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1、技术支持面试题目( Technical support interview questions )1 for 52 complement, 8 bit register.52 = 2 5242 2 = 110100,The most high expressed positive and negative (1 negative, 0 positive), so 52 is 10110100, plus 1 of its complement complement, complement 11001011 (sign bit unchanged), so a complement of 110

2、01100.2 negative zero complement = negative zero complement +1=11111111+1=0000000011111111+1 added up, that's =100000000, huh? Don 't you understand?A: This is indicated by 9 bits, and there are only 8 bits, 16 bits, 32 registers in the computer, and 9 bits in 8 bits. Only the highest bits a

3、re discarded.The main task of 03.OAA is to:04.ASCII is the abbreviation of AmericanStandardCodeforInformationInterchange, is used to establish each symbol in the corresponding computer code, this code is called the computer (code). Each ASCII code is stored in 1 bytes (Byte), from 0 to number 127, r

4、epresenting different commons ymbols, such as ASCII in uppercase A and 65 in lowercase, and a in 97. Because the ASCII bytes of seven bits, the high does not use, so then will be one of the highest position in this set are included in the code, becoming the eight bitextension ASCII (ExtendedASCII) c

5、ode, this code with a lot of foreign languages and forms special symbols, a commonly used code. 28 =256What is the difference between protected and private in 05.C+ class?The two is a membero f class access restrictions inthe match.In class if you want to use the class members, only direct use of ty

6、pe public, protected and private are not accessible, for external use, the two is exactly the same.But in the derived class base class, can be inherited by the direct access to the protected members, but cannot access membersp rivate restrictions.So in a derived class, inheritedbase class members ca

7、n access public and proected two types. In public derived, membera ccess inherited invariant.Protected derivative next, public and protected into protected, derived from private, private are all inherited.6 what is dynamic linking in C+? What is a static binding?Dynamic binding must include the foll

8、owing aspects:Member functions must be declared as virtualIf the base class declares that it is a virtual function, there is no need to declare it in the derived class.Calling mode:Calling a member function through the pointer or reference of an object, or calling through a member functionThe static

9、 binding room is completed during compilationThe 7 kind of narrative?Http:/ Si=1?8 what is called high-yield testing?I chose to find the fewest possible mistakes with the fewest tests9, preorder traversal, preorder traversal, backward traversal, what's the law? How do you line up?Root / right: r

10、oot->left->right left preamble sequence is: left->root->right after the order is: left->right->root, the mean is the concept for root node, root node is said first, second, third access means. Generally very confusing.Does the 10. unit test fall into the implementation phase? (don&

11、#39;t know the answer)Unit testing is the smallest unit of software testing.Unit test tasks include: 1 module interface test; 2 module local data structure test; 3 module boundary condition test; 4 module all independent implementation channel test; 5protocol?Module error handling channel test.11. w

12、hich of the following is not a connection oriented ()A.IPX B.HDLC C.TCP D.X.25PLPIs 12.Sysbase a relational database?Is. Server / client mode.Http:/ Id=490?13.sql queries count the number of queries count14., the relational model mainly uses two-dimensional table structure to express entity set, and

13、 uses foreign key to represent entity relation. A relational model is a collection of relational patterns.FifteenNT storage management: segment page section page?16. linear structures have (queues, linked lists, arrays), nonlinear structures (trees, graphs)These are the two logical structures of dat

14、a17. stack s, push represents stack operation, pop stands for deletion, and stack concept is LIFO18. cycle linked listThe pointer of the pointer field of the last node refers to the linked list of the first nodeVariables not allowed by C in 19.switch (c)Char int unsigned double20. c+ (cerr) class in

15、stance stderr, errstream, ostream, streambuf21. traversal levels of Graphs22. preemptive process / task scheduling23. TFTP (simple file transfer protocol) is based on the UDP protocol (Port 69), and FTP is built on the TCP protocol.Linux operation command- file directory operations - LS display a li

16、st of files and directories touch generates an empty file or change the file time CP copy the file or directory MV file or directory, file or directory name RM to delete the file or directory cat, TAC more, display the contents of a text file less display text files ln link whereis file search the p

17、ath where the find system files in the file system to find the specified file grep in the text file for the specified string PWD displays the current working directory CD directory switch MKDIR create directory rmdir delete empty directories tree display tree Chmod change file or directory permissio

18、ns chown change file or directory is the main information display - stat display the specified file related information who, w online display board The user record whoamI display user identity hostname display host name uname display system dmesg information display startup display process Du resour

19、ce consuming most current system displays the specified top file information system (directory) has been used to the total disk space DF display file system disk space use free to display current memory and use of swap space the ifconfig shows the connectivity of netstat network interface informatio

20、n Ping test network display network status information, communication between users - write to another message to all wall user board hired MESG display, set the information users to accept or not to accept the user's login information to other mail and pine mail client program FTP lynx FTP char

21、acter interface backup browser Compression: tar file, directory call (solution) gzip (packet compression decompression) file or directory, compressed file suffix compression for GZ compress (uncompressed) file or directory, compressed file suffix compression for Z bzip2 (uncompressed) file or direct

22、ory, compressed file suffix bz2 zcat to display the contents of a text file compression - other commands echo exit - displays the value displayed on a return to the Shell date output variable, the string (set) the system date and time display settings cal user login password switch Su calendar clear screen WC statistics text file line number, the number of words and the number of characters for the specified user operation passwd


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