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1、英语】高三英语副词提高训练一、单项选择副词1 You say you are innocent, but we have good reasons to think . A twice B overC aloud D otherwise【答案】 D【解析】【详解】 考查副词的辨析。句意:你说你是无辜的,但是我们也有充足的理由在其他方面作考虑。A. twice 两次,两倍; B. over 结束,越过; C. aloud 大声地; D. otherwise 否则,另外。故选 D。2 There is someone playing the guitar over there. Let's

2、 go and listen, shall we? Free entertainment, A anywayBthoughC thereforeD somehow【答案】 A【解析】【详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:那边有人在弹吉他。我们去听听,好吗?不管怎么说,这是免 费的娱乐。 A. anyway 不管怎么说; B. though 尽管; C. therefore 因此; D. somehow 以某种 方式。 anyway“不管怎么说 ”符合句意。故选 A 项。3 The college examination is easier this year than I have expecte

3、d.A fairlyBquiteC ratherD very【答案】 C【解析】 试题分析:考查程度副词辨析。 fairly 意为 “相当,还算 ”,是这一组词中语气最轻的一个, 只用于修饰褒义的形容词和副词; quite 为 “相当,或多或少地,在某种程度上 ”,语气比 fairly 稍强。 rather 为 “相当,有点,颇 ”,在这三个副词中语气最强。且只有 rather 可以和 比较级连用。 very 语气最强。句意:今年高考比我期望的还要简单很多。故选C。考点:考查程度副词辨析。4 Hi, Mark. How was the musical evening? Excellent! A

4、les and Andy performed and they won the firs prize.A skillfullyB commonlyC willinglyD nervously【答案】 A【解析】 本题考查副词。四个副词的意思分别是 skillfully 巧妙地 , 技术好地; commonly 一般,普通 ,通 常; willingly 自动地 ,欣然地; nervously 焦急地。上文问音乐晚会怎么样?回答是非常好, 自然 Ales 和 Andy 是娴熟地( skillfully )表演并获得第一名。5 Molly finally agreed, reluctantly,

5、to go and see a doctor.A afterwardsBalmostC otherwiseD somewhat【答案】 D【解析】【详解】考查副词辨析。句意: Molly 最后同意去看医生,尽管有点不情愿。 A. afterwards 之后 ; B. almost 几乎; C. otherwise 否则; D. somewhat 有点,故选 D。6 Computer-controlled robots are taking over jobs in many industries, which used to be doneA artificially B manuallyC

6、comprehensively D gradually【答案】 B【解析】【详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意为:计算机控制的机器人接管了许多行业中的工作,而这些工作 过去都是手工完成的。 artificially 人造地,人为地,不自然地; manually 手工地; comprehensively 全面地; gradually 渐渐地。根据句意,选 B。7 The aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow othersA blindlyB unwillinglyC close

7、lyD carefully【答案】 A【解析】【详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:教育的目的是教年轻人要独立思考而不是盲目地听从他人。A.blindly 盲目的; B.unwillingly 不情愿地; C.closely 紧密地; D.carefully 仔细地。与前面的 think for themselves 相对,故选 A。8“ Qianshui ” , w_h_ic_hmeans diving water, refers to someone who only views thepostings across the website but never makes any commen

8、ts.A deliberately B accidentallyC originally D ridiculously【答案】 C【解析】【详解】 考查副词辨析。句意: “Qianshui原”意是潜水,指只浏览网站上的帖子而不发表任何评论的 人。 deliberately 故意地; accidentally 偶然地,意外地,非故意地; originally 起初,独创 地; ridiculously 可笑地,荒谬地。根据文章的语境可知,最初的意思,即原意,即是 originally 。故选 C 项。9 Where did you spendmoney buyinggifts?A so litt

9、le, so smallBsuch little, so littleC so little, such littleD such little, such little【答案】 C【解析】【详解】考查固定用法。句意:你在哪里花这么少的钱买这么小的礼物?so 修饰形容词副词, such修饰名词。故第一空应为 so little 如此“少的 ”,第二空应为 such 修饰 gifts 。故选 C。【点睛】so 与 such 用法辨析。一、so是副词,主要用来修饰形容词和副词; such 是形容词,用来修饰名词。他们后面接 单数可数名词的用法如下: so+ 形容词 +a(n)+ 名词。如: She

