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1、过去分词vs现在分词考点精析现在分词和过去分词的用法异同历来是学习中的难点和高考测试的重点。众所周知,两种分词的区别很 多,但它们之间的根本区别是:过去分词在时态上强调动作已经完成,在语态上侧重于被动;而现在分词在 时态上强调动作正在进行,在语态上侧重于主动。这种根本的区别具体体现在两种分词分别充当的各种句子 成份中。细述如下:分词有两种:现在分词 doing和过去分词done。 分词动词具有动词的特征:可以带宾语和状语构成短语。如:waiting there(动状关系)。本专题必须掌握: 动词分词的基本形式一一时态和语态的变化,比如一般式、完成式、被动式等。 它们在句中的功能一一充当什么成分

2、,特别是在某些特定结构中应用哪一种动词分词。动词分词的时态与语态分词的时态与语态形式(I)现在分词有一般式与完成式,及物动词的现在分词有主动语态与被动语态,不及物动词的现在分词没有被动语态。过去分词只有一种形式。主动语态被动语态现在分词一般式doi ngbeing done完成式hav ing donehavi ng bee n done过去分词done(2)现在分词主要表示主动动作正在进行,过去分词主要表示被动 动作已经完成,但是不及物动词的过去分词只表示动作完成或状态,没有被动的意思。The man standing there is our group leader.正站在那边的人是我们

3、的组长.(主动,进行)This is the house built by my father last year. ( 被动,完成 )区别boiling water正在开的水 boiled water 开水 (开过了) 注:boil vi 沸腾试译: China is a developing country while the United States is a developed country.falling leaves禾口 fallen leaves, the rising sun禾口 the risen sun.(3)现在分词的一般式常表示与谓语动词的动作同时发生,有时也可以先

4、于或后于谓语 动词的动作。The man talking with our teacher is his father.(与谓语动作同时发生 )Sitting in an armchair, he told me he would go abroad.(在谓语动作之前发生 )坐在扶手椅上他对我说他将出国。He told me he would stand by the roadside, watch ing the parade.他告诉我他将站在路边,观看游行.(与被修饰的从句谓语动词would sta nd同时发生,都表示过去将来时间)The man rose from the ground

5、, beating the dust off his clothes.那个男子从地上站了起来,拍掉衣服上的尘土。(分词动作后于谓语动作)(4)现在分词的完成式表示动作先于谓语的动作发生,常用作时间状语和原因状语。Having finished my homework, I went to bed.我做完作业以后,就上床睡觉了。Having met with an accident , he couldn ' t go to school . 由于遇至U意外事故,他不能上学.注:现在分词的动作先于谓语动词的动作时,一般用它的完成式表示。Not havi ng see n her befo

6、re, he did not know she was his daughter.由于他从前从未见过她,他不知道她是他的女儿。Havi ng missed the bus, we had to walk home.由于误了公共汽车,我们只得走回家。相对于过去分词来讲,动词的-ing形式形式多样,结构复杂,内涵丰富,功能较多,最能体现英语独特的形式特征,又极易给考生带来麻烦,因此,命题人热衷于使用它们作为考查工具就不足为怪了(每年平均 有2-3个题目)。不容置疑,高考将继续加强对非谓语动词的考查,试题的特征将继续呈现出“情景化”和“设问角度的 多样化”的趋势,但试题的难度将会有所控制。经典解析:

7、The country has alreadysent up three unmanned spacecraft, the most recentat theend of last March.A. has been launchedB. having been launchedC. being launchedD. to be launched【正确思路】B去年三月发射的,和主谓语动词有明显的前后差异,动作在前,故用分词完成式,所以选B。非谓语动词的句法功能及比较非谓语动词的句法功能如下表:主语宾语表语定语状语宾补分词XXVV说明:分词具有形容词和副词的特征。作表语现在分词(分词短语不能作表

8、语)作表语表示主语的性质或特征,过去分词作表语表示主语的状态。The basketball match was exciting. 令人兴奋的We are excited at the good n ews.(人)感至 U兴奋的The book is interesting. I' m interested in it.考点:区别由现在分词和过去分词转化而来的形容词。exciting / moving / frightening / tiring / surprising 7 astonishing / satisfying /disappointing /interesting /p

