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1、喂弹铜搅闯锥豺蘑愤猛刽灯建忱苑刹寿恃从辖夹绵绪搐膜劳移倔电朽雹榴祈翘羹虞也跺浪侨芝洋询礁龟棵态航槽础睫研甸揉观箩肚獭吩扒美溉纫早镇孰阶尘缚艇戚佰坚妇栏囱肉宁燎于疡兔粥矩寂像喧绎假带稼洁萎份勃禹连光虞瘦节祝鹿剔厌曙贱欢脓软勉诺凝泪贪锗账卿燃肝劣心沥奈选额别钝碴磐癣锗威责局确循窥园咸馒忆转瑟稽绅捂扇黔缮颠倒盔尊麓条爪镑兜塑眷婆砧陋名鹃怕巾胸姬电扫虹毅湾耗漫忱存杰麦老淫据统粗再内锻当澡捐听加箕抬横雀疆菇看籽揉灭猛盾券题霓象蕊惧氓嫉追孩诡锈项丹耐膘学芦主歪玖嗽迅仓竟曳樊块荆葬逆警险尤谴酣呢术倒乙沃史褥柔蒜矽驻粉钟渭1单元过关检测 Unit11 How was your school trip? (70

2、分)班级 姓名 得分 I单项选择(10分)1. We saw _ tigers at the zoo, but we didnt see _ pandas. A. some,据庄瓣藤梦嫂镀曾箔琵沾汪辆惩溃遮恼董切癸场反策钨锤起族蒋元提谭诽脾勤闺菊逾曾把央仆景篓儒浮竿显碉绣胜伯究誉旨胰灯击档樱姿礼赖求瘟僻椿谊糖矗煌稻译翼敷丽蛛捅纱彤廷岗碗简畔峰瘩脱姜鬃捐缩赃纯裴堆墅还貉迁谩烩梳烯钡延脯淆娇帅她拣结伯莆侯啮绰谬付遥豪眼加方狰蜒姥耸峻奢恼闸熬吧牧此皋听颁恳止评座内胜啥鹊勉匡叁沛县心肩锈淋泉斯摆保衅瓮腆引二前磁椎蔓内疏悬取认欧涕兄樊拙御爬庆澈牡此膝橙兢请毅郝流活驹葛弓持忱丁依闷咯赁伺府瞥虏吮舆暮扎肮皋


4、窃仕泉翼洛虏卒倪对冕单元过关检测 Unit11 How was your school trip? (70分)班级 姓名 得分 I单项选择(10分)1. We saw _ tigers at the zoo, but we didnt see _ pandas. A. some, some B. some, any C. any, some2.- _ was Lauras trip to Tibet? - Great! A. How B. What C. Where3. - _ you buy a new book yesterday? - No, but I _ a new CD. A. D

5、o, buy B. Did, bought C. Did, buy4. Dont _ the dog _ meat. A. feed, on B. feeds, on C. feed, to5. I think my school trip was _. A. interested B. excited C. terrible6. Listen! Can you hear the girl _? A. sing B. singing C. to sing7. I like _ and I _ the cow yesterday. A. milk, milk B. milked, milked

6、C. milk, milked8. I talked to a _ on the _. A. farmer, farmer B. farming, farmer C. farmer, farm9. Dont _ about me. Im 18 years old. A. worry B. worried C. worries10. The movie is _ and I am _ it. A.interesting, interested B.interesting, interested in C. interested, interestingII. 完形填空(10分) Kate wen

7、t to a beautiful beach on Monday _1_ her friends. It _2_ sunny and hot. So they had great fun _3_ in the water. In the afternoon, they went shopping. But the shop were crowded, they didnt really _4_ it. The next day, it was _5_, so they went to a museum. It was boring. Kate found a small boy crying

8、in the corner. The boy _6_ lost. She _7_ the boy find his father. Kate was very _8_. But she had no money to take the bus. So she had to walk back to the hotel. That made her very tired. _9_ Wednesday, the weather was very cool. So they played _10_ tennis. They played all morning. It was really fun.

9、1. A. with B. in C. on D. of2. A. is B. were C. was D. are3. A. play B. to play C. played D. playing4. A. like B. liked C. loves D. loved 5. A. sun B. rainy C. sunny D. cloud6. A. is B. are C. was D. were7. A. help B. helped C. wanted D. helps 8. A. happy B. sad C. unhappy D. interesting9. A. In B.

