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1、青少版 入门级 B Unit One That' s my father!.根据图片提示讲单词补充完整。1.andfaer2.gran_ m_thther7. csin4.mo_h5.nce6.nt答案:1.gr,th 2.d,o,er 3.fa 4.t,er 5.un,l 6.au 7.ou.讲单词和正确的中文连线gra ndmotherfathergra ndmothercousin妈妈爸爸爷爷奶奶阿姨 叔叔堂兄或表妹un cle三.选择an或者a1.gra ndmotherauntmother2.father3.gra ndmother4. cousin5.uncle6.moth

2、er7.aunt答案:1.a 2.a 3.a 4.a 5.a n 6.a 7.an四根据图片写句子father例句:1. Is that your mother? No, it isn ' t. That ' s my father.mother2. Is that your mother? uncle3. Is that your brother?Ji tv4. Is that your aunt?aunt四根据人物关系图填写(grandmother )(1. )(2.)(uncle)(mother)(3.)(4.)(5.)答案:1.gra ndfather 2. aunt

3、3.father 4.cous in 5. sister 6. brother五. 连词成句。1. father , my, that '(.)2. silly, be, don(.' t,3. mum, is, that, your, (?)4. isn ' t, is, no,.)5. that ' s , and, grandmother, my,and, cousin, my,.)答案:1. That' s my father. 2.Don ' t be silly. 3.1s that your mum? 4.No, it isn

4、9; t.5. And that' s my grandmother and my cousin. or And that' s my cousin and my grandmother.六. 根据图片提示完善句子。1. Who' s that mHe' s the k2. Who' s that wShe' s the q答案:1. man 2. king 3. woma n 4. quee n七. 根据句子的正确格式重写以下句子。1. shes My teacher?She' s my teacher.2. hes The Nurse

5、r.3. shes tHe dOctor.4. HE' s the KING?5. sHes thE quEEn.答案:2. He ' s the nurser. 3. She ' s the cfocttsr.' s the king. 5.She ' s the queen. 八根据文章内容答复下列问题,把正确答案圈出来。Who s that girl? She is short and thin. Her shirt is blue and big.And her sweater is yellow and small.' That'

6、; s my sister. Her name is Flora. And my name is Robert. Who is that man next to Flora? He is tall and fat.' Oh that ' s her father. '1. The girl ' s name=ilsraMax.2. Who is the man next to Flora? He is Flora fatheru'ncte.3. The man next to Flora is tall short.4. What color is girl' s sweateedlt is yellow .5. What color is girl' s shiyteilbvis blue.答案:1.Flora 2.father 3.tall 4.yellow 5.blue制作人:糖小馨


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