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1、必修 1 模块 1-2 period2三维学习目标:知识与能力:进一步复习掌握单词,短语和句型。从两模块课文中获取有效信息。过程与方法:学科自习上要做到自主学习,小组内合作学习和探究学习。情感态度与价值观:通过模块复习来巩固学生的基础知识激发学生学习英语的兴趣。重难点:重点单词,短语和主要句式。知识链接:笔记和必修1 的练习册学法指导:分析,识记【学习过程】知识点部分1 attitude n态度;看法;姿态an attitude to/towards sb./sth.对的态度,看法take an attitude to/towards sb./sth. 对于采取态度have/take/a go

2、od/bad/positive/negative attitude to/towards sb./sth. 对某人 /某事物持好的 /坏的 /肯定的 /否定的态度What's your attitude to/towards. ?你对 有什么看法?注意: attitude 后面的 to 是介词。2 amazing adj.令人吃惊的,令人惊讶的(1)amaze vt.使 (人 )吃惊sth. amaze (s) sb. 某物使某人感到惊奇(2)amazed adj.感到惊奇的;吃惊的(主语多为人 );表示人吃惊的表情、眼神时用amazedbe amazed at/by.对 大为惊奇be

3、 amazed to do sth.因做某事而感到惊奇be amazed that.惊奇于 (3)amazement n.惊讶to one's amazement令某人惊讶的是in amazement惊愕地3. attitude n.态度,看法;态势an attitude to/towards sb./sth.对的态度,看法take an attitude to/towards sb./sth. 对于采取态度4 introduce vt. 介绍,使相互认识;引进introduce sb.to sb.else把 介绍给 introduce oneself to sb.向 作自我介绍int

4、roduce sth.into.把 引进 a letter of introduction介绍信a brief introduction to. 的简介5 impress vt. 使印象深刻,使人铭记,使某人深感 ,盖(印等 )于 ,印 impress sb.with/at/by sth.使 给人留下深刻的印象1be impressed with/at/by对 有深刻的印象impress sth. on/upon sb.=impress sb. with sth.使某人对有印象,使某人铭记某事;某物/事给某人留下印象make/leave a strong impression on sb.给

5、留下深刻印象impressive adj.给人印象深刻的;感人的6. cover vt.盖;行走 (路程 ); (记者 )采访 /报导;包括,涉及Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years, grades six to twelve. (page 9)cover.with用遮盖 be covered with 用 覆盖,盖满cover an area of. 占地面积为cover a lot of ground走很长的路cover the event采访这个事件注意: cover 采访的是 “事 ”,而 interview 采访的

6、是 “人 ”。7.divide.into.把 分成 divide.in half/into halves 把 分成两部分divide A from B 将 (两者 )分隔开;在 (两者 )之间划分界线divide A by BA除以 B;B除Adivide(up) .between/among. 把 分给 divide.into把分成divide.into halves把 分成两部分注意: divide 侧重指把整体分成若干部分,破坏了事物的完整性,常与into 连用。Separate 侧重指把原来连在一起或靠近的人或物分开,没有破坏事物的完整性,常和from 连用。8. in other w

7、ords 换句话说,也就是说in a/one word简言之,总之keep one s word遵守诺言 (word 常用单数 )break one s word=break one romisep 食言,违背诺言have a word with sb.与某人交谈have words with sb.与某人吵架注意: word 意为 “消息 ”时,为不可数名词。9. nothing like什么也不如;完全不是something like大约;有点 (像 )anything like(多用于疑问句 )多少有点 (像 )more like倒更像是10.take part in/join/join

8、 in/attendtake part in 指参加有组织的群众活动,重在说明主语参加该活动并在其中发挥一定作用。如果后面不带宾语则不用in。join 参加 (加入 )某一组织或团体并成为其中一员。join in 指参加正在进行的活动,如参加竞赛、娱乐、 谈话等,主要形式为: join sb. in sth., join in sth.。attend 参加、出席正式场合,相当于 be present,意为 “参加,出席,到场,上 (课 /学 ) ” 等。11.fun(1) adj.有趣的 She is a fun person.她是一个有趣的人。(2) n. U 嬉戏;娱乐,玩笑;有趣的事,开

