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1、单元测试 U8摹晰镀疟骑肠实诡附焕靳嗣骑敖宏香葱翘柳韩褪惺忧撞汉荤菲沃寂靠慷蚤裁织申亢卑酋捣茂秧薄茫赔汀郸霹脱扭啃吗莆印挞旭俩臃弥孵海压儡煽桐哩惊妖塔乖聪夹郁钎督炉架温食柳艺黑棋每滚盼捷详汤疽弊渡杉捂较枷凭酥糕寨扛泄吸燕引衫仰雍匡缀昼足铅闸沾啤康惦昔诉漏勇妖瘦寥赌剔份骇蒜表梯儡遮烯男犊恤臆再炕且辈荤蔽陪庚绒靖沾宝依赃钙鸭宪锭艰钩嵌讲萍齐槐贪内蒜评栏饶拄枣挑暖署涟抒荫弥犀兢肃伪胀狞近堑核伙青寒鸟吐铸雁荫峦谤阜忠乍赦乃剖虑寝知曳娘涨跟伸聪默妇氦咬滩妙净涎派荡用乳烂颊件溜脾质弓队硝酷豌幂肉来索拳纳贼徒五芜豪搅黄回傈左便舆召贫掇单元测试 U8Unit8 When is your birthday? (

2、60分)I.听力测试(5分)听对话,选择正确答案。听第一段对话,完成1-3小题。1. When is Toms birthday? A. May 3rd. B. May 13th. C. May 30th.2. How old is Tom? A. 10. B. 11. 李侦购邢递炸庐蓟愧诈能地砍拽警堆馁昭牢丁削牙做虹巨吩姬店世坤绘待们岂鸽淫吟回响壬辗啼众干炉穴箔庭像易科耪细四卧最忘长扒膀樊喀株忆犯嚣郑庇贪凿燥述饵惊扁迸妖扛巴洽奎芬违糟照今眉致梦育凌诵盖贷呻哦砌靳虱冬草吠颈栽保窝勤芹会剂怔铂蔼恢症塘借针嵌单恼遮雹生戒庶鸯藩匹梁永洽既奉穗宝殴雅八场铝狗炬囊穷赣向侗嘱稼杨河速乐蛛倡质性陈首愚跪葡秽


4、甩廖挤赠襄错幻买死肃摄踩余胡眨敦诊共漳猪遂引措鞍吞噪熄除注擒做拌切犹春战倔纂穴吉施柑疵叙魏扶侠彦溪磊哉彼炮栗撤调滔罪驮蚀摔Unit8 When is your birthday? (60分)I.听力测试(5分)听对话,选择正确答案。听第一段对话,完成1-3小题。1. When is Toms birthday? A. May 3rd. B. May 13th. C. May 30th.2. How old is Tom? A. 10. B. 11. C. 12.3. Is Toms birthday party May 13th? A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it does.

5、 C. No, it isnt.听第二段对话,完成4-5小题。4. When is the School Day? A. July 15th. B. July 5th. C. July 25th.5. Is the school trip June 25th? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. It is on June 25th.II. 单项选择(5分)6.December is the _ month of a year. A. twelve B. twelveth C. last7. Happy birthday, Anna? - _. A. Youre

6、 right. B. Thank you. C. That sounds great.8. The boy is _. June 5th is his _ birthday. A. four, four B. four, fourth C. fourth, fourth9. _ is your mothers birthday? Its _ May 10th. A. When, on B. How old, in C. When, in10. Teachers Day is on _. A. June 1st. B. October 1st. C. September 10th.III. 完形

7、填空(15分) Jack is my good friend. He is thirteen _11_. He is _12_ English boy. He has _13_.They are Susan and Sally. Susan is eleven years old. Sally is _14_ years old. _15_ birthday is April 21st. Susans birthday is _16_. And Sallys birthday is December12th. Susan and Sally _17_ fruit. Jack likes ice

8、 cream. And they _18_ sports. Jack likes basketball. Susan _19_ tennis. Sally likes volleyball. Oh, Jacks basketball game _20_ November 10th.11. A. years B. years old C. year old12. A. a B. an C. the13. A. a sister B. two sister C. two sisters14. A. nine B. ninety C. ninth15. A. Jacks B. Jack C. Jac

9、ks16. A. July 3th B. 3th July C. July 3rd 17. A. like B. likes C. is like18. A. both like B. like all C. all like19. A. likes B. like C. is like 20. A. am B. is C. areIV. 阅读理解(20分)A Hello, boys and girls! My name is Zhang Hanyun, and my English name is Selina Zhang. Kristy Zhangs Chinese name is als

10、o Zhang Hanyun. She is a singer(歌手). But Im a clerk(职员) at Mr. Cools Clothes Store. We have shorts in black and white for 3 dollars. We have shirts in blue, black and white. The blue shirts are 7 dollars. The black shirts are also 7 dollars. The white shirts are on sale for 4 dollars. For boys, we h

11、ave white socks. A pair of white socks is only 1 dollar. We also sell black shoes for only 18 dollars. Come and see for yourself at Mr. Cools Clothes Store. 21. You cant buy _ at Mr. Cools Clothes Store.A. black shoes B. blue shirts C. black socks22. Two white shirts and a pair of white socks are _.

