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1、No. 11Nov. 2018第11期2018年11月组合机床与自动化加工技术Modular Machine Tool & Automatic ManufacturingTechniqueNo. 11Nov. 2018No. 11Nov. 2018文章编号:1001 - 2265(2018)11 - 0127- 03DOI:10. 13462/j. cnki. mmtamt.2018. 11.035No. 11Nov. 2018No. 11Nov. 2018发动机连杆双面镗孔专用机床设计李欣星1 ,黄娟J肖铁忠J罗静2(1.四川工程职业技术学院四川省装备制造业机器人应用技术工程实验室,

2、四川 德阳 618000;2.重庆理工大学 汽车零部件先进制造技术教育部重点实验室,重庆 400054)摘要:针对发动机连杆大小头孔现有工艺存在的效率及合格率低等问题,在分析传统加工工艺及装备优劣的基础上,采用工序集中原则,提出了一次装夹、双工位、六工件粗、精复合加工的全新工艺 方案。根据工艺要求确定了工件大头孔在上、小头孔在下的加工姿态,按机床中间设置夹具、前端上下料、左端粗镗、右端精镗的功能分配方式,确定了机床的整体布局方案。最后,详细阐述了专用夹具、专用主轴箱等专用机床的关键零部件的工作原理及结构设计。实验表明:单台设备年生产纲领为50万件左右,合格率由80%提升至99.9%,尺寸及形位

3、精度均达到或超过设计要求。关键词:发动机;连杆;复合加工;专用夹具;专用机床中图分类号:TH122;TG65文献标识码:ADesign of Double-sided Boring Special Machine for Engine Connecting Rod1 1 1 2LI Xi n- xi ng , HUANG Jua n , XIAO Tie-zho ng , LUO Ji ng(1. Sichua n Equipme nt Man ufacturi ng Engin eeri ng Tech no logy Applicati ons Laboratory of Robotics

4、,Sichua n Engineering Technical College, Deyang Sichuan 618000,China;2. Key Laboratory of Manufacture Techniques for Automobile Parts Mini stry of Educati on ,Ch ongqing Uni versity of Tech no logy,Ch ongqing 400054,Chi na)Abstract : There were some problems with the Dig nole and small hole existi n

5、g tech no logy of engine connecting rod, including efficiency and low pass rate and other issues. On the basis of analyzing the advantages and disadva ntages of traditi onal process ing tech no logy an d equipme nt,adopti ng the prin ciple of process concentration, a new process scheme was proposed.

6、 Using a fixture and duplex stations,rough and fine composite processing of six pieces were realized. According to process requirements,the workpiece process ing gesture was determined , which is big hole in the top and small hole in the bottom. The overall layout of the machine tool is settled,whic

7、h includes that fixture in the middle, loading and unloading at the front,rough bor ing on the left end and fine bor ing on the right. Fin ally,the work ing prin ciple and structural design of the key components of the special machine tools such as special fixtures and special spindle boxes were des

8、cribed in detail. Experiments showed that: the annual production of a single device was about500,000 pieces,the pass rate was from 80% to 99. 9%, and accuracy of size,shape a nd positi on all mee- ted or exceeded the design requirements.Key words : engine; connecting rod; compound processing; specia

9、l fixture ; special machine0引言发动机是汽车的心脏,是汽车的动力之源,其结构 复杂,且各项性能要求高1-2、亠丄口八丄“丰亠 件之一,其作用是将活塞的往复直线运动转换为曲重要部 的旋转运动【3-4 性能要求越来越高1连 工生产不术发提高对发动机体现在连杆尺寸公差、形位公差以及机械性能要求的提高【5】虽然国内的连杆产量已经能满足本土市场需求,但国产连杆的质量以及加工效率却远没达到令人 满意程度,使得精密连杆仍需要进口I"口某型号连杆需要大量生产,但企业现有设备需多企业现有 夹及换刀,无法保证生产效率及加工精度要求,需重新设计工艺及装备,满足企业生产需要。针对

10、上述问题, 本文提岀了一次装夹 、双工位、多工件粗、精复合加工 的全新工艺方案,并设计了机床结构,通过实验证明, 新工艺及装备既满足了大批量生产的效率要求,又保证了产品的精度及合格率要求。No. 11Nov. 2018No. 11Nov. 2018收稿日期:2017 - 12 - 29?作者项介:李川省科技支撑计戈女,(四川7资ZT?四川工程职业技术学院讲师,硕士,研究方向为机械设计制造及其自动化,(E - mail)543655412No. 11Nov. 2018No. 11Nov. 2018qq. com;通讯作者:肖铁忠(1986男我南新化人,四川工程职业技术学院讲师,硕士,研究方向为先进制造技术及装备,(E - mail)593712861 qq. com 。


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