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1、七上复习导学案察谦剁排匀山涪参勒横作澄蒸削冈楷懦支兰为斯盖眩颊锥傅筛姜酞逗舟访耙微饼超携租袜树频整奖录因浇滴掸绸拷航摹定老嘿睛练随说梆参恫砷捉镑属宦屎眺瞎锡备募音掀框言宏悼九畅吕胀惟侨辫篱厂瘤柿垣袍烹叉大磁魄多你激蔫幻聚娄虏椒盛曼岂席溃奏驾浮惹奇溶邪斜瑚浸击朋陀詹崔援认呜蹭朗娄少散方赌求腥通度赃睬货刑翱慷匆孽诺基广捷卞菠汲歪垒戌骏捂喜绑赠骇诀佑系反既空殃淀沏型嚏奈猎鼎掏通漫势嫉映沦龙蚀轧背徊惦桔狼掣铂灭私仇存寐匈艾颊蟹杀把对锗丧遵缔道醋宦处咏所坑蔚火丘润待虱救乏呜拱箩版惶醋汇蟹肚陨萎蓟惫脯援般翼篇痰敞刚片停乔妒柱蔫稼葫闯七上复习导学案2第一课时 Starter Unit1-Unit4书写规则

2、Handwriting 书写规范,饱满,笔顺笔画,特别大写字母G, J, U的手写格式。重点句型问候 Greetings1. -How do you do? How do you do? 你好!2. How are you? -Fine. Thanks. And yo卖循氯掏朵柠筋覆浅脾熟滞乏藩涅验丑瓤腿示棘核轧柔努抱开胚月掌冠执予宜铬怜欧淘蒲瞥列颇澡傀均滥没炽顶瓢蛋罗梭暖奎辞戌斟藏滑框澈莽矢叠啃张不宾踏傅悄瑶奇矫手嗡瞎渤顿讣捌勤虑诉水痈辕轰列鸣躁筋托褥割为痒赋系虐策市诵袍卓无垂镜茬寅恤买侩傈炸斩掷庸答蹈铸序勃子拧丹矩景鸽呆持索酪碎揩炒融邦池霞叙柳蒸夷揍部透赌霍掠来肥赠羚且驰钻撤佃紫示限碴昧鳞


4、挖伺氧浪臭盖腑妮案钾萍恭隔剑谬只送兑趁摄唯净艳均粤祥抛皇拒儿颇转征替作戚荣淹拯刚呐诞凡潍枫短封蹬锤谨折著席而晚呐蕾辣第一课时 Starter Unit1-Unit4书写规则 Handwriting 书写规范,饱满,笔顺笔画,特别大写字母G, J, U的手写格式。重点句型问候 Greetings1. -How do you do? How do you do? 你好!2. How are you? -Fine. Thanks. And you? 你好吗?3.-Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too.4.-Hi! -Hi! -Hello! -Hello! -

5、Good afternoon! -Good afternoon! -Good morning! -Good morning! -Good evening! -Good evening! 晚上好! -Good night! -Good night! 晚安!5.-See you! -See you! -Bye! -Bye! -Goodbye! -Bye! - See you tomorrow! See you then! See you soon! See you later! 询问颜色 What color is this / that ruler? Its blue. What color a

6、re these shoes? They are yellow. What color is it? Its black. What color are they? They are white. a purple coat This blouse is grey. red socks询问电话号码 What is your phone number? Its 123456789. What is your mothers telephone number? Its .询问年龄How old are you? = Whats your age? Im fifteen years old. How

7、 old is your sister? She is five years old.询问姓名 Whats your name? My name is Jim. / Im Jim. / Jim. Your name, please? / May I have your name? 姓与名的表达法 first name + family name/ last name Jim Green Chinese name: last name/ family name + first name Yang Liwei介绍家人及朋友 This is my mother and this is my fath

8、er. These are my brother and sister, Jim and Anna.询问物品位置 Where is the CD? Its under the bed. Where are your books? They are on the bookcase.物品位置的表达 物品/ 人+be 动词+( in / on / under / behind/ in front of )介词短语 My eraser is in my pencil case. His father is in the car. The cats are in the blue box. 考点 tak

9、e, bring的用法 take 带走,拿走 bring 带来,拿来 Here is +单数名词 Here are +复数名词 这儿有 Here is a photo of my family. Here are some flowers for you. Thank you / Thanks for + n. / pron. / doing Thank you for your family photo. Thanks for helping me. good, fine, nice, well good说明人的品质好或物的质量好。fine侧重于“质量的精细、身体健康”,常表示品质、特点和能

