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1、丑小鸭鸭妈妈小鸭子野鸭天鹅农场的动物大狗男人孩子们For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial useFor personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use丑小鸭剧中角色Ugly Duckling Mother Duck Ducklings Marsh Duck SwanFarm Animals Big DogManChildrenMother Duck:Mother Duck:Duckling 1:Duckling 2:Mother

2、 Duck:Ugly Duckling:Mother Duck:Duckling 1:Duckling 2:Mother Duck:Ugly Duckling:Mother Duck:Act 1The Ugly Duckling Hatches (A mother duck sits on many eggs.) Oh, I am tired. I hope these eggs hatch soon. I want to swim in the water.(Crack! Crack!)Peep,peep! Where am I?Peep,peep! Where is Mommy? Quac

3、k,quack! Oh,my babies. I am here. (Finally,the last egg hatches.)Peep,peep! Mommy!Oh,my! You are not like the other ducklings. You are big and ugly!第一幕丑小鸭出壳(鸭妈妈正在孵蛋)鸭妈妈: 噢,我很累。我希望这些蛋很快就能孵出小鸭子来。我想去水里游泳。(噼啪!噼啪!)小鸭子 1:唧!唧!我在哪儿?小鸭子 2:妈妈在哪儿?鸭妈妈:嘎!嘎!哦,我的宝贝们。我在这儿。终于,最后一个蛋也孵出小鸭子来了。丑小鸭:唧!唧!妈妈!鸭妈妈:噢,天呐!你和其他小鸭

4、子长得不一样你又大又难看。)oThe mother duck takes her ducklings to the water. )Duckling1:Ugly Duckling:Can I play with you?Duckling2:No!You are too big and ugly.We don't want to play with you.Ducklings:Go away!(The Ugly Duckling goes to a farm.)Ugly Duckling:Hi! Can I play with you?Farm Animals:No,you can &#

5、39;t. We don't like you.You are a big ugly duckling. Go away!Ugly Duckling:(crying) Nobody likes me! I will run away.小鸭子 1:丑小鸭:小鸭子 2:鸭妈妈带着她的小鸭子们下水了。 ) 哇!在水里游泳真好玩儿。 我能和你们玩儿吗? 不行!你太大太难看了。我们不想和你玩儿。Wow! It is fun to swim in the water.(丑小鸭来到一个农场)丑小鸭: 嗨!我能和你们玩儿吗? 农场的动物: 不,你不能。我们不喜欢你。你是一只又大又难看的小鸭子。走开!丑

6、小鸭: (哭着说)谁也不喜欢我!我要跑得远远的。Act 2Nobody Likes the Ugly Duckling (The Ugly Duckling runs to a marsh.) Ugly Duckling: Oh,there are big marsh ducks!(to a marsh duck) I want to play with you.Marsh Duck:No! You don 't look like us.Look into the water. You are an ugly duckling!Ugly Duckling: (Looking into

7、 the water) The marsh duck is right. I am an ugly duckling. (sighing) I am sad.第二幕谁都不喜欢丑小鸭 (丑小鸭跑到一片沼泽里。 )丑小鸭: 哦,那儿有一大群大野鸭! (对一只大野鸭说)我想和你们玩儿。野鸭: 不行!你和我们长得不一样。对着水照照。你是一只丑小鸭!丑小鸭: (往水里看去)野鸭是对的。我是一只丑小鸭。(叹了口气)我很难过。Big Dog:( The Ugly Duckling runs to a house.There is a big dog. ) Grow! Who are you?Ugly Duc

8、kling :Hello! I am Ugly Duckling. Can I live in this house with you?Big Dog:Grow! No,you can 't.I don 't want to live with an ugly duckling.Ugly Duckling:(The Ugly Duckling runs to a pond and sees beautiful swans.) The swans are beautiful.They are swimming in the pond.(sighing) I want to be

9、like them.(丑小鸭跑到一栋房子前。那里有一只大狗。 ) 大狗: 汪!你是谁?丑小鸭: 你好!我是丑小鸭。我能和你一起住在这栋房子里吗?大狗: 汪!不,你不能。我不想和一只丑小鸭住在一起(丑小鸭跑到一个池塘边,看到了美丽的天鹅。 )丑小鸭:天鹅真美呀。他们在吃糖里游泳。(叹了口气)我想和他们一样。Act 3The Ugly Duckling in Winter(It is winter. The Ugly Duckling is in the pond.)Ugly Duckling: Oh, it is so cold. The water is frozen.Man:I must k