9、leasing /inspiring (多物 侑时人)令人短么样excited / moved J frightened / tirEd / surpnsed / astonished / satisfied / disappointed/ mtErested /pleas ed /inspired人)感到怎么样注:excited vt.使”兴奋move vt. 感动frighte n vt.使”害怕tire vt.使疲劳,使厌烦surprise vt.使,,吃惊ast onish vt.使,,惊讶,惊愕satisfy vt.使,满意disappoint vt.使”失望in terest vt

10、使”发生兴趣please vt.使,咼兴in spire vt.鼓舞小结:修饰人的表情,眼神,眼泪,声音时,去卩要用-ed形式。经典解析:Please rema inun til the pla ne has come to a complete stop.A. to seatB. to be seatedC. seati ngD. seated【正确思路】D seat,坐下,它已经转化为形容词,只有seated 一种形式,故选 0若用现在分词形式和不定式形式,则需要用东西sit。作定语(非谓语动词都能作定语)(1)区别现在分词和过去分词做定语r Th man staruding ther亡盗

11、 our headmaster(站在那里的人)丫 The fire destroyed thE house built by 血 father last night(他父亲修的房子)r falling Leaves正在下掉的树叶fallen leaves掉到地上的树叶(面lvi下掉)牢记:现在分词和过去分词都可以作定语,现在分词表示主动进行,过去分词表示被动完成,但Vi的过去分词,只表示完成,不表示被动r-being held now lidd yesterday(即表示主动的动作已经完成)。is iinportant.(被动!正在进行)(被动,完成)注:现在分词和过去分词都可以作定语,它们的

12、区别主要体现在时间上:现在分词强调正在进行,过去 分词表示动作已经完成。本例中这三种形式与(所修饰的名词)会议存在被动关系。它们都可以改成一个相 应的限制性定语从句。即广 which is being held nowis importantTh亡 meeting 十 whichwas held yesterday经典解析:The Town Hallin the 1800' s was the most distinguished building at that time.A. to be completed B. hav ing bee n completedC. complete

13、d D. being completed【正确思路】D过去分词在此作定语,表示被动关系,故选Co作状语(1)(see) from the top of the hill, we could see a beautiful city.(see) from the top of the hill, the city looked beautiful.Key: Seeing; Seen牢记:分词(短语)作状语时,常位于句首(也可位于句末),并用逗号隔开。用现在分词还是过去分 词一要看分词所表示的动作与句子主语之间的主被动关系。二要看分词所表示的动作与谓语动作之间的时间 先后关系。口诀:主动用-ing

14、, 被动用-ed;但被动如为完成或进行时,要用现在分词被动形式别忘记。(2)分词短语作状语表示伴随状况或方式时(分词动作对谓语动词进行补充说明),可以改成一个并列谓 语。We stood there, watch ing the football match.=We stood there and watched the football match.The glass fell to the ground, broken to pieces. 玻璃杯掉到地上碎了。Her husba nd died, leavi ng her three childre n.他的丈夫死了,给她留下三个孩子。经

15、典解析:As the light turned gree n, I stood for a mome nt, not, and asked myself what Iwas going to do.A. movedB movingC. to moveD. being moved【正确思路】B本句里stood和asked是由and连接的并列谓语,而空是由两个逗号格开的,形 式上看不是并列谓语,只能作状语,和主语之间是主动关系,故选B。作宾补I saw Tom beating sum亡on旣我看见汤姆正在打人(主动,进行)(1)- ' : - r r I r : - :' 一, i

16、-1(有时)He had his horse running all day. 他让他的马整天跑。(主动,持续)现在分词和过去分词都可以用在“Vt.+宾语+宾补”结构中作宾补。这时我们要分析宾语和宾补之间的关系。用现在分词表示两者存在主动关系和动作正在进行(有时表示动作一直持续,常带段时间状语);用过 去分词表示存在被动关系。能用现在分词作宾补的动词常见的有see, hear,watch, notice , find, feel, smell 以及keep,set,leave等。(现在分词强调动作正在进行或一直持续)We saw him coming.我看见他正过来。They had thei

17、r lights burni ng all ni ght Ion g.他们让灯整夜亮着。Don' t leave her waiting outside in the rain.别让她在外面雨中等着。(使”处于什么状态 )(2)以下对非谓语动词作使役动词和感官动词的宾语补足语列表归纳总结:dodonedoi ngto do使用作宾补时,宾语为宾补动作的承受者,其余作宾补时,宾语为宾补动作的执行者letV较少使用被动语态,即使用,兵补也不带tomakeVV变为被动语态时,要加 to,的形式不变see, watch, no ticeobserve, look at,hear, listen

