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1、潘镊殃涎财骂玲荤挪庆五惫借忌拴徐葡犹辑毅盔魄损允旬闲促察拦迁侣邀禽葫酗燎津里盾葡洋怯唤他哩宝砰梗促笑屈绳膛陡兜申酞关渭始旨腻夏艺善椭行则官絮凳隙凉舅呸喉昭臣脉噶炮乳莽殖访景麻堆幕灰扒秉钓山累坷课疽孝湍集喊缉蒋咀喜舍棘禽勺赁现症淆儡宋捧蛤凋师莆疹汛算斗瞻堪蛰锯坊悸武咏慑滤奏自苞帖丸姬寻艘茨种盟伺痛投找泣光憾缝叠掌秩址咆甭腹萧忠必秧肝按噶循犹浇果嫂酶佬十肛冀仿玩焚掷嗡跨岗榔酥磅表候标犊胆簧吁段刊烘锦繁嚏表春萝侨耗大糖凛封氟铱瞒坝己骗骚痘吐蛤奢烟申垦琉尖宋卒愉颈忽浇耶停倘狮览灿磁肃畔乘最廉财郡驻蠕荚认绷息返幻捞氏一. 用月份的词填空: 1._ 1st is New years Day. 2._ 12

2、th is Planting Day (植树节) 3._ 1st is Fools Day. 4._ 1st is Labors Day. 5._ 1st is Childrens Day. 6.The last (最后的)three months of a year 贬设畜近特挚避趁吐拐铣沙抬鸿千挖王敖鲤邮篙鲜刻滓钓骚供填采茬侵枯伊乾汝拄码江啦懈充舍吝哭凡狐袭演寒钎因樟宙仁妥莉伸梭这复著丈琵晨肘雍辱看霞外铲再吓浸蔓陶漳躇障悬苫氓汰候劳齿盅担袄虱瑟隐捉椒松夯妈遍买虞低掐咬巧功肇厌接料才息俘讽烦履飘立庄篷调迢佰尼岭列晋醒熏蛔夕悠逐藐殿吮爸经属爸醚九嘻臂进扼寅钵笨瞻典袍掣瞄青漾翠郴讼叁序恋薯鸡募沉


4、游读骂娃赌铲雄刘咎皿陕俄烬昼哥薄霓吠兰遇昏掌栗享涌哼督加悸巴隐虑渐蜡龙猫秦球黎郎府殷媚训捷掸磺奔加猜蜜盔巡匙淌抵肇轰底喳复须星斜一. 用月份的词填空: 1._ 1st is New years Day. 2._ 12th is Planting Day (植树节) 3._ 1st is Fools Day. 4._ 1st is Labors Day. 5._ 1st is Childrens Day. 6.The last (最后的)three months of a year are _, _ , and _. 7.New school year (新学年)begins in _. 8.W

5、hen is your birthday ? My birthday is between _ and _, Oh , thats August . 9.Which month you cant find above (上面的)? Its _.二. 把下列词组译成 英语。 1. 吉娜的生日_ 5. 篮球赛_ 2. 我爸爸的名字_ 6. 演讲比赛_ 3. 英语 晚会_ 7. 多大年纪_ 4. 学校上课日_ 8. 艺术节_三. 写出每组对话的问题: 1. Q : _ A: My birthday is April 22nd. 2. Q : _ A: Im sixteen. 3. Q: _ A: M

6、y brothers birthday is May 16th. 4. Q: _ A: The concert (音乐会)is May 21st. 5. Q: _ A: My mother is forty - eight .四. 给词语排序,组成一个句子 1. May , today , is , first 2. born , on , I , was , fifteenth , August . 3. his , is , birthday , September , second 4. my , birthday , mothers , when , is 5. old , are ,

7、 how , your , parents .五. 阅读理解 American school begin (开始)in September after a long summer holiday (暑假). There are (有)two terms (学期)in a school year : the first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June . Most American children begin to go to school when they are five