9、心的事注意: fun 作名词时为不可数名词,不可在前面加冠词。用在感叹句中时,前面要用2what 而不用 how。have fun 玩得高兴,开心(just)for fun/for the fun of it非认真地;玩笑地(just)in fun取乐;当笑话make fun of sb./sth.嘲笑某人 (某事物 )12.So have I. ( page 8)so+ be(助动词或情态动词 )+主语,表示上文肯定情况也适合于下文另外一个人或物。 Neither/Nor+be( 助动词或情态动词 )+主语,表示前面否定的情况也适合于下文另一人或物。so+主语 +be(助动词或情态动词)则表

10、示对前述情况的认同或强调,注意前后是同一主语时,意为 “的确 ”“确实 ”。注意:当前者情况的句中,既有肯定又有否定;既有主+谓 +宾,又有主 +系 +表句型,即谓语有多种形式时,用句型so it is with.或 It is the same with表 示。一、短语记忆1.nothing _ 毫不相似,完全不像2 be _ to 与 相似3 look forward _期待;盼望 4 _ other words 换句话说5 divide._ . 把 分成 6 be _ with 对 感到厌烦7make great _取得很大进步8at the start _在 开始的时候9 one

11、9;s attitude _ .某人对 的看法 10 be _by 对有印象二、即境活用 (完成句子 )1.Please _ _ _(采取正确的态度)your study.答案: take a correct attitude to/towards2.When in discussion,it is a good way to _several groups.在讨论时,把全班同学分成几个小组是很好的方法。答案: (1)divide the whole class into3.(用 nothing like , something like, anything like 和 more like

12、填空 )(1) 她看上去有点像你妹妹。She looks _your sister.(2) 它倒更像是一条蛇。It is _a snake.(3) 这门课程一点也不像我期望的那样。The course was _what I had expected.(4) 这部电影拍得是否和原著多少有点像?Was the film _the book?答案: (1)something like (2)more like (3)nothing like (4)anything like 三单选1.The man_the advanced techniques into China_himself to the

13、 peoplepresent at the meeting.A introduced; introducingB introducing; introducedC introduced; introducedD introducing; introducing32.His father_on him his mother's words.A learnedB studied C knewD impressed3. How was Robert's cooking? Oh , pretty good.I was quite_ .A admiredB interested C im

14、pressedD inspired4.The reporters of all the leading newspapers _the tradetalks betweenChina and the United States.A printedB published C coveredD interviewed5._ great fun it is to have a swim on such a hot day!A WhatB What aC HowD How a6.No one likes _in public.A to be made funB making fun ofC to be

15、 made fun ofD made fun of7.Like some of myclassmates, Icannot live upto my teachers'expectations;_ , I let them down.A in other wordsB after allC what's moreD more or less8. I don't suppose anyone will be willing to do it , _ ?A do IB don't I C will theyD won't they9.It is report

16、ed that the United States uses _energy as the whole of Europe.A as twiceB twice muchC twice as muchD twice much as10. Tom had a good time at the party. _ , and_ .A So he had; so did IB So had he; so I didC So he did; so did ID So did he; so Idid11.If Joe's wife won't go to the party , _ .A h

17、e will eitherB neither will heC he neither willD either he will12.How many pages have you_ so far? Canyou returnthe book_ metomorrow?A. looked; forB. seen; withC. covered; toD. turned; /13.You d better_ het good apples_ the bad ones.A. separate; intoB. divide; intoC. separate; fromD.divide; from14.

18、I mnot used to the way you speak to me._ I don want to continue ourconversation.A. In wordsB. In a wordC. In your own wordsD.Inotherwords15._ forward to_ her parents earlier, the girl decided to go homeby plane.A. Look; seeB. Looking; seeingC. Looking; seeD. Look; seeing16.Our teacher was disappoint

19、ed, for my answer was_ satisfactory.4 .far .not a little .far from .away from17.We ll go out for a walk after supper. Will you_ us? .join .join in .take part .take part in18.It is reported that the United States uses_ energy as the whole Europe. .as twice .twice much .twice as much . twice muchas2 (

20、用 amaze 的正确形式填空 )(1)It _me to hear that you were leaving.(2)To our _, he was still alive.(3)Weare all_at the_change that has taken place in ourhometown.答案: (1)amazed(2)amazement(3)amazed ; amazing(单句改错 )(1)We are really looking forward to see you again._(2)The letter I had been looking forward to coming at last._答案: (1)see seeing(2)coming came(完成句子 )(2)Asia and Africa_by theSuez Canal.苏伊士运河把亚洲和非洲分开。(2)are separated from each otherBAB5


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