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1、QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS任职要求Hotel Level:I -VDepartme nt:Rooms Divisio n酒店等级:一-五部门:房务部Job Band:9Reports To:Housekeep ing Supervisor, Assista nt Housekeeper,职位等级:9直属上级:Executive Housekeeper客房部主,助理行政管家,行政管家JOB OVERVIEW 职位概述«Responsible to keep outlets, public areas as well as offices and st

2、aff facilities clean and well maintained负责营业场所、公共区域以及办公室和员工设施的清洁和保养工作。At InterContinental Hotels & Resortswe want our guests to feel special, cosmopolitan and In the Knowwhich means we n eed you to:* Be charm ingby being approachable, hav ing con fide nee and show ing respect.« Stay in the

3、momentby understanding and anticipating guests' needs, being attentive and takingown ership of gett ing things done.* Make it memorable by being knowledgeable, sharing stories and showing your style to create moments that make people feel special.在洲际酒店及度假村?,我们希望宾客感觉风格独特、时尚现代和深入洞悉,这意味我们需要你:*亲切、充满

4、自信、体现尊重来展现富有魅力 的你。理解和预测宾客的需要、做到细心周到、具主人翁精神、把事情办好,保持专注当下。见多识广、分享阅历、展现你的风格来创造令人感觉特别的时刻,做到令人难忘。DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 工作职责* Clea ns and maintains daily assig ned areas accord ing to set sta ndards and procedures and daily work schedule按照既定标准、工作程序和日常工作安排,对分派区域进行清洁和保养。 Reports damages and malfu ncti

5、 ons to supervisor向主管汇报损坏和故障情况。* Maintains equipme nt in proper state of clea nli ness and repair as per sta ndard按照相关标准保证各种设备的清洁与修缮。 Stores equipme nt in appropriate storage areas将设备保存在合适的存储区域内« Report un usual behaviors / activities to supervisor«向主管汇报反常行为和活动。«Maintains detailed kno

6、wledge of hotel daily activities in order to assist with guest inquiries«熟知酒店日常活动以对客人的问询提供协助。« Maintains a thorough kno wledge of the hotel, public areas, rest rooms and surrou nds layout in order to assist guests« 全面了解酒店、公共区域、卫生间和周边布局等,以对客人提供协助。 Reports and submits lost and found art

7、icles to superior immediately4及时向上级汇报和上交与失物招领相关的物品。« Complies with hotel ' s health, safety and hygie ne policy and adheres con duct, pers onal groo ming and hygie ne sta ndards* 遵守酒店的健康、安全和卫生政策,并遵守个人仪容和卫生标准。« Atte nds meet ings and training sessi ons as required 按要求参加会议和培训活动。ACCOUNTAB

8、ILIT Y责任范围Number of employees supervised管理的员工DirectN.A.直接无In direct NA间接 无Ann ual Operat ing Profit/Payroll Budget 年度经营利润和薪金预算 N.A. 无Key Metrics -主要绩效指标 N.A. 无Decisi on Making Resp on sibilities (Decisi on Rights)决策职责(决策权)- Withi n the authority as assig ned for Hotel Band 9 role酒店职位9级所拥有职权范围Require

9、d Skills -技能要求« Commu ni cati on skills are utilized a sig nifica nt amou nt of time whe n in teract ing with others; dem on strated ability to in teract with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the bra nd and the Compa ny.拥有在与他人交往时大多数时间所使用的沟通技能;完全代表酒店,品牌和公

10、司与顾客,员工和第三方交 往的能力。« Able to speak, read and write En glish具有说,读和写英语的能力。Qualificati ons学历* Primary Educati on or equivale nt*小学以上或相当的文化程度Experie nee -经验* Some housekeep ing experie nee.* 有一些客房经验The statements in this job description are intended to describe the essential nature and level of work being performed. They are not intended to be ALL responsibilities or qualifications of the job.Employee Name (pr int)DateEmployee Sign ature此职位描述所陈述的只是该项工作的核心内容和主要层面,并非所有职责或资历要求。员工姓名(正楷)日期 员工签名Page 3 of 3第3页,共3页


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