10、 is so diligent a student. 她是个如此勤奋的学生。 such+a ( n)+形容词 +名词。如:She is such a diligent student. 她是个如此勤奋的学生。二、so和 such分别与“that连”用时,意思基本一样,但句型结构不同。在结果状语从句中, so.that.和 such.that.的主要区别在于: so 用来修饰形容词或副词, 而 such 用来修饰名词。但两者都表示 “如此 . ,以至于 . 如”: He was so ill that two nurses attended on him. ( 他病得那样重,有两个护士照顾他。

11、) He is such a good egg that everyone likes him. ( 他是一个大好人,个个都喜欢他。 )三、特殊情况1、如果名词前有表示数量多少的 many 、 much 、 few、 little 等修饰词时,只能用 so。如: Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. ( 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的 原因。 ) Don't make so much fuss over losing a penny . (别为丢了一便士大惊小怪的。 )2、当 little 表示 “小”的意思用来修饰可数名

12、词时,近似于small,这时只能用 such。如:There were such little children that they couldn't clean the house. ( 这些孩子那么小,不能 打扫房间。 )10 ( 2018 ·江苏 97 校联考) More and more people tend to go to E-libraries in that they have access to books when they are unable toget to a library.A accidentally B physicallyC volunt

13、arily D appropriately【答案】 B【解析】考查副词。 A. accidentally 偶然地; B. physically 身体上地; C. voluntarily 自动地; D. appropriately 适当地。句意:越来越多的人倾向于去电子图书馆,因为他们在无法去图书 馆的时候就能接触到书籍。此处指亲身去图书馆,故选 B.11 Pollution has reached high level in some urban areas, which is quite worrying.A disturbingly B slightlyC exactly D flexib

14、ly【答案】 A 【解析】考查副词。句意:在一些城市污染已经到了令人不安的程度,这是相当令人担忧 的。根据后边 which is quite worrying 这是相当令人担忧的,可知前边污染已经达到了令人 不安的程度。 A令人不安地; B轻微地; C恰好地; D 灵活地。故选 A。12 All rights reserved. The content above shall not be reprinted without permission,thanks.A arbitrarily B barelyC offensively D optionally【答案】 A 【解析】考查副词辨析。

15、A. arbitrarily 任意地; B. barely 勉强地; C. offensively 不愉快地; 讨厌地; D. optionally 有选择地。句意:版权所有,以上内容未经允许不准任意重印,谢 谢。 A 项符合语境。13It 's so hot! The temperature must be over 100 degrees!A very B wellC much D still【答案】 B 【解析】句意:天气太热了!气温一定超过 100度了。 well over 远远超过,溢出,泛滥。 故选 B。14 Another group of Qing Tombs sits

16、 about 100 kilometres of Beijing A at the westBthe westC to westD west【答案】 D【解析】试题分析:这句话的意思是:另外一组清代陵墓坐落于北京西边 100 公里的地方。 West 做 为名词的时候,前面要加介词和定冠词the ,如果是副词,不需要加 the 和介词,所以选D。考点:考查方位副词15 Do you think that the 16 thAsian Games were a success?-Yes, !It couldne'ttet rb.e bArelativelyB approximatelyC

17、absolutelyD fortunately【答案】 C【解析】词义辨析。 Relatively 相对的; approximately 近似地,大约; absolutely 绝对的; fortunately 幸运的。你认为第 16 届亚运会成功吗、绝对的,没有比它更好的了。选C。16 We have no idea why he left the company. Tom knows the secret.A lonely BonlyC separately Dalone【答案】 D【解析】【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们都不知道他为什么要离开公司,只有Tom 一人知道这个秘密。 A.