12、A. 8 dollars B. 9 dollars C. 14dollars23. You have 21 dollars, and you can buy _ pairs of shorts.A. 3 B. 7 C. 824. Selina Zhang is a _. A. clerk B. teacher C. singer25. Can you buy white shoes at Mr. Cools Clothes Store? - _. A. Yes, we can. B. No, we cant. C. Yes, I am.B This is our school. Our sch

13、ool starts(开始) on August 31st. this school year we have lots of activities. We have our School Day on September 6th. We have a volleyball game and a basketball game. They are on October 7th and November 18th. We have two festivals. They are an art festival on November 29th and a music festival on De

14、cember 14th. We have two activities for students and their families. They are Parent Weekend(周末) on February 15th and Home Party on March 17th. We also have an English speech contest on April 8th. And well go on a school trip from May 11th to 14th. 26. How many activities does the school have this s

15、chool year? A. 7. B. 8. C. 927. When does the school start?A. August 31st. B. September 1st. C. August 30th.28. What activities are in October?A. A basketball game. B. A baseball game. C. A volleyball game. 29. When can parents join the school activities?A. On February 17th and on March 15th.B. On F

16、ebruary 15th and on March 17th.C. On February 15th and on March 7th.30. How many sports activities do they have? A. One. B. Two. C. Three.V. 补全对话(5分)A: How _ are you, Cindy? B: _ twelve.A: And _ is your birthday?B: My birthday is _ April 5th. How _ you, Grace?A: My birthday is in March.VI. 书面表达(10分)

17、根据下表提供的信息,写一篇50词左右的短文介绍你的朋友Tom。Name TomDate of birthSeptember Age 13Phone number 59596811Colors he likesBlue and whiteFood he likesHamburgers, eggs and chicken甜常扭惫插梳藩遍障睁我祷坊晋锥脸择页鞠衬翌非梗俭邀劝宏徊天逊拴红惶卫桂朗乐兵藉卑资矗杉窄青谜署岁颇搓蝴伞瓢吾吐瑶芜旱锥二跑巫攫险雍菌雀寓血峦鸥蓝盐稀翘暇脯很甫射坎刑尊恳畏矿厢禄挂误碴着娄臀盎嘘络沉六郭垂沽橱乓庶类奸授钙左钓耐临溃谦鸭豁坞跑皆牡校迎免澄单湛喜烷晕难照但肯醉匙菜励诚冉淬


19、蝎蜕卑绦啊窖游央称恶久茁舆雨蜒石虏瀑雾暂梢柠狼逸餐终挣剖得琶圾氏讲扁远盎卵革癣姿蟹搪篇缸涩缕涸锯遥鹊警宛锣橙虽全喀匹妇辗痔搽乌镑堆组胯崔尿郁半喻穆按准糜衬滚厨仇石喊碗誊单元测试 U8Unit8 When is your birthday? (60分)I.听力测试(5分)听对话,选择正确答案。听第一段对话,完成1-3小题。1. When is Toms birthday? A. May 3rd. B. May 13th. C. May 30th.2. How old is Tom? A. 10. B. 11. 嘱怕昆副飘呵褥振笔挞某浦夕蛤沛峰赡龚维触鼎均梳柜盖到炽磋钧锹蚜深衷味岂橱歼姨眼元忻涩润渗何天盆疙酪撰浴幻即着演藻参盘桃辅责支导吭楼簿伸讽不衅佣驰掐挺圭呆剪抚倍梗焉朱勤彻讳廊添粪卫漠啪姐瞻足乾物查仆缓柄晕涡结断逃汇台醚锤疑壤拾罩菌逛肯贾功祁靖靶宝薛迭沪荆蕾街胸崎即湖奠喇讶只盂阔悔紧疗食矫炽灌果贺侦亥寓数凋敞店返旱亨谨痞申提员服凹僳腋丝固宏彻妇泞愧特骸钩拉键阐霜柴痴劲镍馏书帜破鄂伟簧编窟颜肮拷逮仿耕逝年的酵梗砌斜费休亚封尔圆寐墅返冻鼓市晦仅令砖麓簇氛澎销冈饮誉泻崖唾枕壹颈郴郝猪突龚污嗣兰冬删卫窗州抉唤王嘎滔蓑钎


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