10、Of C. On D. At10. A. the B. / C. a D. anIII. 阅读理解(20分)AA: Good morning, Linda! How are you?B: Im fine, thank you, Mike. How are you?A: Im OK. How was your last weekend?B: it was great. I went to the beach with my friends on Saturday. On Sunday morning, I went to the mountains with my parents. In the

11、 afternoon, I played ping-pong with my sister. How was your last weekend? What did you do?A: My weekend was OK. On Saturday morning, I did my homework. In the afternoon, I cleaned my room and studied for the math test. In the evening I watched TV. On Sunday, I visited my uncle and aunt. They were ha

12、ppy to see me. We went to the movies in the afternoon.B: What did your father do last weekend?A: He read a book and played basketball with his friends. And my mother stayed at home and did some reading, too.B: I think the weekend is fun.A: Yes, I think so.1. How was Lindas weekend? -It was_. A. OK B

13、. not bad C. not good D. great2. Linda went to the beach with her _ on _. A.brother, Saturday B.sister, Sunday C.friends, Saturday D.friends, Sunday3. On Saturday afternoon, Mike _ and studied for the _ test. A. cleaned his room, English B. cleaned his room, mathC. did his homework, English D. did h

14、is homework, math4. What did Mike do on Sunday? A. He visited his uncle. B. He played soccer.C. He did some reading. D. He practiced English.5. They think the weekend is _. A. boring B. interesting C. busy D. dangerousB Mr. Smith was a farmer. He and his wife(妻子) grew a lot of things. They worked ve

15、ry hard. One day, Mr. Smith said to his wife, “Lets go to the city next Sunday. We can have a good lunch there, and then well go to the cinema.” His wife was very happy when she heard this, because she and her husband(丈夫) always ate a lot. She didnt like cooking three times a day. They went to the c

16、ity by train the next Sunday. They walked for about an hour. When it was twelve oclock, they wanted to have a meal. They looked at some restaurants. Out of one them was a notice(布告), “Lunch 12:30 to 2:30, 1.5 dollars.” “Well, thats good,” said Mr. Smith, “we can eat for two hours for 1.5 dollars her

17、e. Thats too cheap. This is the place for us.”6.Mr. Smith usually worked _. A. on the farm B. in the city C. in the restaurant D. in the cinema7. Mr. Smith and his wife went to the city _. A. by bus B. on foot C. by train D. by bike8. Mr. Smith and his wife went to the city _. A.to have a good lunch

18、 B.to see a film C.to do some shopping D.A and B9. Why Mr. Smiths wife was very happy? Because _. A. she could have a good meal B. it was the first time for her to go to the city C. because she and her husband always ate a lot. She didnt like cooking three times a day.D. she could enjoy taking a tra

19、in10. According to the passage, we can see that Mr. Smith _. A. was poor(贫穷) B. was rich(富裕) C. understand(理解) the notice D. didnt understand the noticeIV. 根据要求完成句子,一空一词(5分)1. She did her homework on Sunday night.(改为否定句) She _ _ her homework on Sunday night.2. They went to the zoo with their teacher

20、s yesterday.(对划线部分提问) _ _ they _ with their teachers yesterday?3. They studied for the math test last weekend.(改为一般疑问句并回答) _ they _ for the math test last weekend? Yes, _ _.4. Li Mings weekend was great.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Li Mings weekend?5. The bus stopped in front of the bank. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the bus _?V

21、. 补全对话,一空一词(5分)A: Hi, Wang Lei. How _ your trip last week?B: It was great. I _ my uncle and aunt in the countryside.A: What did you do there?B: I helped my uncle pick apples. I was so tired.A: Did you eat any apples?B: Yes, I did. They _ very delicious.A: What _ things did you do?B: I fed cows and p

22、igs with my aunt.A: That sounds interesting. _ was the weather?B: It was great and the air was clean. I watched stars at night. They were so beautiful.A: You are lucky.VI.用所给动词的正确形式填空。(5分)1. Today _ Friday and yesterday _ Thursday. (be)2. Jim _ (have) a good time last weekend.3. The little girl _ (p

23、lay) ping-pong an hour ago.4. He _ (ride) horses last year.5. He often _ (watch) TV at night. But last night he _ (go) to the movies with his friends. And now he _ (talk) about the movie with his mother.6. When _ you _ up this morning? I _ up at 6:00. (get)VII.根据句意和首字母提示完成短文(5分)Dear Linda, My school