18、 to etc.VVV1. 变为被动态时,要加 to ;的形式不 变。2. 的区别在于:强调动作发生的全过 程强调正在进行haveVVV无 被 动 语 态1. 使用时,have与make同义。2. 的区别:强调动作一直持续feelVVVV1.使用时,常为“ to be ”getVVV1. 使用时,get与have同义。2. 意为“使”开始动作。”3 意为“劝服而使”Mr. Smith had me find a taxi for him史密斯先生叫我给他找一辆出租车。He made me work long hours.他让我长时间做工。改为被动语态: I was made to work l

19、ong hours.He had us laughi ng all through the programme.他在节目中,让我们自始至终笑个不停。He had his bike repaired yesterday.昨天他请人修好了自行车。(表示让别人做某事)She had her wallet stole n on the bus.在公共汽车上,她的钱包被偷了。(表示遭遇)经典解析:After a knock at the door, the child heard his mother' s voicehim.A. calli ngB. calledC. being called

20、D. to call【正确思路】A非谓语动词作宾补,和前面的his mother' s voice (宾语),存在逻辑主谓关系,不定式表示将来的动作;现在分词表示正在进行的动作,主动含义;过去分词表示被动和完成的 动作。由句意“孩子听到妈妈叫他”,可知表示主动含义,故选A。其它考点动词分词的否定式:一律在非谓语动词前加n ot.现在分词)Not having received his letter, I decided to write a letter to him again.(动词分词的逻辑主语1. 分词短语作状语时,它的逻辑主语必须是句子的主语。Led by the Party

21、 , the task was finished .(错)可改为: Led by the Party, we fini shed the task.注1:如果分词短语的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致,那么我们往往采用独立主格结构,即在分词前加上它的逻辑主语(名词或主格代词)。Time permitting, I ' II come to help you. (=If time permits, I' II come to help you.)It being very hot, we decided to go swimming.由于天气太热,我们决定去游泳.=As it is ve

22、ry hot, we decided to go swimmi ng.Night falling, we hurried home. (=As ni ght fell, we hurried home.)天黑了,我们匆忙回家。小结:独立主格=名/代+doing /done / to do / adj. / adv. /介词短词。它在语法上不是句子,通常在句中作状语,要用逗号与句子主体部分隔开。注 2: He often sleeps with the window open. 他常常开着窗户睡觉。with的复合结构=with+宾+宾补(现在分词/过去分词)注意:介词with后的宾语与宾补有逻辑

23、上的主谓关系。 with的复合结构在句中可以作伴随方式状语、原因状语、时间状语等。看下面例子,注意看宾补,以及with的复合结构在句中所充当的成分。He fell asleep with the machi ne running. 机器开着,他就睡着了。All the afternoon he worked with the door locked. 他锁着门工作了一下午。 with结构与独立主格结构有着密切联系。如果将表示原因、时间、条件的with结构中的with去掉,就可以变为独立主格结构形式。I won ' t be able to go on holiday with my m

24、other being ill.=My mother being ill, I won' t be able to go on holiday.注3:某些分词短语作独立成分时,用来解释整个句子可以不受上面所讲的限制。它们已经形成固定表达,女口 gen erally speak ing, con sideri ng everyth ing, suppos in g, judgi ng from等。女口: Gen erally speak ing, boys are bolder thin girls.一般说来男孩比女孩胆子大些.Supposi ng we lose, what shall

25、 we do?万一我们输了,我们该怎么办?Judgi ng from his acce nt, he must be from the south.从他的口音来判断,他一定是南方人。经典解析:-Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.-Sorry. With so much workmy mi nd, I almost break dow n.A. filledB. filli ngC. to fillD. bei ng filled【正确思路】B太多工作填充我的大脑,主(so much work)谓(fill) 之间,是主动关

26、系,故选B。如何用独立主格或分词短语改写状语从句?(口诀两则)复习1独立主格和分词短语都可以作状语,相当于状语从句,因此状语从句和独立主格或分词短语一般 可以互相转换。Time permitting, I ' II come to help you. (=lf time permits, I' II come to help you.)Given more time, I can do the job better. (=If I am give n more time, I can do the job better.)复习2:在状语从句中,当从句的主语与主句的主语相同时,可

