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1、Unit 4方位介词练习I .把下列词组翻译成英语。1. 在沙发上2. 在桌子底下3. 在你的背包里4. 在抽屉里5. 在教室(外部)前面 n .单项选择。1. Your computer isto the door.A. beh indB. onC. inD. next2. The map isthe wallour classroom.A. on; onB. of; onC. on; atD. on; of3. Look! The window isthe wall and the picture isthe wall.A. on; onB. in; inC. in; onD. on; i

2、n4. Where is my ball? I can ' t see it. Look! It' sthe door.A. onB. inC. atD. beh ind5. Sally is very happy. There is a big smileher face.A. onB. toC. inD. at6. My father is ill (生病),He is.A. in bedB. in the bedC. on bedD. on the bedA. inB. onC. un derD. at8. There are three wi ndowsthe wall

3、.A . inB. onC. atD. to9. There are many oran gesthe tree. A birdthe tree is eat ing anoran ge.A. in; onB. on; onC. i n; inD. on; inat10. What time do you usually go to bed?I usually go to bed11:00.A. inD. forB.onC.11. We can seeold bikethe tree.A. a; un derB. the; atC. an; inD. an; un der12. My hats

4、 and coats are.A. on the bed B. un der deskC. in roomD. un der the my bed13. He put up a mapthe back wall because there was a holeit.A. on; onB. at; in14. Don't readthe sun.A. atB. underC. on; inD. on; atC. withD. in15. The boat is passingthe bridge.A. throughB. belowC.underD. acrossIII. 用适当的介词填

5、空1. A boy isthe tree.2. Can you pick( 摘)the applesthe tree?3. There is a picturethe wall.4. There are two win dowsthe wall.5. I liveShan ghai.IV 阅读短文回答问题。Tom s roomIt ' s small but nice. A computer and some CDs are on the desk. His backpack ison the wall. The ID card is on his bed. The shoes are

6、 un der the bed. A baseball ison the floor.Sally ' s roomIt ' s very nice. The new pictures are on the wall. Her desk is near the window.Some flowers are on the desk. Where is her schoolbag? Oh, it' s on the chair. Wecan' t see a hat on the bed, but we can see Mimi, her cat.The twins

7、 ' roomIt ' s big and nice. Twopencil cases are on the desk. Many books are on the bookcase.It ' s a big bed near the bookcase. One backpack is on the floor, and the other ison the chair. The jackets are behind the door. A picture of their father and motheris on the wall.1. Tom ' s ID card ishis bed, and his shoesarethe bed.2. Sally ' s cat isher bed. Her schoolbag isthe chair.3. The bookcase isthe twins ' room. The big bed isthe door.4. Two pencil cases arethedesk in the twins ' room.5. A picture of the twins' pare nts isthe wall.


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