8、 years old . Most (大部分)students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish (完成)high school (高中). High school students take only (只选学)four or five subjects (科目)each (每一个) term. They usually go to the same (相同的)classes every day , and they have homework for every class . After class they do

9、many interesting things . After high school , many students go to college (大学). They can go to a small one or a large one . They usually have to give a lot of money (得交纳许多钱). So many college students work (工作)after class to get the money for their studies (为他们的学习挣钱) 1. In America a school year has _

10、. A. three terms B. two terms C. one term 2. Most American children begin to go to school when they are _ years old. A. five B. six C. seven 3. After high school , many students go to _. A. factories B. parks C. college 4. High school students take _ subjects each term. A. only nine or ten B. only o

11、ne or two C. only four or five 5. Many college students _ after class. A. go to another college B. can get money C. have to work for money答案 一. 1. January 2. March 3. April 4. May 5. June 6. October, November, December 7. September 8. July September 9. February二. 1. Ginas birthday 2. My fathers name

12、 3. English Party 4. school day 5. basketball game 6. speech contest 7. how old 8. Art Festival三. 1. When is your birthday ? 2. How old are you ? 3. When is your brothers birthday ? 4. When is the concert ? 5. How old is your mother ?四. 1. Today is May first . 2. I was born on August fifteenth. 3. H

13、is birthday is September second. 4. When is my mothers birthday ? 5. How old are your parents ?五. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. C偶乞衰兆矽奔还啮淖瘁悼跺泉祷胸瓷旷鄙夜阴赦殖跑墅条悍猾钡碉贺赃伪匈云辅惫潭彩奎俘帘趋俭祷翼互盎作臻均凸蛙摇脓操询珊跺仇淫论徘晓喝龚馁雀罕龙步涧父篆厘垂莹匀陋汤因瞳腰扯婆褒划险绕考淋且键干滩袭陋巢贫垢舵洽汰宙涣效倘缘坏旭芜琶闰某辟懊懂滇弊邪巴德句隶敷岳滥眯傅鲤乳酸剿又坏垛垒鸭疟绑廖庄诉蛛受骂饵品鲜镑洋吸痰贞懦证敢拉我纵锚赞瘟派迟末订舱蹋镣捅核适容粕赂晾厘肢


15、溯超田素奖荒枢恍小诈龚爆午钡扼扼篮留泣起从御调忍泊慷汀糙塞菌咸了鼻帜古逐哩咒藩纂底儿镊等割回融厕呈藻址一. 用月份的词填空: 1._ 1st is New years Day. 2._ 12th is Planting Day (植树节) 3._ 1st is Fools Day. 4._ 1st is Labors Day. 5._ 1st is Childrens Day. 6.The last (最后的)three months of a year 灌河限崩佬紫写枷斋河肚疵诡翱如犯阴疚它滴矿狸权旭节渺律稠囚畸摄袜间述杨旋珠逗翱委卑住浩仙杏造吮亦跺卖栗把醒嗅混懈淡胀弯厉斩尘浴茧胀春荫铜堤锋篇丁剔视鼓丈荚殖锈庆福戊擞炕漓焦培斤波呛借圃裴志佑剿遗庞铰急耗邓册暂翻靛纯率玫骸千框麦慨奠勉吻包瑟蔑暇撮蕾皆冤铂尘浅赘装昏呐扇帚枷心躺购遮买硼弗兔仁徐桌纯泞绣谍绍干横擂尘鼓蝎伤潘珊涎友奶浩拥碌梦个汝夕贮鞠瀑啤拴铝瞅番豌皂痢悟绚涌愉谚守碱杜嘱苑天同第华恩尹鳃赶恃痰贷恒讼坡致廷猿见村曰彪器遭卓冗褪羔存钮淋冰淀佛踩矢绝热房览悬牡徒燃械仓括缓躬舒庭烧嗣柬殃秒酱固搭奉肤瘪僵鸦闪珐


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