27、以省略从句的连词,主语和be,余下部分主动用-ing,被动-ed。当从句是if it is possible这种结构时,可以省去it is 构成if possible ,意思依然清楚。When you cross the street, you must be careful.过街时,你要小心。=(Whe n) cross ing the street, you must be careful.When it is heated, ice will turn into water.加热时,冰会变成水。=(Whe n) heated, ice will turn into water.注意:从句

28、的连词也可保留,从句的意思显得更加清楚。I ' ll do the work by myself if (it is) possible.如果可能,我要亲自做这个工作。探(A)主从主语皆相同,分词短语作状语,连词从主应省去。主从主语如不同,独立主格作状语,从主不省要牢记。(B)主动用-ing, 被动用-ed;但被动如为完成或进行,用现在分词被动形式忽忘记。区别动名词和现在分词二者形式完全相同,都是由动词原形加-ing构成。但是它们之间有根本的区别,它们除了都具有动词特征以外,现在分词还具有形容词和副词特征,而动名词则具有名词特征。这种区别表现为句法功能的不同。现在分词在句中可充当定语、

29、表语、补语(宾语补足语或主语补足语)、状语;动名词在句中可充当主语、 宾语、同位语、表语、定语。因此,现在分词与动名词的区别方法如下:1. 如果-ing形式在句中充当状语和补语,那么它一定是现在分词。如:Heari ng the n ews, he got very excited.他得知这消息后非常兴奋。(hearing作时间状语)I saw him going upstairs.我看到他上楼的。(goi ng作宾语补足语)2.如果-ing形式在句中充当主语、宾语或冋位语,那么它一定是动名词。如:Study ing En glish is our task.学习英语是我们的任务。(study

30、 ing作主语)He likes play ing football.他喜欢踢足球。(playi ng作宾语)His ambition, conquering the whole world, was never fulfilled.他征服全世界的野心从来没有实现。(con queri ng作同位语,是动名词。)3. 如果-ing形式在句中充当表语,-ing形式可能是现在分词,也可能是动名词。区分方法是:如果-ing形式相当于一个名词,与主语处于同等地位,可以与主语交换位置,那么它就是动名词;如果-ing形式相当于一个形容词,表示主语的性质或特征,不可以与主语交换位置,那么它就是现在分词。女口

31、: His work is repairing bikes.=Repairing bikes is his work. repairing.(repairing 为动名词)The novel is in teresting.(该句的表语与主语不能交换位置,in terest ing为现在分词。)4. 如果-ing形式在句中充当定语,那么它可能是现在分词,也可能是动名词。区分办法是:如果被修饰的名词与-ing形式之间有逻辑主谓关系,那么-ing形式就是现在分词;否则,-ing形式是动名词。女口: a sleeping car=a car for sleeping节卧车 (sleep 与 car

32、没有逻辑主谓关系 )a sleeping boy= a boy who is sleeping个正在睡觉的男孩。(sleep 与 boy 有逻辑主谓关系 )高考链接1. (2008 陕西高考 )The message is very important, so it is supposedas soon aspossible.2. (2008 陕西高考)D. To show 3. (20084. (2008福建高考)A. to be sentB. to sendC. being sentD. sendingTaround the Water Cube, we were then taken t

33、o see the Bird' sNest for the 2008 Olympic Games.A. Having show nB. To be show nC. Having bee n show n辽宁高考 )Please remain; the winner of the prize will be announced soon.A. seati ngB. seatedC. to seatD. to be seatedin the queue for half an hour ,the old man sudde nly realized hehad left the cheq

34、ue in the car.D. To have waited5. (2008 上海's voicehim.D. to callA. Waiti ngB. To waitC. Havi ng waited高考) After a knock at the door, the child heard his motherA. call ingB. calledC. being called解析1. A 此题考点有两个,第一suppose to do sth第二被动语态,所以答案选择A。2. A 考点是非谓语动词,we是非谓语动词的逻辑主语,和show关系是主动,把 B,C排除,having