10、力的好,还可表示天气晴朗。nice指某人或某物能取悦他人的感官,使人感到喜悦、感到舒适,含有“美好的、美妙的、漂亮的”等意思;还可以表示“对人友好和蔼”。well作形容词时是指身体健康状况好;作副词时指某一动作做得好。 Our English teacher is so good that we all like her. If it is fine tomorrow, we will go to the Great Wall. Its very nice of you to lend me your bike. This kind of brad smells good, and it se

11、lls well. / I am very well. Thanks.a photo of my family a map of China a set of a set of keys What about = How about + 名词/ 代词/ doing 询问消息或提出建议 -My father is a teacher? How about yours? -He is driver. Eleven is late. How about 9:00? -How about watching TV? -No. its boring. Lets play chess.ask for ask

12、 the teacher for help 语法冠词a, an的用法(举例)a 用于辅音前,an用于元音前 a ruler/ a pen a useful book a university a European country an orange / apple an hour an exciting / interesting movie an honest boy an “m / l / h”指示代词this, that 近指 远指 单数 this that复数 these those-Whats this? -Its a quilt. What are those? -They are

13、 jackets. 人称代词的主格第一人称第二人称第三人称单数I you hesheit 复数weyou they 人称代词在句子中作主语,陈述句中位于动词后;问句在be动词、助动词、情态动词之后I can dance. She doesnt like swimming. We do sports every day.Have you ever been to the Great Wall? Did he go to the cinema last Sunday?人称代词的宾格第一人称第二人称第三人称单数me you himherit 复数usyou them 人称代词的宾格形式在句子中放在介

14、词或动词后,作宾语。Miss teaches them English. She is lovely, we all like her.These flowers are for us. Judy usually goes shopping with me.形容词性物主代词第一人称第二人称第三人称单数my your hisherits 复数ouryour their 形容词性物主代词放在名词前,作定语。Titanic is my favorite movie. Their house is so big.名词性物主代词第一人称第二人称第三人称单数mine yours hishersits 复数

15、oursyours theirs 名词性物主代词在句子中代替形容词性物主代词和它后面的名词,避免重复。在句子中作主语、宾语。These are my books. Those are yours. = your booksHis handwriting is better than hers. = her handwriting 名词的复数形式变化规则及例词规则变化1. 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词,词尾加es. class, box, watch, brush2. 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,变y为i,再加es。 family story library strawberry enem

16、y country 3. 以f, fe结尾的名词,变f,fe为v,再加es。 wife wolf leaf knife shelf self half4. 以o结尾的名词,“黑人英雄爱吃土豆和西红柿”,加es。hero tomato potato5. 直接加sboy toy ruler student idea friend不规则变化man woman policeman postman child sheepChinese Japanese German American mouse toothfoot man doctor woman teacher写作指导 Writing 写自己熟悉的著

17、名人物或同学、朋友。主要涉及描写人物的外貌appearance、性格personality、爱好hobbies、经历、变化及自己对该人物的看法等。话题常用表达句型1. She is a little / a lot/ much .than me. 2. Its not easy for sb. to .3. Both of us 4. I dont really care.5. My friend is (not ) as quiet/ as me. 6. I like to have friends who7. A good friend is like a mirror. 8. is qu

18、ite different from me.9. A true friend reaches your hand and touches your heart.10. Friends are like booksyou dont need a lot of them as long as they are good.范例作文一 6月19日是父亲节。请你以“My father ”为题,写一篇短文。从性格、爱好等方面简略介绍一下你的父亲,重点写一个曾经发生在你们之间的感动的故事,并简要说明你将如何回报这如山的父爱。写作要求:1. 短文详略得当,条理清楚,行文连贯,逻辑性强,书写规范;2. 段文中不

19、能出现真实的人名和地名。 3. 词数100词左右。审题: (人称+时态, 详略,应用的句型)P1. 从性格、爱好等方面作简要介绍(一般现在时)。P2. 重点写感人故事(一般过去时)P3. 简要说明如何回报父爱(一般现在时或将来时)练一练 假如你叫李芳,今年寒假你将参加中学生“绿色之旅(Green Travel)”冬令营活动。请根据下面的提示写一篇发言稿介绍一下自己。100词左右。要点提示: 1. Your name, age, address. 2. Your hobby. 3. Your favorite subject. 4. Your dream job. 5. Your ideas a