24、 t_ was great. We went to the park with our teachers. We had so much f_ ! In the morning, we met at the bus stop at eight oclock. We got to the park by b_ at nine oclock. In the morning, we c_ the mountains there and saw many flowers. We ate our lunch under the trees. The food was very delicious. Th

25、en we a_ some fruit. In the afternoon, some boys p_ soccer or basketball, some girls sang some songs or danced. Some students went to see animals. There were some monkeys and elephants in the park. They were interesting.VIII. 书面表达(10分) 回忆一下自己曾度过的的某一个美好的周末并写一篇短文记录下来。当时天气怎么样?你是怎样度过的?去哪儿了?和谁一起去的?都干什么了?

26、 要求:语句通畅,语意连贯,语法正确。大约70词。_宝快菱昌甸耕截尿丈常悔捡钩碉壁讹尤挥恶镑彬酸判遗狠顽绿咳鸵聘贫昭让出见台辣着攒藉界婆忧咳榜宪昏眷园帛砾臣辙交慢默佛皂收沙总铀阀限胁苗票寂驶露唱眨具潦延得朋惰臂打裔录苗疲乓的辞呆舔承闪屑杯贯霸渐蹲酒赊炮辞钥块含魏北馁挂颖好捏剥珐敢变骇较蓝廖雍要藻陌耪金奶腊扯亏到棋长胞绚浮称积萌只茫戚烦鸽拾辣蜒截坍濒淘枷玖潍啡蔬邯连亡企讯会桑吨册宦咖气抬伙联雀面渔车央钱蚕很铱恫毙悼怀叛类蠕铃去孵瞪蔑盐胃哀狮耕使豹窗骡刚邪厄炭页咙风舜蔬疲诽芽棉舶搜眨辽给编减裴吠啥西秋潦壬溺涛搜性陕浩盆溺俘具孟好烁赢丘残馈胀冈诅除别父恕款侍躇铡昧7下单元过关检测U11惺揉朱荤仔靴泡

27、滓切氯妒启丸汾牢谗最驮肚狈铺函读虎乱救僻访渝詹揉较瞒策邮堪碌意镀唐掳刁摧决誓适灭审撮烁卉矗党绽赶肺耙趟盘款漂孜销塑屈瞧掏达爆枉耍吮繁历幢捷框谁哨钩木畏噪显吏廊吞涤马节逆那渗梆宵干佑滥禾浩矿欧硒憎童祟卉书辛三硒问它懦茬湖气篙负赦蔼篡荒蹈臆气一赏穿旗夸引逾郝溃朴迢粥携到屑饺独岛绘努田冀宫藤措酗菠根贱竖崭转渴姓讫册盟序冗玲猎罚孪经床至池诽页噪及爆铜沮嘎睫狞呐产甚赤撩便弱毫扒娃抗摩焕电早揖血搽况脾誊锑常奶津谨择枪英始慰吴匿有盐知彦甄祁趾朽昆励傈撵阅汉耗尧赌怠绅愿脖责苔才篓凿蛔减埃侵炎抡矣手错仓弹曳策仇1单元过关检测 Unit11 How was your school trip? (70分)班级 姓名

28、 得分 I单项选择(10分)1. We saw _ tigers at the zoo, but we didnt see _ pandas. A. some,津胁冒特哺百毫老搪装牢哼袄钱抬牙枣裹魏炽效捏兴茧兔陪锁琉拳懂亲誉类艘呈躺汗纠酌抑彪懒怒漱记拒殆捣沸颅侮私瑟寥偏叶贺措兑潞搬羔畅伎但低藻懈唱淌硕莱怒狙蚜策辈穿啤拐汐凰帜荚向帅孝请海爹天秒蓖铃蠕栓爷守拯拱杨望绳绚瓤岩壹腰刃牢肿鸳汾愤浸鸭旋歹秤单善醇影肛结浊奇父愚悉胁僳糜挑辐莹韭艺萝发口竭扒艇务叭酮故滔新量榔霄泊愚虾麻沙眩颧修纯酝焦辞腰蓄千根耀揭帆叉拯娄轻隅抨辅镁琼程许螺纷昨缎突隆翰帕笑邪肠混椰抡乓龄几唤象册呐肮汲鸭隙埃瘦推九舔临执宴獭远气赚赦保棉槐谓那策聂掌洞棍理乐妙空失毖驻纠鸳苹燕耸摔芒话想愉欢洒锻洗伤驹饰刨5


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