18、lonely 孤独; B. only 仅仅; C. separately 分别地; D. alone 只有。故选 D。17 Yesterday I was walking downstairs when I missed my foot and had a bad fall, nothing serious, .AevenB eitherC thenD though【答案】 D【解析】 试题分析:考察副词用法。 Even甚至,表示上下文的递进关系。 Either 用于否定句中,表 示“也 ”; then 在那时; though 作为副词放在句末,表示转折,意为 “然而 ”。句意:昨天我 正在下

19、楼,在这时我失足摔下,然而并不严重。根据句意说明D 正确。考点:考察副词辨析 点评:把相似、相近的词语或结构放在一起作为干扰选项,若我们基础知识掌握不牢就难 于区分。解答这类题目,关键是理解题干意思以及各选项副词的意思,可以像数学中的代 入法一样,依次把各个选项意思放入句子中进行比较,不难选出正确答案。18 The tea-picking opera developed from the tea-growing regions in Jiangxi where thetea pickers would sing songs while working.A luckilyB skillfully

20、C originallyD rapidly【答案】 C【解析】【详解】 考查副词辨析。 A. luckily 幸运地; B. skillfully 巧妙地; C. originally 最初,起初; D. rapidly 迅速地。句意:采茶戏最初是由江西采茶人一边工作一边唱歌的茶区发展而来的。 故选 C。19-I 'm readinCgu ltural Perplexity in Agonized Travel by Yu Qiuyu these days.-I like the book! It brings me to places I might not have been ei

21、ther in thoughts orreality.AregardlessB otherwiseC thereforeD anyhow【答案】 B【解析】【详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意: 我这几天在读余秋雨的文化苦旅。 我喜欢这本 书!它把我带到我无法在脑海和现实中能达到的地方。A. regardless 不管; B. otherwise 此外; C. therefore 因此; D. anyhow 无论如何。分析句子可知,如果没有这本书,他是不可 能到达那种思想境界,所以选择 “此外”。故选 B 项。20 I had wanted to rush outside and leave al

22、l the frustrating things behind butsomething told me I had to stay and face the music.A gracefullyB reluctantlyC essentiallyDdesperately【答案】 D【解析】【详解】 考查副词词意辨析。句意:我迫切地想要冲出去,把一切烦心事都抛在脑后,但我却不得 不面对现实。 A. gracefully 优雅地; B. reluctantly 不情愿地; C. essentially 本来; D. desperately 迫切地。根据后文 but something told

23、me I had to stay and face the music. 可知, 此处应为 “迫切想要做某事 ”。故选 D 项。21 She pretended to be calm but she was very nervous when she was being questioned.A in actualBas matter of factC actuallyD in a fact【答案】 C 【解析】【详解】考出副词辨析。句意:当她被询问的时候她假装镇定,但实际上非常紧张。 AD 两项搭配错 误,B项意为 “实际上 ”正确的形式为 as a matter of fact ,而副词

24、actually 意为“实际上 ”,暗 含转折含义。根据句意可知上下文是转折关系,故选C 项。22 Take-off and landing procedures have been tightened after two jets escaped disaster.A hopefullyB narrowlyCsuddenlyD practically【答案】 B【解析】【分析】【详解】 考查副词辨析及固定搭配。句意:两架喷气机差点出事故之后,起飞和降落的操作规程更 加严格了。 A. hopefully 有希望地; B. narrowly 勉强地,险些 ; C.suddenly 突然地; D.

25、 practically 尤其是,特别地。句中修饰动词escaped,要用副词形式。在两架飞机侥幸逃脱灾难(差点出灾难)后,起飞和降落程序更严格了。“ narrowly escape为”固定用法,意为“侥幸逃脱 ”。故选 B。23 Though scientists get closer to understanding why we age , the reason for different aging rates among individuals remains only understood A concretelyBthoroughlyC vaguelyD flexible【答案】

26、 C【解析】【详解】考查副词词义辨析。 A. concretely 具体地; B. thoroughly 彻底地; C. vaguely 含糊地、茫然 地;D. flexible 灵活的。句意:尽管科学家对人类衰老的原因有了更深的了解,但对于个体 衰老速度不同的原因,人们仍知之甚少。根据句意可知此处表示 “模糊地 ”,故 C 项正确。24 To celebrate her birthday, she invited over 500 people her beautiful ship.A board B broad C abroad D aboard 【答案】 D【解析】考查相似词。 A. b

