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1、中医词汇术语下面是 整理的中医词汇术语,以供大家学习参考。AAbdomi nal flatule nee中满Abdo minal full ness and diste nti on腕痛胀满Abdo minal reten ti on鼓胀Aeeompa nied Symptoms兼证Aetivati ng blood and dissol ving stasis活血化瘀Aeuesthesia 得气Acup un eture points腧穴Aeup un eture therapies针刺疗法Adjuva nt drugs 佐药Afternoon fever 日哺发热Alternate ehi

2、lls and fever 寒热往来Ano rexia 食欲不振Aphtha 口疮Apoplexy 中风Ashi poi nt 阿是穴Assoeiate drugs 臣药Chi neseAssoeiati onofeomb in ati onof traditi onalii中医学会中医理论基中西医结合研究会medic ine and wester n medic ineAssociati on of traditi onal Chi nese medici neAsthe nic cardioya ng心阳虚Asthe nic cardi oyin心阴虚Asthma 哮证Otop un ct

3、ure therapy耳针疗法Auscultatio n-o Ifacti on闻诊Avers ion to wi nd and cold畏恶风寒BBasis of theory of traditi onal Chin ese medic ine础Belchi ng 暧气Blood deficie ncy血虚Blood heat 血热Body fluid 津液CCalmi ng liver wi nd平肝熄风Can thus 目眦Carbun cle 痈Cathartic method 攻里法Cardiac and renal coord in ati on心肾相交Cardiac-sple

4、nic asthe nia心脾两虚Chest pain 胸痛Chest stuffi ness 胸闷Chi pulse 尺脉Chin ese materia medica and prescripti ons中药与方齐 UChi nese medical 中国医学史Chin ese medici ne an esthesia中药麻醉Chin ese pate nt drugs中成药Clear abundant urine小便清长Cleari ng damp利水渗湿Cleari ng heat and expectorati on清热化痰Cleari ng wi nd-damp祛风胜湿Clear

5、i ng Ying heat and cooli ng blood清营凉血Coati ng color苔色Cold hands and feet手足厥冷Cold-heat mixi ng寒热交错Cold limbs 手足厥冷Cold stroke 中寒Coma神昏Compe ndium of Materia Medica本草纲目Complicati ons并病Con stipati on大便不通Con sumptive disease虚劳Con trary treatme nt反治DDefe nsive Qi in stability卫气不固Deficie ncy-excess mixi ng

6、虚实夹杂Delirium 谵语中医Diag no stic methods of traditi onal Chin ese medici ne诊法Diaphoresis 汗法Diaphoresis, pungent cold 辛凉解表Diaphoresis, pungent warm 辛温解表Diarrhea 泄泻Differe nt treatme nts for the same disease同病异治Differe ntiatio n, eight pri nciples 八纲辨证Differen tiatio n of diseases辨病Differe ntiati on of s

7、ymptoms and sig ns辨证Differe ntiatio n, six meridia ns六经辨证Differe ntiati on, triple en ergizer三焦辨证Differe ntiatio n, Wei-Qi-Yin g-Xue卫气营血辨证Differe ntiatio n, Zan g-Fu脏腑辨证Diphtheria 白喉Diseases of Qi-blood-fluid 气血津液病症散寒通痹Dispers ing cold and freeing Bi中医各家学说Doctri nes of various historical schoolsDry

8、heat 燥热Dry stool 大便干结Dyse ntery 痢疾Dyspepsia 食滞Dysphagia 噎膈Dysp nea 喘证Dysuria 癃闭EEdema水肿Eight prin ciples 八纲Electuary 冲服剂Elimi natio n消法Emesis 吐法内湿En doge nous hygros yn dromeEn doge nous cold 内寒En doge nous dryn ess 内燥Epilepsy 痫证Epitaxis 鼻衄Eruption 斑疹Etiology 病因Exterior syn drome 表证Exterior sthe nia

9、表实Exterior asthe nia表虚Extremely cold limbs手足厥逆FFacial distortion 口眼歪斜Feeli ng 按诊Fluid deficie ncy津液不足Freque nt micturitio n小便频数Freque nt vomit ing反胃GGastric asthe nia胃虚Gastric cavity 胃脘Gastro-Qi 胃气五行相克Gen erati on-i nhibiti on in five eleme ntsGi ngiva 牙龈Greyish fur 灰苔HHarm on izi ng liver-splee n调和

10、肝脾Heart fire hyperactivity心火亢盛Heart-kid ney Yang deficie ncy心肾阳虚Heart Yang hypoactivity 心阳不振Healthy Qi 正气Hectic fever 潮热Hemorrhage Zheng 血证IInsomn ia 失眠In specti on望诊In terge nerati on相生In ter-restrictio n相克In ter-subjuati on相乘Irregular pulse结代脉KKidney Yang deficie ncy肾阳虚Kid ney Yin deficie ncy 肾阴虚L

11、Large in testi ne damp-heat大肠湿热Large pulse 大脉Leukorrhea 白带Liver fire flami ng肝火上炎Liver-stomach disharm ony肝胃不禾口Liver wind agitati on肝风内动Liver Yang ris ing肝阳上亢Liver Yin deficie ncy 肝阴虚Long pulse 长脉Lon ger men strual in terval月经后期Loose stool 便溏Lung heart 肺热Lung Qi deficie ncy肺气虚Lung Qi impairme nt肺气失宣

12、MMeasles 麻疹Men strual irregularities 月经失调Merdia n-collateral theory经络学说Meridial distributio n归经Mutual promoti on相须NNight sweat 盗汗Ni ne orifices 九窍Normal pulse 平脉Nourishi ng blood and liver养血柔肝PPale ton gue 淡白舌Palpatio n 切诊Palpitati on心悸Pathoge nesis病机Peeled coati ng剥脱苔Pestile nee 疫疠Phary nx n eurosi

13、s梅核气Phlegm-damp obstruct ing lung痰湿阻肺Pill 丸Pores玄府Prin cipal and subord in ate标本Pulse con diti on脉象Pulse-taki ng脉诊Purgati on-tonifying攻补兼施QQi-blood and fluid气血津液Qi deficie ncy气虚Qi depressi on 气滞Qi fun cti on气机RRapid pulse 数脉Relaxi ng bowels润肠通便化瘀行血Removing stasis to promote blood circulati onResolvi

14、 ng damp, aromatic芳香化湿Resuscitati on开窍Retch干呕Reverse restrictio n相侮S温病学School in favour of the doctri ne of warm diseases派School of febrile diseases by cold injury伤寒学派Scrofula 瘰疬Sighi ng 太息Smallpox 天花Somnolence 多寐Sore 疮Splee n Qi deficie ncy脾气虚Splee n Yang deficie ncy脾阳虚Splee n Yin deficie ncy脾阴虚Spo

15、ntan eous sweati ng 自汗Stra nguria 小便涩痛Stomach cold胃寒Stomach heat胃热Stren gthe ning healthy en ergy扶正Striae腠理Stringy pulse 弦脉Su nstroke 中暑15Tenesmus 里急后重Tonifying deficie ncy虚贝 U补之Tonifying kidney and hold ing Qi补肾纟纳气Ton ifyi ng Qi and splee n益气健脾辨证论治Treati ng excess with purgatio n实贝 U泻之Treatme nt with syn drome differe ntiati onTwen ty-eight pulses二十八脉UUlcer溃疡Urinal incontinence小便失禁Uterus女子胞YVitaport 命门WWhitish fur 白苔Whoop ing cough百日咳YY ellowish fur 黄苔Ying and Yang in bala nee阴平阳秘ZZheng 证中医词汇术语iii12


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