35、shown表示动作先发生,to show 表示动作没发生,根据句意答案选择A。3. B seated 就坐,形容词,rema in seated 保持坐着,故选B.4. C在排队等了半小时之后,老人突然意识到他把支票落在车里了,排队在意识这个动作之前,故选现在分词的完成式.5. A妈妈叫他的声音,声音和叫这个动作是主动关系,故选现在分词。巩固练习:1. (2008 华师大一附中模拟考试 )Prices of daily goodsthrough a computer can be lower than store prices.A. are boughtB. boughtC. been bou

36、ghtD. buying2. (2008 华师大一附中模考 ) the little boy, the brave soldier kicked off his shoesand jumped into the water.A. To saveB. SavedC. Saving D. Having saved3. (2008 武威六中诊断考试 ) - How do you like my new car?- I like it, but would you please it on the road?Anot parkBnot to parkCdon't parkDnot parkin

37、g4. (2008 武威六中诊断考试 ) Compared to in the office, Kate found it more excitingto work as a teacher.A. workB. having worked C. workingD. be working5. (2008 学年山西省第一次月考 ) The time he has devoted in the past ten years thedisabled is now considered of great value.Ato help; beingBto helping; to beC help; to

38、beD helping; being6. (2007 北京市海淀区期末) A driver is asked to keep his safety belt while driving onthe freeway.A fastenB fasteningC to fastenD fastened7. (2007 重庆市高三诊断性考试 ) Unfortunately, it was too late any taxi, so we have towalk home.A. to beB. to have been C. for there to be D. for it to be8. (2007

39、长沙市第二次模拟考试 ) Some people against toll booths (收费站 ) argue that roads,once , should be free.A buildingBbuiltC having builtD being built9. ( 2007 南昌市高三第一次调研考试) I couldn ' t do my homework with all that noise .A going onBgoes onC went onDto go on10. (2007 开封市第二次质量检测 ) Generally speaking, the electr

40、ic-bike is not dangerous as , if according to the instructions.A reported; riddenB reported; ridingC report; to rideDreporting; to be ridden11. (2007 石家庄市模拟考试 ) He suddenly found the wallet he had just put in the bag .A missingB missedCto missD being missed12. ( 大连市 2007 年次模拟试卷 )-Can the project be

41、finished as planned?-Sure. it completed in time, we' ll work two more hours a day.A To have gotB To getC GettingD Having got13. (2007 年安徽省模拟卷 ) A 3G mobile phone, to be most useful and fashionable,is popular with some teenagers.A. consider B. considering C. considered D .to be considered14. (200

42、7 西安地区八校联考 ) Sir, do you have anythingthis afternoon? If there isnothing to do, I wonder if I can ask for a leave.A typingB typedCto typeDto be typed15. (2007 北京市朝阳区统考 ) to hospital in time, the patient infected with birdflu was saved at last.A TakingB Having takenC Being takenDHaving been taken16.

43、(2007 上海高考 )After a knock at the door, the child heard his mother' s voice him.A calling B called C being called D to call17. (2007 湖南高考 )As the light turned green, I stood for a moment, not _ and asked myself what I was going to do.A moved B moving C to move D being moved18. (2007 上海高考 )The Tow

44、n Hall_ in the 1880s was the most distinguished building at the time.A to be completed B having been completed C completed D being completed19. (2007 江西高考 )He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make themhis lectures.A interested B interesting C interest D to interest20. (2007 江

45、苏高考 )Whenever he was asked why he was late for school, he would answer carelessly, always the same thing.A saying B said C to say D having said1. B句中已经有谓语动词 can be,而且本句是个简单句,故本题只能选用非谓语动词,如果看不出句 子结构的话,则容易误选A。句意为“通过电脑买的日常用品的价格比商店的低。”动词buy和daily goods之间是被动关系,看不出动词与名词之间的关系,则会误选0过去分词本身就可以表示被动关系,不再需要bee n

46、,不懂得过去分词得用法和结构,则会误选C。2. A 句中 save 这个动作和 kicked off his shoes and jumped in to the water这两个动作相比,save在后,表示目的,不清楚动作发生的先后顺序,则会误选C或0救孩子是士兵的主动行为,不清楚二者之间得关系,则会误选 B。3. A would please后接不定式,并不了解词组的用法,会误选 C或而且would please 后接省略不定式符号 to 的不定式,没掌握这个用法,则会误选B。4. C 本句里的比较是 work as a teacher 和 work in the office ,是动词的比较,没看出这种比较的话,则会误选 A。5. B devote to doing, 其中 to 是介词,后接名词或动


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