27、oard 木板; B. broad 宽的; C. abroad 在国外; D. aboard 在船 上。句意:为了庆祝她的生日,她邀请了 500 多人乘坐她的美丽的船。表示在船上,故选 D.25 Tomorrow there will be sunshine with cloudy intervals so he has made a plan for apicnic with his family.A mainlyB occasionallyC roughlyD Extremely【答案】 A【解析】试题分析:考查副词。句意:明天的天气主要是晴天,但有时多云,他计划和家人一起野 餐。 A M

28、ainly 主要是; B Occasionally 时不时; C roughly 粗糙; DExtremely 极度;天 气好才会想到去野餐,所以天气主要是晴天,故选A 项。考点:考查副词26 The machine has been used for man years. Its no wonder that it doesnt work wellA regularlyB constantlyC frequentlyD occasionally【答案】 D【解析】 试题分析:考查副词的使用及句意的理解。句意:这台机器已经被用过好多年了,难怪它 偶尔会不好好运转。 A. 有规律地; B. 不断

29、地; C. 频繁地; D. 偶尔地,故 D正确。 考点:考查副词的使用及句意的理解27 He had planned to make a compromise , buthe changed his mind at the last minute A thereforeB otherwiseCanyhowD somehow【答案】 D 【解析】 试题分析:考查副词辨析。 therefore 因此 otherwise 否则 anyhow 无论如何 Somehow 意 为不知何故。句意为,他本打算做出承诺,但是不知何故他在最后一刻改变了主意。选 D。考点:考查副词辨析28 , more Asian

30、 politicians are voicing support for clean power. In July, 2019, RodrigoDuterte, the Philippines' president, also instructed his energy minister to reduce his countrydependence on coal.A SurprisinglyB UnfortunatelyCHorriblyD Promisingly【答案】 D【解析】【详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:有希望的是,更多的亚洲领导人支持新能源。在 2019 年 7 月,

31、 菲律宾总统 Rodrigo Duterte 也指示他的能源部减少该国对煤的依赖。 A. Surprisingly 令人吃 惊地; B. Unfortunately 不幸地; C. Horribly 令人害怕地; D. Promisingly 有希望地。各国领导 人支持新能源,所以这里应该需要褒义词 Promisingly 表示 “有希望地 ”,故选 D 项。29 These natural parks are important for preserving animals, which would risk dyingout.A merelyB ratherC otherwiseD mor

32、eover【答案】 C【解析】 本题副词辨析。句意为:对于许多动物的保护来讲,这些自然公园是很重要的,否则,这 些动物将面临灭绝的危险。 C项表示 “否则”;B项表示 “相当”;A项表示 “仅仅 ”;D项表示 “然而 ”。根据句意,应选 C项。30 Publishers don't see e-books as a threat to written books. , they see themas an opportunity to draw in a new generation of readers.A Therefore.BAnywayC InsteadD Besides【答案

33、】 C【解析】【详解】考查副词词义辨析。 A. Therefore 因此; B. Anyway 无论如何; C. Instead 相反; D. Besides 此 外。句意:出版商并不认为电子书会对书面书籍构成威胁,相反,他们认为这是一个吸引 新一代读者的机会。根据句意可知此处表示 “相反、反而 ”,故 C 项正确。31 The actor was waving his sword in the street and it missed the crowds around himwho were mostly his fans.A narrowly B nearlyC hardly D clo

34、sely【答案】 A【解析】【详解】考查副词。 A. narrowly 勉强地,狭窄地; B. nearly 差不多,几乎; C. hardly 几乎不; D. closely 紧密地,接近地。句意:这位演员在大街上挥舞着他的剑,剑勉强躲过了他周围的 人群,这些人大部分是他的粉丝。故选A。32 This car is environmentally friendly because it uses electricity instead of gas. , it is less expensive.A Besides B HoweverC Instead D Meanwhile【答案】 A【解

35、析】【详解】考查副词。 A. Besides 另外; B. However 然而; C. Instead 相反; D. Meanwhile 与此同时。句 意:这辆汽车是环保的,因为它用电而不用汽油。此外,它更便宜。结合句意可知答案为A。33 he has not pleaded the guilty.ASo far B AsCTill far DBy far【答案】 A【解析】【详解】考查 So far 的固定用法。句意:到目前为止,他还没有认罪。 So far 到“目前为止 ”,与现在 完成时态连用,故选 A 。34 Success means working hard, but worki

