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1、Lesson 36i .根据句意及汉语提示完成句子I. I felt nervous about the (结果)of the football match.2. (一个也没有 )of the suggestions are acceptable.3. He was third in the (赛跑)and won a bronze medal.4. The policeman tied the thief' s hands together with a绳子).5. Tomorrow is my sister ' s (第二十)birthday.n.用所给单词的适当形式填空6

2、. Jenny was five seconds (slow) than Danny.7. The girl kept (jump) 200 times.8. Few of the stude nts (want) to stay at home on Sun days.9. (no) of us like to go skati ng in win ter.10. We can use the knife to (cut) the water-melon.川.用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空one by one, early, do one' s best, fall off,

3、think ofII. Mary her bike and hurt her legs badly yesterday.12. Who can help me an English name?13. They came into the classroom .14. Jenny to jump higher, but she failed.15. He arrived ten minutes than us.IV .单项选择()16. My daughter is years old. Today is her birthday.A. nine; nin ethB.nine; ninthC.

4、nin th; nineD.nin th; ninth()17. Which basketball player do you like best, Jorda n, Lin Shuhao or Kobe? of them. Yao Ming is my favourite.A. NeitherB.No neC.AllD.Either( )18.Lots of fast food restaurants use the colour red to make customers .A.eati ng fasterB.to eat fastC.eat fasterD.eati ng fast()1

5、9. Huma ns can not make progress dreams.A.withB.withoutC.throughD.about()20. Mr. Wu keeps his students that the future belongs to the well -educated.A.telli ngB.to tellC.orderi ngD.to orderV.完形填空Yoga is a kind of sport .It is very 21 around the world now. Every one can do yoga .It' sgood 22 both

6、 men and wome n.23 do more and more people like yoga? It 24s to say.The short an swer is that yogahelps you to 25 in good health. For many people, this an swer is eno ugh,26 there are more if you are in terested.Yoga 2 in In dia about 5,000 years ago.At that time, people wan ted to be 28 and live a

7、long life, so this kind of exercise was born.Y oga is a san skrit(梵语)word and it 29“ tojoin together .There a3e parts in yoga: exercise, breathing and meditation( 冥想).Yoga can give you peace. And it can also make you feel relaxed and help you keep fit.)21.A. easyB.importa ntC.popularD.i nterest ing)

8、22.A. inB.forC.withD.at)23 A WhatB.WhyC.HowD.When)24.A. littleB.differe ntC.heavyD.hard)25.A. takeB.fi ndC.turnD.keep)26.A. soB.butC.becauseD.or)27.A. beginB.begi nsC.beganD.begi nning)28. A. healthyB.warmC.busyD.tha nkful)29.A. showsB.mea nsC.pla nsD.bri ngs)30.A. fourB.twoC.fiveD.three答案I .l.result(s) 2.None 3.race4.rope 5.twentiethn .6.slower 7.jumping 8.want9.None 10.cut川.ll.fell off 12.(to) th ink of13.one by one 14.did her best 15.earlierIV .16.B 17.B18.C 19.B 20.AV .21 25 CBBDD26 30BCABD


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