escort Officers as they arrive on the scene.7. Direct the evacuation procedure ensuring guest proc

12、eed via the fire exit to the assembly point, i.e. outside the Entrance of the Allied Kajima Building on Gloucester Road.8. Once the evacuation is complete ensure all members of the fire team depart the hotel. Inform the Telephone Operator and Liaison Officer to evacuate if required, then proceed to

13、the assembly point.INVESTIGATION OFFICER ( IO )The IO is responsible for assisting the CFW in performing all duties to ensure the safety of hotel guests and employees. In addition if safe to do so the IO will extinguish the fire.The IO will carry out the following procedure:1. Upon notification of t

14、he fire alarm proceed to the floor location with the CFW. Ensure that a 1.5 kg extinguisher and a torch is collected and carried to the scene.2. Proceed with the CFW to investigate the location as identified by the fire panel. Determine the nature of the alarm.3. In the case of a false alarm, under

15、the direction of the CFW, reset the alarm pane.4. In case of a fire sound the nearest “ Break Glass Alarm”, and ensure the CFW is able to inform all parties.5. Ensure the safety of guests in the immediate area and then put out fire if safe to do so. ROOMS DIVISION Page 5 of 12EMERGENCY MANUALPolicie

16、s & Procedures6. If evacuation is required assume leadership of the fire crew, and await assisting officer.ROOMS DIVISION Page 6 of 12EMERGENCY MANUALPolicies & Procedures SUBJECT : Evacuation procedures CODE :7. Proceed, with containing the Fire, assisting Floor Wardens, until all guests an

17、d employees are evacuated.8. Evacuate to the assembly point.LIAISON OFFICER ( LO )The LO will control the lobby area, the passing of information to guests, the dispatch of the Floor Warsens, Search and Escort Officers to the scene and the greeting and directing of the Hong Kong Fire Brigade.1. Upon

18、notification of the fire alarm proceed to the bell desk and await further communication from the CFW.2. If advised of false alarm note incident in the security log book, recording time, location and cause of incident.3. If advised of fire assemble equipment required for fire team, i.e. two way radio

19、s, chalk, torches and emergency keys.4. An account for all Floor Wardens and Search and Escort Officers. Direct to area to be evacuated.5. An account of all member of the Fire Team is to be maintained at all times, noting names and areas to which each person has been directed.6. Await the Hong Kong

20、Fire Brigade and brief them on all aspects. Note the location, size , type and any other relevant information that has been communicated on the fire. Maintain communication via two way radio with the Floor Wardens.7. Control the evacuation of all personnel from the lobby.8. Once advised by the CFW ,

21、 evacuate the hotel and proceed to the assembly point.ROOMS DIVISION Page 7 of 12EMERGENCY MANUALPolicies & Procedures SUBJECT : Evacuation procedures CODE :FLOOR WARDEN ( FL )Under the direction of the Chief Fire Warden ( CFW ) , the Floor Warden will oversee the evacuation of a specific area o

22、f the hotel.1. Upon notification of a fire the FW will report to the Liaison Officer at the bell desk in the lobby.2. The FW will receive the necessary equipment, i.e. chalk, torches and two day radios.3. The FW will then lead a team of three Search Officers and two Escort Officers to the scene.4. R

23、eport to the CFW and on direction commence evacuation.5. In teams of two the Search Officers / FW check all guest rooms and mark the door to indicate that the room has been checked :IN OUT Single chalk mark indicates searcher in room. Cross indicates searcher is out.6. Direct all guests to the neare

24、st safe fire exit.7. Report your section clear to the CFW and take your team to the assembly area. 8. Assist by isolating your group in the assembly area.SEARCH AND OFFICEThe Search and Escort Officers will search guest rooms and other facilities to ensure all guests and staff are accountedHOTEL ROO

25、MS DIVISION Page 8 of 12EMERGENCY MANUALPolicies & ProceduresFor and the area is clear. They will work under the direction of the Floor Warden ( FW ).ROOMS DIVISION Page 9 of 12EMERGENCY MANUALPolicies & Procedures SUBJECT : Evacuation procedures CODE :1. Upon notification of a fire report t

26、o the Liaison Officer at the bell desk in the lobby.2. Under the direction of the FW proceed to the area of evacuation. Remember to always keep a safe escape route.3. In teams of two the Search Officers will proceed with the search as per training , and mark each door to indicate clear or otherwise

27、:IN OUT Single chalk mark indicates searcher in room. Cross indicates searcher is out.4. Escort Officers will locate themselves in front of a safe fire exit and other conspicuous positions, so as to assist guests to move to the assembly point.5. Special attention must be given to handicapped guests

28、rooms.6. Reassure and comfort the elderly, children, women, and any distraught guests.7. Do not enter smoke filled rooms without proper breathing apparatus. If you know a guest is in the room and you are capable of entering, rescuing the guest and exiting without inhaling then proceed. Work in a min

29、imum team of 2.8. Before entering a room, Search Officers should touch the door handle with the back of their hand to ensure it is not “alive” electrically and to check the door for heat.9. Upon completion of the evacuation report to the FW and proceed to the assembly point. Remain in a group with t

30、he FW at all times, so as to be accounted for. ROOMS DIVISIONPage 10 of 12EMERGENCY MANUALPolicies & ProceduresROOMS DIVISION Page 11 of 12EMERGENCY MANUALPolicies & Procedures SUBJECT : Evacuation procedures CODE :COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR (TELEPHONE OPERATOR)The Telephone Operator will act a

31、s the central communication point upon notification and a fire alarm.The Telephone Operator will carry out the following procedure:1. Upon receiving notice of a fire alarm the Telephone Operator will immediately page the Chief Fire Warden (Assistant Manager ), Investigation Officer ( Duty Engineer )

32、, Liaison Officer ( Security Officer ) and Duty Manager. Message will be as been shown in “Response to Fire Alarm” procedure.2. If advised of a false alarm display the message, type and extent of the fire and the level of evacuation required.3. If advised of a fire, obtain the location, type and ext

33、end of the fire and the level of evacuation required.4. First call the Hong Kong Fire Brigade and advice of the fire. Give all details obtained to the Fire Brigade.5. Page or call Floor Brigade and advice of the fire. Give all details obtained to the Fire Brigade.6. Page all personnel as listed on t

34、he “Communication List for Emergency” to assemble at the bell desk.7. Play tape or broadcast message as instructed by the Chief Fire Warden.8. In the event of an evacuation notify the Ambulance Station and the Hotel Doctor.9. Telephone guests in area of fire and direct to them to proceed to a safe fire exit.ROOMS DIVISION Page 12 of 12


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