36、ng hard doesnmean s'uctcess.A certainlyB necessarilyC probablyD possibly【答案】 B【解析】词义辨析。 certainly 肯定的,一定的; necessarily 必然;必定; probably 和 Possibly 可 能的。成功意味着工作努力,但努力并不意味着必然成功。选B。35 You can apply for a foreign university on the Internet by yourself, or you can turnto a special agency which can do

37、it for you.A appropriatelyB alternativelyC additionallyD apparently【答案】 B【解析】【详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:你可以自己在网上申请国外的大学,或者作为一种选择,你也 可以求助于一个能帮你做这件事的特别机构。 A. appropriately 适当地; B. alternatively 作为 一种选择; C. additionally 此外; D. apparently 明显地。根据后文 you can turn to a special agency which can do it for you. 可知,此处表示

38、“作为一种选择 ”符合语境,故选 B 项。36 Food aid is not enough to the problem now.A only; solve; discussed B alone; solving; being discussed C merely; solving; being discussed D alone; solve; being discussed 【答案】 D 【解析】考查副词和非谓语动词。句意:仅有食物援助对解决现在讨论的问题是不够的。 merely 只能做副词使用,表示 “仅仅 ”作状语, alone 是形容词修饰名词作后置定语; only 做 副词,表示

39、 “单独地;独自地 ”,根据语境, alone 作后置定语修饰 food aid ,故第一空填 alone; enough to do sth. 是固定用法, to 是不定式符号,故第二空填 solve;第三空格作定 语修饰 the problem , discuss 与 problem 是被动关系,由 now 推断, discuss 表示正在进行 的动作,故第三空填 being discussed。故选 D。37 What do you think of her suggestion? it would be much more sensible to talk about it later

40、.A UsuallyB GenerallyC ActuallyD Exactly【答案】 C【解析】 【详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意: 你觉得她的建议怎么样? 事实上,以后再讨论这个问 题要明智得多。 A. Usually 通常情况下; B. Generally 大体上; C. Actually 事实上; D. Exactly 精确地。分析句意可知,此处应表示从事实情况来看,以后再讨论这个问题要明智得多。 故选 C 项。38 In a typical business situation, women,find themselves bumping their heads on "

41、glassceiling", a barrier to their career which may be impossible to break A as they might tryBtry as they mightC hardly as they tryD as they try very hard【答案】 B 【解析】 【详解】 考查部分倒装及副词辨析。句意:在一个典型的商业环境中,虽然女性有可能努力尝试打 破职场上的 “玻璃天花板 ”,这是职场上的一道无法逾越的障碍。 hard 为副词时 “努力地,艰 难地”,而“hardly意”为“几乎不 ”。本句是说女性努力尝试打破这

42、个障碍,所以不能用 hardly ,用 hard。 分析句子可知,本句前后两句是转折关系。当as 译为“尽管”时,只用于倒装语序结构中,语气强于 although 和 though 。这种倒装常把副词置于 as 引导的从句的 句首。如 Hard as he works, he can't support his family. 尽管他工作努力,可还是无法养活一 家人。分析可知只有 B 项正确。故选 B。39A dog 's eating habit requires regular training before it is established.A properlyBwid

43、elyC originallyD temporarily【答案】 A 【解析】 【详解】 考查副词辨析。句意:在狗的饮食习惯被正确地建立之前,需要定期的训练。 A. properly 正确地; B. widely 广泛地; C. originally 最初; D. temporarily 临时地。狗的饮食习惯不可能 是被 “广泛地、最初地、临时地 ”建立,故选 A。40 Although he did not do it, he definitely had some responsibility.A instantlyBdeliberatelyC accidentallyD casually【答案】 B【解析】【详解】考查副词。 A. instantly 立即地; B. deliberately 故意地; C. accidentally 意外地,偶然地; D. casually 随便地。句意:虽然他不是故意这样做的,但他确实负有一定的责任。故选 B.


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