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1、初一英语通用版现在进行时综合练习 (答题时间:40分钟)写出下列动词的现在分词形式1. work5. dance2. sing6. run*3. play7. sit4. study8. shop*9. lie10. haven.单项选择()1. Whoover there now?A. si ngi ngB. are si ng C. is si ngi ngD. si ng)* 2. It ' s eight o ' clock. The studentsanEn glish class.A. have B. havi ngC. is havi ngD. are havi

2、ng)3. Listen! The babyin the next room.A. crying B. cried C. is crying D. cries)4. Look! The twinsnew sweaters.A. are weari ng)* 5. Don 'B. weari ng C. are wear D. is weari ng t talk here. Gran dpare nts.A. is sleepi ng)*6. Tom is a worker. HeB. are sleep ingC. sleep ing D. sleepin a factory. Hi

3、s sisters _in a hospital.A. work; work )7. Who _B. works; work C. work; works D. works; works En glish best in your class?A.speak B.speaks C.speak ingD.spoke)8. Mrs Readthe windows every day.A. is clea ning)*9. We .B. clea nC. clea ns D. clea ningmusic and ofte nto music.A. like; liste nB. likes; li

4、ste ns C. like; are liste ningD. likes; are liste ning)10. Sheup at six in the morning.A. get B. gets C. getti ng )11. On Sun day he sometimesD. is gett inghis clothes and sometimessome shopp ing.A. wash; do B. is wash ing; is doing C. washes; does D. washes; is doing)12. The twins usuallymilk and b

5、read for breakfast, but Jimsome coffee for it.A.have; have B. have; has C.has; have D. has; has()*13. are you eati ng?I ' m eatingmeat.A. What; some B. Which; any C. Where; n ot D. What; a()*14. TheyTV in the evening. They do their homework.A. are watching B. can ' t watching C. don ' t

6、watch D. don ' t watching()15. The childre nfootball.A. is playi ngB. are playi ngC. play the D. play a川.用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空1. The boy (draw ) a picture now.2. Liste n! Some girls (sing) in the classroom.3. My mother (cook ) some nice food now.4. Whatyou (do ) now?5. Look, they (have ) an En glish l

7、ess on.6. They (not ,water) the flowers now.7. Look, the girls (dance) in the classroom.*8. What is our granddaughter doing? She(listen) to music.* 9. It ' s 5 o ' clock now. We ( have) supper now.*10. Helen (wash) clothes?Yes, she is.11.What are you(do) now?-I(eat)bread.*12.It ' s nine

8、o'clock. My father (work) in the office.13.Look, the boy(put) the rubbish into the bin.14.he(clean) the classroom?-No, he isn ' t.He_play).15.Liste n, who(sing) in the music room?Oh, Mary (sing) there.IV .句型转换1. They are doi ng housework.(改一般疑问句并作肯定回答)theyhousework?, they.2. The stude nts ar

9、e clea ning the classroom.(改一般疑问句并作否定回答)the stude ntsthe classroom?, they.3. I ' pmying football in the playground.(对划线部分进行提问)in the playgro und?4. You are doing your homework.(用“作主语改写句子)Idoinghomework.5. The children are playing games near the house.(就戈U线部分提问)the childre ngames?V.根据汉语意思完成下列句子1.

10、 他'正在写一封信吗?”是的。” hea letter? , he.2. 琳达经常在晚上做作业,但她今晚在看电视。Linda oftenher homework in the evening, but sheTV toni ght.3. 今天天气不错。瞧!他们正在草地上玩耍。It ' s a fine day today. Look! Theyon the grass.4. 我不能和你出去了,外面正下雨呢。Iout with you. Itoutside.5. 现在我们正在吃晚餐。Now wedinner.初一英语通用版现在进行时综合练习参考答案4. study ing 5.

11、dancing9. lyi ng 10. havi ng1. work ing2. singing 3. play ing6. running 7. sitti ng8. shopp ingn .1-5 CDCAB 6-10 BBCAB 11-15 CBACB思路分析:2. 根据上句提示 八点了 ”可判断下句应用现在进行时。下句句意为学生们正在上英语课”,故选D项。5. 根据不要在这儿说话”可知祖父、祖母(两个人)正在睡觉”,故B项正确。6. 浏览题干可知句意为汤姆是一名工人,他在一家工厂上班。他的姐妹们在一家医院上班”。表示一种现实情况,故时态用一般现在时。 he是第三人称单数,故谓语动词用

12、第三人称单数形式works; his sisters是复数,故谓语动词用复数形式 work。选项B正确。9.根据句子主语 we可知动词用原形形式;often是一般现在时的标志词,故用一般现在时,选项A正确。13. 浏览题干,根据答语我在吃肉"可知问句询问 你在吃什么? ”,故疑问词用 what; meat是不可数名词,在肯定句中用some修饰。故选A项。14. 根据题干的后半句他们做作业”可知前半句句意为他们晚上不看电视”,前后两句间有转折关系,时态用一般现在时。故选项 C正确。川.1. is drawing2. are singing 3. is cooking 4. are; d

13、oing 5. are having 6. aren ' t watering7. are dancing8. is liste ning9. are havi ng 10.1s; wash ing11. doing; am eat ing12. is work ing13. is putt ing 14. Is; clea ning; is play ing 15. is singing; is singingIV .1. Are; doing; Yes; are 2. Are; clea ning; No; aren3. W/hatt are you doing4. am; my 5. Where are; play ingV .1. Is; writing; Yes; is2. does; is watching3. are playing4. can ' t go; is raining5. are havi ng


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