10、eep swimming, or I will die.But I can 't crack the ice. I can 't swim.(A man sees the Ugly Duckling.) Oh,poor duckling! You are freezing.Don 't worry. I will take you to my house. It is warm there.丑小鸭:第三幕 冬天的丑小鸭 (冬天来了。丑小鸭在池塘里。 ) 噢,太冷了。水都结冰了。 我必须不停地游泳,要不我会死的。 但是我破不开冰。我没法游泳。(一个人看见了丑小鸭。 )男人

11、:喔,可怜的小鸭子!你冻僵了。别担心,我会把你带回家。那儿很暖和。( in the man's house)Ugly Duckling: It is very warm. I can move now.Children:(laughing) Ha-ha! You are a big and ugly duckling.We don't like you. Go away!Ugly Duckling: The children are bad to me.I am tired. I will run to the marsh.(in a cold home by the wate

12、r)Ugly Duckling: It is cold here.(crying) I am alone. I am lonely.(在那个人的房子里 )丑小鸭: 真暖和。我现在能动了。孩子们: (笑着说)哈哈!你是一只又大又难看的小鸭子。 我们不喜欢你。走开!丑小鸭: 孩子们对我一点儿都不好。我好累呀。我要跑回沼泽去。(在水边冰冷的窝里)丑小鸭:这儿真冷呀。(哭着说)就我一个人。我很孤独。Act 4Ugly Duckling:The Ugly Duckling Becomes a Swan(Soon winter is past. It is spring.)Oh, it is warm.L

13、ook! The birds are singing. The sun is shining. But I am still alone.Ugly Duckling:(The Ugly Duckling looks up and points at the sky.) There are beautiful swans flying in the sky!I want to fly like them.OK! I will try.(The Ugly Duckling runs and runs. He spreads his wings.)第四幕丑小鸭变天鹅(冬天很快过去了。春天来了。 )

14、丑小鸭: 哦,天气暖和了。看呐!鸟儿在唱歌。太阳在照耀。可我还是一个人。丑小鸭抬起头,望向天空。 )丑小鸭: 美丽的天鹅在天上飞!我想像他们那样飞。 好!我要试一试。(丑小鸭跑起来。他张开了翅膀。 )Ugly Duckling: Yes, yes! I can fly!(to a swan) Look at me!I am an ugly duckling. But I can fly!Swan: Yes,you can fly. But you are not a ducking.Look into the water. You are a swan now.Ugly Duckling: W

15、hat?(The Ugly Duckling looks into the water.)Ugly Duckling: Oh, is that me?I am not an ugly duckling any more. (happily) I am a swan!丑小鸭: 噢!噢!我可以飞了!(对一只天鹅说) 看看我!我是一只丑小鸭。但是我会飞!天鹅: 是的,你会飞。但你不是一只小鸭子。对着水照照。你现在是一只天鹅了。丑小鸭: 什么?(丑小鸭往水里看去。 )丑小鸭:噢!那是我吗?我不再是一只丑小鸭了。(高兴地)我是一只天鹅!仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途For personal u

16、se only in study and research; not for commercial use.Nur f u r den pers?nlichen f u r StuctiepHFing, zu kommerziellen Zwecken verwendet werden.Pour l ' e tude et la recherche uniquementa des fins personnelles; pasa des fins commerciales.to员bko gA.nrogeHKO TOpMenob3ygmflCH6yHeHuac egoB u HHuefig

17、oHM以下无正文UCnO 员 B3OBaTbCE 珥gkjomm epqeckux仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use.Nur f u r den pers?nlichen fu r Studien, Forschung, zu kommerzei Zwecken verwendet werden.Pour l ' e tude et la recherche uniquementa des fins personnelles; pasa des fins commerciales.to员bko gA.nrogeHKO TOpMenob3ymoiflCH6yHeHuac egoB u HHuefigoHM ucno 员 B30BaTbCEb KOMMepqeckuxqe 员 ex.以下无正文For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use


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