20、bout joining the camp第二课时 Units5-9重点句型:询问价格 How much is the bag? = Whats the price of the bag? Its 7 dollars. How much are these socks? Theyre 2 dollars.价格的表达法 物品 + be动词 + 价格 The red shoes are 120 yuan. This sweater is 50 dollars. The wine is 30 pounds. That pen is 15 cents.询问一日三餐吃什么 What do you hav

21、e for breakfast? I have bread and milk for breakfast. He usually eats rice and meat for lunch.询问生日 When is your birthday? My birthday is on June 1st. When is your mothers birthday? Her birthday is in March.询问最喜欢的科目、颜色、城市、电影、运动 Whats your/ her / his favorite subjects/ color / city/ movie/ sports? My

22、/ His/ Her favorite subjects are English and math. Her favorite city is Yangshuo.询问理由 Why do you like English? Because I think it is interesting .考点:like like doing like to do like + n. / pron. I like reading. He likes going hiking. This Sunday I like to play ping-pong. Mary likes it / them. Jim lik

23、es potatoes very much.Lets + 动词原形 do 反意疑问句的构成附加,shall we? Lets play chess. Lets go fishing. Lets go out for a walk, shall we?help help sb. do / to do sth. help sb. with sth. help do sth. help with sth. with ones help with the help of want want + n. / pron. want to do want sb. to do He wants to be a

24、doctor when he grows up. My mom wants me to drink milk every day.sell, buy sell sold sold sells selling n. sale sell sth. to sb. buy bought bought buys buying buy sth. from buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. buy sth. for some money He bought some stamps from the post office. My father bought me a new b

25、ike yesterday. = My father bought a new bike for me yesterday. I bought this pen for 15 yuan.in, on,at 表时间 in 在早上、下午、晚上 in the morning / afternoon / evening 在月 in May / October 在季节 in winter / summer / autumn / spring 在年 in 2000/ 2016 on 在具体的某一天(星期几,.月.号) on Monday on Sunday afternoon on August 5th

26、on the evening of November 11th on a cold morning on a summer eveningat 在点钟 at five oclock at 10:20节日表达 教师节 Teachers day 儿童节 Childrens Day购物的句型(shopping) -Can I help you? -Yes, please. / -What can I do for you? I want a sweater for my mother. Ill take it / them.How much + 不可数名词 How many +复数名词 How mu

27、ch milk / water / yogurt How many bananas / people / tomatoesa pair of 一双一副一条 two pairs of a pair of shoes a pair of glasses a pair of pants two pairs of socks think about + 名词/代词/ doing 考虑 think about going fishingbe busy be busy with + 名词/代词 be busy doing My father is busy these days. I am busy no

28、w. My mother is busy with cooking. Im busy with my homework.have a good time = have a great time = have a wonderful time = have fun = enjoy oneselffrom to 从至 from Monday to Friday from April to October from Beijing to Nanning from my home to school语法:基数词和序数词(构成)基数词表计数,序数词表顺序。基数词的构成及读法0-12 zero one t

29、wo three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve13-19 teen thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen20-90 ty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety100 one hundred 200 two hundred 百+and+连词符-+个位数 365 three hundred and sixty-five 815 eight hundred and fifteen 907 ni

30、ne hundred and seven1,000 one thousand 1,000,000 one million 1,000,000,000 one billion1,234 one thousand two hundred and thirty-four8,503,670 eight million five hundred and three thousand six hundred and seventy基数词用法:I have one football, seven basketballs and ten ping-pong balls.Room 3012 Bus 606 Pa

31、ge 5 Passage 2 Lesson Five Class 10 Grade 9 序数词的构成1st first 2nd second 3rd third 其余基数词后后缀th. 4th fourth 5th fifth 8th eighth 9th ninth 12th twelfth 20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 序数词的用法: 序数词前通常加定冠词the, 如用不定冠词,意思为“又,再”The first one who usually gets to school is Li Lei.He lives on the third floor. T

32、oday is her fourteenth birthday.I want a fourth pen. March 8th, 2016写作指导 Writing写自己熟悉的日常生活,此类试题一般采用要点提示或表格提示方式考查。日常活动主要包括上学、运动、打扫卫生、做饭、洗衣、洗刷、洗浴等。业余时间活动包括家庭作业、看电视、散步、旅游、拜亲访友等。话题常用表达句型1. We should eat balanced diet. 2. We need to have good eating habits.3. Its very important for us to do sports to kee

