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1、上学是否应该带手机不久前你班老师建议学生上学不带手机,你班的学生展开了讨论,请你根据下表总结讨论情况。注意:词数为 100左右。态度反对老师的建议支持老师的建议未表态人数 45% 50% 5%理由 在信息社会,手机是每个人的必备工具会影响教学,校内已安装公用电话Now in the country areas, there are many childre n out of school. I think one of the reas ons is that their families are too poor to afford their school. As a result, th

2、ey have to stay at home to make money to keep their families. Ano ther reas on is that many pare nts think it useless for the girls to study and they would not like them to go to school. A third reas on is that some childre n are not in terested in their less ons, and would not like to go to school.

3、In my opinion all the childre n in cludi ng the girls should have the cha nee to receive educati on. All the people should pay atte nti on to the educati on of the childre n who will play a very importa nt part in the future of our coun try.Now more and more childre n in the coun tryside are out of

4、school. One of the reas ons is that their parents haven' t much money to afford their school. They have to staynattboearn moneyto support their families. What a pity! And ano ther reas on is that many pare nts think it is useless for girls to study and they would no t like them to go to school.

5、On the other hand, some childre n are not in terested in their less ons and would no t like to go to school.I think all the childre n, in cludi ng girls, should have the right to receive educatio n. We have the duty to lend them a hand when they are in trouble. All the people should pay attention to

6、 the educati on of childre n who will play a very importa nt part in the future of our coun try.现在,越来越多的农村孩子失学了。一个原因是因为他们的父母没有很多的钱供他们上 学,他们不得不在家里赚钱养家。太可怜了。另外叶个原因就是很多家长都认为读书对女孩子没用,所以不让她们读书。另一方面,一些孩子对功课不感兴趣,不愿上学。我认为所有的孩子(包括女孩)都有权利接受教育。我们有义务在他们困难时伸出手来帮助 他们。人们应当重视孩子的教育问题,因为他们对国家的未来将起到非常重要的作用。Now in the

7、country areas, there are more and more childre n out of school. The reas ons vary. First, many of the pare nts are too poor to send their childre n to school and childre n have to stay at home to get money to support their families. Second, many parents think it useless for girls to study and they w

8、ould n ot like them to go to school. Fi nally, some childre n are not in terested in their less ons and would not like to go school.I think childre n are the future of our country and all the childre n in clud ing girls should have the opport un ities to receive educati on. Kno wledge can cha nge th

9、e life of a pers on. I hope more atte nti on will be paid to the soluti on of the problem, because childre n will play a very importa nt part in the future of our coun try.现在在农村,越来越多的孩子失学了。造成这种情况的原因很多。首先,许多父母太穷 了,无法送他们的孩子上学,孩子们不得不在家赚钱养家。另外一个原因是很多家长都认为 读书对女孩子无用,所以不让她们读书。最后一个原因是有些孩子对1 2下一页Environmen t

10、ai problems are beco ming more and more serious all over the world. For example, cars have made the air un healthy for people to breathe and pois onous gas is give n off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore, wherever

11、 we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. Polluti on is, i n fact, threate ning our existe nee.The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. Measures have been ta

12、ken to cope with these problems by the government. Laws have been passed to stop polluti on. I hope the problem will be solved in the n ear future and our home will become better and better.全世界的环境问题变得越来越严重。例如汽车污染的空气影响了人们的呼吸,工厂释放 污染的气体,山上的树木被砍伐,污水不断被排人河里。另外,无论我们走到哪里,到处可 见随意丢弃的垃圾。事实上,污染正威胁我们的生存。地球是我们的

13、家园,我们有责任为我们自己和我们的后代去照顾好它。庆幸的是,愈来 愈多的人们已经意识到这些问题。政府已经采取了很多措施去解决这些问题,法律已被通过以制止污染。我希望这些问题在不远的将来能得到解决,我们的家园变得越来越好。Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. With the developme nt of in dustry and agriculture, cars make great no ises and give off pois onous gas. Trees o

14、n the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. The whole ecological bala nee of the earth is cha nging. Massive destruct ion of en vir onment has brought about n egative effects and e

15、ven poses a great threat to man' s existenee.We must face the situati on that exists and take actions to solve our environmen tal problems. For in sta nee, new laws must be passed to place strict con trol over in dustrial pollutio n, the pub!ic must receive the educati on about the hazard of pol

16、luti on and so on. We hope that all thes 1 2下一页据报道,某地一女青年用假文凭通过公司面试,进入某公司工作.她工作能力较强,工作干得很出色,但后来假文凭被查出,公司以她缺乏诚信为由解雇了她.你认为公司这种做法对吗当今社会,我们应该看重诚信还是看重能力请根据这一件事件选择其中某一种观点,结合你身边的事例,写一篇100词左右的短文,谈谈你的看法,重点表述你 持某种观点的理由,题目自拟.参考词汇:文凭 diploma 诚信 honestyPossible versions:Hon esty Comes FirstI think it is right to

17、 fire her, though she is now good at the job. Her fake diploma does help her, but it also does harm to others. It is un fair for others to compete in the job hun ti ng. So I think hon esty should come first. Nowadays, more and more students tend to cheat in exams. I think it is a serious problem. Th

18、ough you can get higher marks and be praised by others, you should clearly realize that it does do harm to others and even yourself. The fame is temporary and you won real kno wledge.In a word, we should be hon est and hon esty must come first.Society Calls For Hon estyPers on ally, I am in favor of

19、 the compa ny' s decisi on on firing the woma n. Abilities are n ot alwaysthe most important, though one' s personality of being honest is what really matters. If the womanwas not laid off, no one c ould guarantee that she wouldn' t go against honesty any more.Society calls for hon esty.

20、 When accepti ng some one as a friend, one will always take his hon esty, rather tha n abilities into acco unt. However, some of our own actions are the same case with that young woman. Take cheating in exams for example. Have you ever cheated in exams Most of your answers to this question, I think, are "yes ” but the marks are really worth selling your hon esty outA fake diploma will not always help, but the pers on ality of being hon est will go with you forever and make things smooth. Now have you attached importa nee to hon esty Have you made up your mind to be an hon est man


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