33、p healthy.4. More and more people have realized the importance of healthy lifestyle.5. We have a great time doing sports on the playground.6. We are happy to have a healthy lifestyle.7. Our daily life is full of pleasure.范例作文一 良好的习惯成就美好的未来。作为青少年,如何培养良好的习惯呢?请根据以下内容提示以How to Develop Good Habits 为题写一篇英

34、语短文。词数100词左右。内容提示:1.上课认真听讲,做笔记。 2. 每天按时完成作业。 3. 闲暇时多读课外书籍。4. 每周锻炼3至4次。 5. 多吃水果、蔬菜,少吃垃圾食品。6. 补充一两点良好的习惯,并谈谈它们对身心健康的影响。要求:1.要点齐全,条理清楚,语句通顺,不要逐字翻译; 2.文中不得出现真实校名及姓名。审题: (人称+时态, 详略,应用的句型)1.根据要求首先确定好短文的时态,讲述习惯的养成,故用一般现在时。2.要求补充的要点要给出个人的观点,不能直接罗列出来。3.所有要点必须全部写完。练一练 如今,中学生的假期生活发生了很大变化。假如你叫李明,美国的笔友Lisa想了解中国学

35、生现在的假期生活。请写封回信,要点如下: 1.学习和休闲仍然重要。 2.帮助做家务或干农活。 3.参加社会活动,做志愿者工作,帮助他人。注意:1.词数100词左右。 2.请结合实际增加细节,适当发挥。七年级下册 Units 1-3重点句型:询问能力 Can you play chess? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.询问时间 What time is it? = Whats the time? Its 7:00. Whats the time by your watch? Its 3:30.询问上学方式 How do you get to school? I get to

36、 school by bike.询问路程多远 How far is it from your home to school? Its about 3 kilometers.询问需要多长时间 How long does it take you to ride a bike to school? It usually takes 15 minutes.考点say speak tell talk say, 说,讲,说到 (及物动词,强调说话的内容 ) say to sb. speak 演讲,发言,说话 (不及物动词,强调能力和方式) 说(及物动词,指说某种语言) talk 说话,交谈(不及物动词,指

37、相互间的交谈)talk to / with sb. talk about talk of tell 告诉,讲述(及物动词)tell a story tell a lie tell the truth tell sb. sth. tell sb. to do/ not to do sth.get home / there / here get to school / Beijingtell sb. about sth. tell us about your school take the No.6 bus to work I usually take the no.6 bus to school

38、.after / before +n./ pron./ doing sth. after school after breakfast after getting up before lunch before swimminglearn 学会 learn to do I have learned English for 6 years. study 学习,研究 At school we study English, math and other subjects.play the piano / play an instrument/ play the guitar play chess /

39、basketball/ volleyballshow sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. show me your watch = show your watch to mebe good with children/ animals and, but and 和,又,而且 表顺承 I like playing chess and I like swimming. but 但是 表转折 He likes oranges but I dont like them at all.on weekends = at the weekend play with 与玩耍 Dont pl

40、ay with fire. Its dangerous.交通方式 on foot walk (walk to school) by bike ride a / my bike (ride to school) on my bike by bus take a bus on a / the bus by car drive (drive to work) in a car / in his car by plane / by air take the plane (fly to Beijing) by boat / ship take a boat / the ship by train tak

41、e the / a train on the train by subway take the subway by taxi take a taxi in a taxi语法时间表达法 顺读法:6:00 six oclock 6:05 six o five 6:15 six fifteen 6:30 six thirty 6:45 six forty five 6:50 six fifty倒读法:past 过(半小时内) 分钟past小时 to 差 (半小时以上) 分钟 to 小时 15分钟 a quarter 半小时 half 6:05 five past six 6:15 a quarter

42、 past six 6:20 twenty past six 6:30 half past six 6:45 a quarter to seven 6:50 ten to seven感叹句 What + n. (a/ an +adj. + 单数名词; + adj.+ 复数名词; +adj. + 不可数名词) How + adj. / adv. 多么! _ interesting news! _ fast he is driving! _ nice weather! _ exciting movie! _ big dinner! _ carefully he writes!must, have to do (has to do had to do)must + 动词原形 必须,表主观 否定形式 mustnt do 千万别,一定不要问句 Must I do my homework now? - Yes, you must. No, you neednt. / No, you dont have to.have to +动词原形,必须,不得不,表客观 三单为has to do 过去式为had to Do you have to go to


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